“Richard, let me remind you again, that Old Mister’s name is Newt Scamander.”

“The Scamander family? I have never heard of it. Richard continued coldly said, “I’m afraid he is not even the Holy Twenty-Eight Clan? It is often such little aristocrats that are the most disgusting! They claim to be noble aristocrats but they don’t have enough strength. Could it be to insult the weak!”

hearing this Link scratched his head, then turned his head and looked towards Keitelburn said:

“Professor, you haven’t introduced him to Si Mr. Kamand?”

“Of course I introduced it, but I just said Newt’s full name without mentioning his long list of achievements.” Keitelburn’s face has some muscles. Twitching, “After all, it would be too long to say it all, and that would make Newt feel very embarrassed.” Link sighed, he now knows where the problem is.

Emotional Richard did not recognize Newt’s identity at all, so he would do this after receiving Newt’s unprovoked targeting and Newt’s fanatical attitude towards magical creatures. Things can be understood.

shook the head, Link continued to say to Richard:

“Richard, you should have read “Where is the Magical Creature”?”

“Of course, that is my enlightenment reading!”

“Do you know who the author of “Where is the Magical Creature” is?”

“You are insulting me Is the love of magical creatures? Of course the author of “Where is the magical creature” is New…”

Richard said angrily, but just halfway through, his eyes suddenly widened stand up.

After that, he quickly glanced at Newt, then at Keitelburn, and then asked in disbelief after going back and forth several times:

” Don’t you mean to say that the old man is…”

“Yes, that’s Newt Scamander, the author of “Where is the Magical Creature”, Order of Merlin Level 1 Medal recipient, the creator of the Ministry of Magic werewolf containment office, the proponent of the “Ban on Experimental Breeding Act”, a famous conservationist of magical creatures, and a modern dragon cultivator.” Link pulled out the latest version of “Where is the magical creature” I recite the author’s achievements on the title page of the book, “Richard, don’t you think that such an old man who has been protecting magical creatures all his life would think of your wife?”

Suddenly Richard’s expression became extremely exciting.

But he still didn’t seem to give up his thoughts. He pointed to the’Inuit corpses’ around tremblingly and asked:

“No, No way, If this is the case, then how could these people die so miserably?”

“Who told you that they were dead?” Keitelburn kicked Richard with a prosthetic leg and said, “These The Inuit were just knocked unconscious.”

“I said you guy dare to say that we are BT? Compared to us, shouldn’t you be more BT?”

Link said with a look of disgust.

He knows very well that there are some curious guys in Wizarding World who will like magical creatures, such as people horse mothers, Merpeople mothers, Veela and even Goblin.

But a guy like Xue Nu who is full of icy lumps and not a little bit of temperature, he really can’t imagine.

How do you say it.

People can’t, at least they shouldn’t…

“Yes, I’m sorry!”

Richard was stunned for a while before he knelt on the ground with a belt Apologized with a trembling voice.

This makes the expression on Keitelburn’s face look a lot better, Richard is his student after all, he really doesn’t want to see Richard go into evil ways.

Fortunately, Richard did not go in the worst direction, and was a bit stupid at best.

At this moment, there was a strange noise from Newt’s side.

Sejuani is awake!

“Your courage! It’s so great!”

Sejuani said coldly.

The cold wind and ice condensed into a quick piece of armor that fits on her body, reconstructing her into a majestic Dame.

Seeing this, Keitelburn and Newt both changed their faces, but Link was laughed disdainfully.

He can see clearly that the energy inside Sejuani is pitiful compared to before. Now he is only strong in appearance but weak in reality that’s all.


Under everyone’s astonished eyes, Link gently lifted wand.

next moment, a majestic invisible force drops from the sky, pressing Sejuani, who is in the form of ice and snow Knight, into the frozen ground.


“Sorry! Mr. Scamander!”

Half an hour later, Richard was escorted to Newt. Decai finally explained the whole story again, and moved towards Newt and bowed deeply and apologized.

Not far from them, Sejuani, in the form of Martial Goddess of ice and snow, was completely pressed into the frozen ground by Link, with only one head exposed outside and looking at everyone coldly.

Listening to Richard’s apology, the expression on Newt’s face was a bit tangled.

He understood Link and Keitelburn’s motives for asking Richard to apologize to him. Both of them wanted him to forgive Richard that’s all.

It’s just…Newt is really hesitant.

It wasn’t because Richard had brutally attacked him during the night attack on the castle, causing him to almost freeze to death.

But what Richard did indeed violated the magic law, especially the matter of cultivating synthetic animals privately. That law was proposed by Newt himself.

But looking at Richard’s sincere gaze, Newt’s newness is still soft.

“Huh!” Newt took a long breath, “Forget it, then forgive you.”

Richard cheered with a stagnant expression.

He knows very well that as long as Newt forgive him, the report to the Ministry of Magic will not exist. This is the promise Link and Kettleborn gave him.

Link and the others on the side also smiled upon seeing this.

For a time, the atmosphere at the scene finally became harmonious.

At this moment, Newt coughed again, interrupting Richard’s celebration and asking:

“Don’t be eager to be happy, forgive and forgive, But the research on Sejuani is still to be done. So, I have some questions I want to ask you.”

“Hmm!” Richard nodded, “Say it, As long as I know it, I will tell you everything!”

As soon as Newt was overjoyed, he quickly took out a note from his bag and asked eagerly:

“Then tell me, will Sejuani come to the moon as a semi-elemental creature? Have you two done that kind of thing?”

“Then, that kind of thing?”

Richard’s eyes widened suddenly.

“That’s the kind of thing!” Newt hate iron for not becoming steel’s gesture with a very wretched gesture, “How often do you do it on average? Does she show signs of pregnancy? Do you have any? Reproductive isolation? To be honest, I am very curious about this, child!”

Richard: “Huh?”

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