With Lupin’s efforts, Boggart was driven back to the closet.

Everyone at the scene gradually calmed down their excitement.

As for John.

After this guy reacted, his whole person was numb, and he squatted in the corner and refused to agree to anyone talking to him, even Link used to be the same.

But this is also understandable.

After all, the scene that just happened is expected to spread throughout Hogwarts soon, which is enough for him to die.

Especially, the Ravenclaw girl who escaped has not returned to the classroom yet.

Lupin gave John a little didn’t know whether to cry or laugh, and then directed the students to continue the class.

The next course development has become much more normal.

Students lined up to’face their fears’, and then used Riddikulus to turn the actualized entities of their fears into comical things, and finally everyone laughed.

This time Link is also considered a long experience.

Lu Xun once said that the joys and sorrows of people are not interlinked.

Link now feels that fear is the same.

Because everyone is afraid of too many things.

Some people are afraid of ordinary animals such as cats, dogs and mice, some are afraid of Freddy the murderer in the dream of the zombie Ghoul, and some are even afraid of dead objects such as coffee machine toilet seats!

Of course, Snape has appeared several times as the most annoying professor in Hogwarts.

For this Link can only sigh that there is no lack of strange things in the world.

However, it was quite joyful to see these imaginary fears being turned into all kinds of weird and funny appearances, and finally disappeared.

At least the laughter in the classroom has not stopped since John yelled’I love you’.

“Link, it’s your turn.”

With Lupin’s words, the laughter finally stopped.

Everyone looked at Link intently.

As a fierce man who has even overwhelmed Harry Potter, the Redeemer in the past two years, everyone is curious about what Link is afraid of.

This is also one of the reasons why this “face the fear lesson” is popular. It allows you to see the true colors of the aloof and remote characters in the past.

And under the gaze of everyone’s expectation, Link did not have the slightest trace of ink, and walked directly to the front of the wardrobe without expression.

Just when Lupin unlocked the closet as before, the Boggart inside did not come out this time.

This caused a strange silence in the classroom.

Link clicked nodded with satisfaction.

He had already turned on Occlumency before he came up, just to test the extent of Boggart’s mind-reading ability.

Looking at it now, Boggart, a third-rate dark magic creature, obviously does not pose any threat to him.

At the same time, Lupin’s expression on the side is somewhat helpless.

Before he officially took office as a professor, he learned some information about Link from Dumbledore, and he knew about Link’s Occlumency.

And Link’s history of polysomnia makes him more inappropriate than Harry, who had a tragic childhood experience, to face Boggart.

Because this is likely to produce extraordinary stimulation to him.

Sighed, Lupin stepped up and explained:

“Students, this Boggart has been used for three lessons. Maybe it is already exhausted. Please understand. “

After saying that, he leaned on Link again and whispered:

“Link, I know you don’t like this kind of thing very much, or you just go down first, I don’t I will blame you.”

Link hearing this gave Lupin a glance.

To be honest, Link is not at all resistant to the things that show his fear in front of everyone.

He didn’t care about other people’s opinions.

Otherwise, he wouldn’t be so indifferent when he was suspected of being Slytherin’s heir last year.

Moreover, he himself didn’t know what he feared most.

Since we know that Boggart impossible poses a substantial threat to it, can we take a look at it from time to time?

After thinking about it for a while, Link finally said to Lupin:

“Professor Lupin, let me try it. I am quite curious about what I am afraid of.”


“Then be careful yourself.”

Lupin walked out again after saying this.

Link also lifted Occlumency.

Next moment, the closet began to vigorously shake.

This excites the surrounding students.

After most of this class, they have figured out some patterns. The more the wardrobe shakes, the more terrifying things will come out of it!

And the closet trembling that Link faced this time was fierce enough to be called the most in the entire class.

But soon everyone was disappointed.

Because the cabinet door opened after a short while.

