Link is having a lucid dream.

In his dream, he became the boy, playing in a huge castle.

To be honest, Link was very happy during the whole play.

Because this castle seems to combine all the good things in the memory of Link and the boy.

In this castle, Link can take Mrs. Foley, Emily and even Cedric and John to eat all kinds of food, watch all kinds of movies, and even get together. Playing games.

The only thing is that everything is fine except for one small defect is that Link always feels that someone is watching him secretly.

This feeling was not strong at first, but over time, it became so that Link could no longer ignore it.

So Link started searching.

In the dream, he is the founder.

As his thoughts flowed, everything in the dream instantly turned into nothingness, even Emily and Mrs. Foley were the same.

It’s just…this feeling still exists.

This is really unreasonable!

Link frowned, thinking hard in the void world.

However, at this moment, he seemed to see something moving under his feet.

Link lowered his head in confusion.

I saw on the ground below his feet, his own shadow was constantly waving at him.

It seems to be greeting Link friendly.


In a ward of the Hogwarts infirmary, Link in a cold sweat suddenly sat up from the bed.

The nightmare just now tortured him a lot.

But I don’t know why, Link always feels that the shadow in the dream is not at all malicious to him.

The other party seems to really just want to say hello to him.

Thinking of this, Link fiercely rubbed his temples, thinking silently in his heart whether to find a dream interpreter to analyze it.

At this time, there was also a fierce quarrel outside the ward, and from the sound, the two sides of the quarrel seemed to be Dumbledore and Snape.

This allowed Link to temporarily let go of all his thoughts, and curiously opened the Super Sensation Curse.

“…I agreed to this plan when you said that you could cure Link! So you just sit and watch Link get hit by a killing curse? Dumbledore! You must give me an explanation!”


“Severus, isn’t Link all right now? Our plan is successful.”

“What if it fails? How can you guarantee the dawl shot by Tom Riddle? Can the fate curse accurately destroy the Mike without causing damage to Link itself?”

“You know Severus, the Soul Body of Mike is related to Voldemort itself. Under this premise, Only Mike will be destroyed!”

“I don’t think so! You and I have seen Mike’s horror. He is impossible to come out and die so easily! To put it bluntly, Link is good luck this time. Otherwise it’s him who will die!”

“Okay, Severus, it’s better not to say this anymore, because Link is already…”

“Don’t mention Link to me, you are not qualified Call him by name! I shouldn’t believe you! I’ve seen you through more than ten years ago! You are a cold-blooded butcher, a liar! If Link…”

Snape’s words suddenly came to light Stop.

Because Dumbledore has pushed open the door, and Link on the hospital bed is looking at him with a’sure enough’ eyes, and there is even an inexplicable smile on the corner of his mouth.

Seeing that the muscles on Snape’s face twitched unnaturally, and immediately after Link saw it suddenly turned into a black shadow, he fled the infirmary in a blink of an eye.

“ha ha ha ha, Link, Severus really cares about you.”

Looking at Snape’s back, Dumbledore said with a smile.

Hearing this Link is the laughter of each minding their own business.

Snape’s expression just now was really funny.

As for Snape’s relationship with him, Link knew about it a year ago, so Dumbledore didn’t need to remind him.

And after laughing for a while, Link also made a straight face and said:

“Professor Dumbledore, you just said that you deliberately let me be hit by a killing curse. In? And… what do you mean by the relationship between Mike and Voldemort.”

He heard clearly the quarrel between Snape and Dumbledore just now, especially the latter, Link felt like he It is necessary to ask Dumbledore to understand.

Dumbledore hearing this was silent for a long time before saying solemnly:

“I’m sorry, Link.”

“I don’t need your apology, I just want Find out what you mean by “relationship”.”

“You will know in the future, we are doing this for your good.” Dumbledore said sincerely, “And now your polysurgery is already It’s completely recovered completely, and the relationship between you and Tom has been severed. Isn’t that important?”

As soon as this statement came out, Link’s fists were tightly clenched.

Dumbledore may not know, but he knows it.

It was the soul of the original owner Link who was wiped out by the Death Curse.

As for that Mike.

If he really exists, then he should be well hidden in his body now!

Took a deep breath, Link will continue to ask.

But before Link could speak, Dumbledore took out a small wooden box from his robe and placed it in front of Link.

“Okay, let’s end this topic. I came here and brought you a gift.”

Dumbledore opened the lid of the wooden box after he said that.

Immediately afterwards, a group of dark shadows rushed out of it, and escaped into Link’s quilt.


Link said a little unexpectedly, and then stretched out his hand to take out the little snake that had been wrapped around his calf.

This is the first time he has really seen Arkham after shrinking.

Compared with the previous huge monster, Arkham at this time looks like the most common and cheapest white snake in the reptile pet shop, or the one that has not grown up.

Because of the Parseltongue ability, after staring for a while, Link still thinks that Arkham looks cute now.

“Wu! Long time no see Arkham!”

After looking carefully for a while, Link smiled and greeted with Parseltongue.

Being able to see Arkham again gave Link’s a feeling that his efforts this year were not in vain, and his mood became cheerful.

However, after hearing this, Arkham wrapped Link’s palm and hid his head in Link’s palm before eagerly said:

“Link Link! Take me away! I never want to see this old fogey again! He is really…too terrifying!”

The smile on Link’s face disappeared instantly. He turned his head blankly and looked towards Dumbledore.

This made Dumbledore couldn’t help but swallow, and after a while, he asked nervously:

“Uh…he’s talking bad about me?”

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