Link does not deny that all this Richard said, although clich茅d, is indeed very inspirational and touching.

But I don鈥檛 know why, what Richard said always makes Link feel strange.

It’s as if Richard is not a wizard who graduated from Hogwarts, but a certain noble ideal of going back wherever he comes from, and inspiring to build the 985 of the Zhan Family Township in his hometown. , 211 high-tech college student village official.

This sense of sight is far more exaggerated than his making the magic tower look like an office building.

“Didn鈥檛 you guys come to review the cultivation of magical creatures? Or, let me accompany you to visit this tower?”

It seems that you haven鈥檛 seen Link. With a smile on his face, Richard stood up and proposed.

And hearing this Newt and Keitelburn even Rove and Emily ordered nodded.

Let鈥檚 not say that this was originally their job. They were also very curious about how many magical creatures Richard created and how to create miraculous places.

So, led by Richard with a smile on his face, Link entire group walked into the elevator again and began to visit the entire tower.

Perhaps to maintain concealment, the tower is actually only 12 stories, which is not very high.

And these 12 floors are also Richard’s living area.

In addition to the empty 1st floor and the 12th floor, which is responsible for receiving guests and offices, there are also dedicated living floors, garden floors, and even a variety of muggle world and Wizarding World comics, books, Entertainment room with music and games.

This tall tower is simply a super large villa, or a special edition of the Fei Mansion.

Besides these 12 floors, there is a huge basement under the tower.

This is the most critical existence of the entire tower, and it is also where Richard usually does magic research and cultivates magical creatures.

Under Richard’s introduction, one after another unimaginable magical creatures appeared in front of Link and the others.

Among which is included is a kind of “Earth Beast”, which is tens of meters long and carries a giant earthworm similar to the drill bit organ of a shield machine on its head.

It is said that this kind of’earth beast’ can survive in the surrounding frozen soil and rock walls with no difficulty, and swallow these useless rocks and waste soil within the body for digestion and reorganization, thereby excreting Out of Link, the black earth they saw in the miraculous land outside.

There is also a kind of floating creature called’fire puffball’.

These guys look like very ordinary giant red pompoms.

But they have inherited part of the characteristics of the fire gray snake.

With the energy provided by the inner core, the outer puff hair can continuously and efficiently dissipate heat, thereby increasing the surrounding temperature.

Apart from this Link, I also saw many others here, such as the giant wolf previously used for hunting and defense, the weird cattle and sheep beasts used to fetch meat, the special cultivated version of potatoes and fruits, etc. .

These are the keys to Richard’s construction of this tower and the place of wonder.

After a lap of browsing, the relationship between Newt and Keitelburn and Richard is obviously better.

Their three people gathered together talking and laughing to discuss the topic of the cultivation of magical creatures, which seemed very harmonious.

On the other side, Link is continuing to visit this cultivation laboratory with Emily and Rove.

“This is so beautiful!”

Emily said as she looked at the giant wolf who was still in the cage and was still in the stage of a small milk dog.

“It’s pretty cute.”

Link hearing this also echoed.

The giant wolves at this time are just like most of the giant pet cubs. They are furry and very cute.

This is also the only magical creature that Link can see in the entire laboratory.

Although the rest of the creatures have very practical abilities at first glance, in fact, for the wizard, they are all tasteless chicken ribs.

Link does not deny that Richard is a talented and creative cultivator of magical creatures, but in terms of spells, he is really bad.

In fact, there are many hidden land of peace and prosperity like the land of miracles in the magic circle.

For example, like Foley Castle, or Emily鈥檚 mansion.

This type of area generally speaking not only has a variety of complete security guard spells, but also has anti-detection spells such as Muggle-Repelling Charm, Unmarkable Charm, and Red Loyalty Charm attached. (Note 1)

Under the protection of so many enchantments, not to mention the muggle can’t find it, even the Ministry of Magic can’t detect the location of these areas at all.

And Richard鈥檚 miracle land is so simple that there are no anti-detection methods.

This is why it was discovered by the Ministry of Magic.

shook the head, Link stopped thinking about it, and continued to accompany Emily and Rove around the laboratory before going with Newt and the others to meet.

But to his surprise, the atmosphere of the three-person room that was still talking and laughing at the moment has become serious and low.

“Professor, what’s the matter?”

Link instinctively asked Kettleborn who was closer to him.

The latter, hearing this, said with some enthusiasm:

“Go and ask Mr. Scamander yourself!”

Link was taken aback. Keitelburn was so angry that he called Newt to be Mr. Scamander, and it seemed that he was really angry.

After that, before Link turned his head, Newt shouted to Link equally outrageously:

“Your Professor Kettleburn thinks that Mr. Richard Seller has no problems at all. , Proposed to me to end any investigation of him now. Link! Do you think this is possible? This is about the cultivation of illegal magical creatures! Or the task assigned to me by the Ministry of Magic! We don鈥檛 know if we don鈥檛 investigate it!”

“Come on! We are here to travel this time, aren’t we? Why do you have to hold Richard and hold on?” Professor Kettleburn continued, “We have obviously checked, the problem here is Not big at all! Can’t you let him go?”

“No! We must truthfully report the situation here to the Ministry of Magic! This is called responsibility!”

“Responsibility? Because of this so-called responsibility, you have become the public enemy of all magical creature scholars! Because of the responsibility, Ministry of Magic will throw you all errands! It’s been so long, don’t you have a chance? Repent?”



Looking at the two people arguing more and more intensely, Link and Emily They are all stunned.

In fact, from the beginning of the journey, they have already discovered that Professor Kettleburn and Newt have something to do with them.

But looking at the current situation, the contradiction between them seems far from being able to describe it as’not dealt with’.

And at this moment, the two arguing at the same time looked towards Link and said in the same way:

“Link, what do you think!?”


“That’s right!” Professor Kettleburn glared at Newt and said, “Do you think we are going to end the investigation and let your Senior Richard go, or report truthfully? He was sent to Azkaban!”

hearing this, Link, who was inexplicably affected, blinked his eyes twice, but he made a decision in his heart.

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