The way of opening is not the kind of’kick open’ or’bang’ exploded as they expected, but an extremely ordinary opening, and even the door opened. The speed also makes people feel a gentle taste.

Immediately afterwards, a silhouette of a man in a straight suit and shiny leather boots came out of the closet.

This person looks exactly like Link, but his expression and the temperament between his gestures and gestures give people a feeling of evil and mania.

Link’s face changed as soon as he saw the silhouette.

Although the opponent’s performance is normal this time, Link knows that the opponent is Mike!

Link is also mentally prepared for this, after all, Mike has always been a part of Link’s heart disease.

And the suit Link appeared this time, so it was obviously not just a walk around.

I saw the dust that did not exist on his patted body, and then moved towards Link Jie Yaoyi said with a smile:

“************! “

The fist of hearing this Link was clenched instantly.

Because the other party speaks Chinese, and it is the dialect of Link’s previous hometown!

The other party means,

‘Your efforts are meaningless. Because these things will eventually be taken away by me! ‘


Looking at the scene in the clearing.

The crowd around finally couldn’t help but talk.

“It turns out that Link is afraid of himself!”

“Cut! Isn’t this normal? Do you think that with Link’s strength and character, he will be afraid of him besides himself What is it?” (This is a Hufflepuff)

“This is also true!”

“But what did the suit Link just say? Why don’t I understand it! “

“It should be snake language, Link is a snake tongue, you forgot?”

“But it doesn’t matter, I want to see if Link will follow With Riddikulus, look back on the suit Link. If you wear women’s clothing or clown makeup, hehe!”

“I really look forward to it! Hehe!”



Different from the people who are still looking forward to Link women’s clothing, looking at Link, whose face is getting more and more ugly, Lupin’s heart suddenly rises with a bad premonition.

‘Not good! He is going to lose control! ‘

Lupin secretly thought a bad sound, and quickly raised the wand step roar:

“Everyone! Evacuate the classroom! Link! Calm down!”

Lupin’s voice resounded like thunder in the classroom, but Link was completely immersed in the world at this moment and couldn’t hear it anymore.

After facing Boggart, Link finally knows what he fears.

That is not Mike at all, nor is it Voldemort.

It’s his own existence, which was taken by Mike’s body.

Obviously this life Link is going to live a good life. Obviously this life Link has a mother. Obviously this life Link has met someone I really like. Obviously…

In the end, this Everything is just making wedding dresses for others?


A hoarse tone like a roar came from Link’s mouth.

Faced with Link’s questioning, Mike in the suit smiled’puci’ and his face was full of disdain.

It’s like the stupid question Link asked, and it’s not worth his answer at all.

This made Link’s inner anger finally burst out irresistibly!

Magic power is constantly rising from Link within the body, and gradually forming a huge vague snake shadow behind Link!

The ebony wand also quietly appeared in Link’s hands.

At this moment, it was trembling slightly, and it seemed to feel the anger of its own master, and was so excited that it couldn’t help it.

The suit Mike turned into by Boggart is finally scared.

It was horrified, twisted and wanted to escape back to the closet.

But, it’s too late.

Next moment, Link raised the wand.

“Shenfeng… Wuying!”

The magic power apparition, which had originally gathered behind Link, was madly rushing into the black. Sandalwood wand, and after a short period of transformation, directly turned into a pure curse power.

After that, an invisible blade with a diameter of more than 20 meters took shape in an instant and moved towards Boggart and shot it away.


With the harsh buzzing, Boggart and the wardrobe were cut into nothingness in an instant.

But the invisible blade didn’t mean to stop at all.

It carried Link’s infinite anger and continued to move forward, breaking a huge gap directly in the wall, and drew a terrifying trajectory in the sky, and finally slashed in the distance. Upstairs in the Astronomy Tower.

Under the horrified gaze of everyone in the classroom, it was not long after it was repaired. It is said that the reinforced observatory was cut in half again.

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