In Emily’s vision, the green glow exuding ominous and Death Aura is constantly zooming in.

Are you going to die?

Emily couldn’t help thinking.

The word death is no stranger to Emily.

Perhaps it was because of fear that Emily could not bear the huge pressure of study and gave birth to some extreme thoughts, or it was because of the memory of Emily’s mother, Mr. Victoria instilled in Emily since he was a child There is a concept of death.

In his description, death is a very terrifying thing.

This horror is not limited to physical pain, but also the pain of being separated from family and friends in spirit.

So until now, Emily maintains a deep awe and fear of death.

But the strange thing is.

When death really came, Emily’s heart was unexpectedly calm.

Fear and fear?

These emotions that should have appeared not at all appear.

At this moment, the only thing left in Emily’s heart is a little regret.

Never see Link again!

Not only did I misunderstand Link before, I also stabbed him with a dagger.

Now Link must be resenting me, right?

It’s just…Why would I start to doubt Link when I was bewildered for a while?

It is clear that Link and I are the most intimate beings, and it is clear that this kind of thing can be explained clearly only by having a good conversation with Link.

Why is this?

For a while, Emily frowned and fell into deep doubt.

And everything around it seemed to be waiting for Emily to come up with an answer, and it became sluggish.

After a while, Emily finally figured out.

Link has indeed changed, and it is a huge change that is very exaggerated.

It’s just that this transformation is developing in the direction of the number.

He became more and more cheerful, he became stronger and stronger, he became more and more… no need for Emily, the Guardian hidden in the dark.

This made Emily feel terrified and not knowing what to do.

Emily endured so many hard years just to protect the boy who was willing to stand in front of her.

Now the boy has changed.

How can this be done!

Although it is still good, but in case the boy no longer likes her in the future, he becomes no longer willing to stand in front of her.

Then…what is she?

Emily closed her eyes in pain.

She suddenly discovered that her previous so-called thoughts of eliminating Mike and allowing Link to return are all just excuses.

She actually just wants Link to change back to that’s all that she can only protect.

What a bad idea this is!

Why don’t you just die like this?

It’s fine to die.

Although this can’t make up for the mistakes I made.

But at the very least, there is no need to endure inner suffering anymore.

Thinking about this, Emily slowly opened her eyes.

At this moment, there is dead silence in her eyes.

And the green glow has become more dazzling.

At this moment, a figure suddenly appeared, blocking her and the green glow.

Seeing Emily’s pupils shrank suddenly.

This situation is a bit familiar to her.

The little boy at the time seemed to be the same as it is now, and he stood in front of her with no hesitation in the face of crisis.

“Justice partners should come forward in times of crisis!”

Emily still remembers this sentence that the other party often talks about in S2 .

And now that little silhouette is gradually overlapping with the back in front of her at this moment.

Ah, it turns out that Link has never changed!

Tears flooded from Emily’s red and swollen eye sockets.

Her lips murmured, and finally broke out a stern cry.


Next moment, the green glow is flourishing. Link’s body is like a piece of butter in a hot pan, gradually being swallowed by the green glow.


“en? Am I dead?”

In the midst of nothingness, Link muttered to himself like this.

He was obviously hit by a death curse just now, and as a result, the next moment appeared here.

Then Link can’t think of any other explanation except for his own death.

If you count the previous life, this is his second death.

So Link’s mentality is not bad, he just stood there for a while and then started again.

He has to search for this’world after death’.

After all, according to those legends, the world has Yama or Death after death.

It’s best to find Meng Po. He has been wondering what Meng Po soup tastes since a long time ago.

I couldn’t drink it when I died last time. If I have a chance this time, I must try it!

Another point is that Link still has some extravagant hopes, hoping that he might get a second chance to be born again.

Unfortunately, Link gave up after searching for a while.

Because this place is truly nothingness.

Don’t talk about Death and Yama, there is no sense of direction, space, or even time here.


Long sighed, Link sat down again.

Now he is a bit uncomfortable.

Although there is not much regret.

But why did I choose to pounce on to help Emily block her gun?

At that time, I had already run out of oil and the lamp had dried up!

Furthermore, this does not meet his definition of a’refined egoist’!

This kind of behavior is like the kind of thing that heroes do.


Link smacked his mouth in dissatisfaction, and finally came to a conclusion.

“It must be the body’s polysomia! It was the kid who had the same given name and family name with me who jumped out and grabbed the control of the body, which made me stop It must be like this!”

Link said with great certainty, but he tone barely fell, but a tender voice came from his side.

“That’s not right! This is a decision made by Big Brother!”


Hearing this Link is surprised, instinct He turned his head and asked.

And what appeared before his eyes at this moment was a little boy.

This is a very handsome boy. He has short bangs. He is squatting on the ground and smiling at Link.

His smile was so brilliant that Link saw the teeth in his mouth that had become a little sparse due to the changing teeth period.

“You are…”

Link can’t believe it, because this boy is exactly the same as the boy he had seen in Emily’s photos before.

“I am the kid you said!”

The boy rushed to answer, and his smile became brighter.

Link’s expression is a bit sluggish.

He doesn’t know what to say anymore.

If the soul of the original owner Link is not at all dissipated, but stays in this void world all the time.

Does he appear now and intend to regain control of his body while he is weak?

After all, body possessions described in other novels are always irreconcilable!

“Don’t worry Big Brother, I won’t do this!”

The boy spoke again.

And this also makes Link’s expression more ugly.

This kid can still read his mind!

But… if this kid isn’t here to grab the body, can he come out and so on again?

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