“It’s for Lupin.”

Link casually made Snape’s smile disappear instantly, and Link went on to say:

“Lupin is werewolf, this I’ve already known this for a long time. You’ve never forgotten it, the cram school my mother enrolled me during the Second Year, and the professor in it was Lupin. He also helped me perfect the study of the renewal curse at that time.”

Snape clicked nodded, apparently recalling what happened back then.

Then he grinned:

“Dumbledore lost his head and found a werewolf to come over to be the Defense Against the Dark Arts professor. This is for Hogwarts full body refiner Master is irresponsible! Link, now that you know the true identity of Lupin, go and spread the news.”

Link got up and stepped back and smiled:

“You have hatred with Remus ·Lupin? Not only that, you have hatred with Harry’s father James ·Potter and the famous escaped prisoner Sirius ·Black now?”

Although it is an interrogative sentence, Link’s tone is definitely incomparable.

And hearing this Snape’s complexion instantly changed, and his muscles became tense in an instant, and the calm and composed eyes seemed to set off a stormy sea, staring at Link, every word. Said:

“What do you know?!”

“Don’t look at me with this kind of eyes.” Link waved his hand again and again, “I’m just talking to the Professor Snape is more curious about your past, so I asked your mother. And she just said that you were often bullied by the Gryffindors headed by James Potter that’s all when you were in school.”

Snape’s face was slightly softened. A little bit, but his eyes are still dangerous.

When I saw Link slightly smiled, I continued:

“Professor Snape, I have experienced the same experience as you in the past, so I can fully understand your feelings about Lupin and Black Resentment. Of course I can spread the news that Lupin is a werewolf. Not only that, but I can even catch Sirius Black and bring him to you at your disposal!”

“Oh! Great! Even Dumbledore wouldn’t dare to say so full!”

Snape said disdainfully, but his body’s loose muscles were restored again, betraying his true feelings at the moment.

At this moment, Link put away the smile that had been hanging on his face, and said seriously:

“What I said above is true, I can help you catch Black , Then I can catch it for you.”

Link paused, “But in exchange, I want to ask you to tell me what those people did to me after I was attacked by the wizard? Why did I So much soul sickness? Why can’t dementor hurt me?”

After saying that, Link swallowed nervously, and at the same time a trace of shame appeared in his eyes.

He didn’t want to use this type of transaction to ask Snape. After all, he had a deep relationship with Snape, and Snape had always treated him sincerely.

He also didn’t want to use Lupin and Black as a bargaining chip. The former helped him and the latter was a character he liked very much in his previous life.

But in order to solve the hidden dangers brought by Mike, Link had to do this.

Before sitting by the Black Lake for so long, Link actually had some guesses about his own secrets.

According to Emily’s description of her childhood, she was actually very normal. The key to her character change was that she was attacked by the mysterious wizard.

Then the matter is clear.

The many problems that have arisen on me are either the so-called mysterious wizard, or they have used certain methods with strong side effects to save their own Mrs. Foley after being injured. Like dementor bloodline.

Only when the secret inside is understood, Link will have a chance to solve the problem.

Thinking about this, Link looked towards Snape’s eyes were a little bit more expectant.

However, Snape had already turned on Occlumency at this time, spitting out a word in an emotionally indifferent tone moved towards Link.

“Go away.”

“Then I won’t bother you refining medicine tonight. But my promise is long-term effective. If you change your mind, you can come to me at any time. “

Hearing this Link no longer persuaded, he opened the door and left the office.

“Boom ka! ~”

The round arch-shaped stone gate was heavily closed, and the Link, which stepped into the darkness outside the door, was relaxed.

He had already guessed something like this being rejected by Snape.

After all, Snape is an arrogant guy. Link knows his previous dark history. Even if Snape is willing to cooperate with Link, he will refuse to be immediately nodded because of his rage and shame.

And if that matter is as important as Link guessed, then Snape is also likely to defend that secret unrivaledly.

But even if this is the case, Link still has some tricks waiting for Snape.

Know Hogwarts, but Harry Potter, who is considered by Snape to be more important than life.

And nowadays, the outside world is even more rumored that Black wants to kill Harry to avenge Voldemort.

In this case, as long as Link takes advantage of the trend and makes the follow-up more serious, then there is no need to fear that Snape will not give up!

Sighed deeply, Link bowed deeply towards the closed stone gate, and said in a voice that only he could hear:

“Sorry! Professor Snape!”

After saying that, Link quickly walked towards the Hufflepuff common room. So many things happened today. Not only did he consume a lot of magic power, but he was also overwhelmed with his brain power. Need a good night’s sleep.

And when I walked out of the corridor, I found that beside the entrance of the Hufflepuff common room, there was a slightly thin silhouette holding a’brick book’ studying hard.


Hermione was taken aback, seeing that the person was Link, she put away the book and asked nervously:

“Link, how do you feel now?”

“I’m fine,” Link frowned, “have you been waiting here?”

Hermione clicked nodded, hands Grasping the thick book tightly and tweaking:

“It’s okay if you are fine. Also, I want to ask you, Emily said you were sick some time ago. Then, what is that? Are you sick?”

Hermione felt that her face was so hot that she was almost ready for barbecue.

She knew very well that she shouldn’t have come. If this incident were spread out, it would cause a lot of misunderstandings, and wasting so much time would delay her study.

It’s just that she finally waited here uncontrollably.

The fundamental reason that encouraged her to do so was a touch of obsession!

About Link, she must also know what Emily knows!

And after Link hearing this on the other side, he was suddenly dumb.

He knew Hermione was stubborn, but he didn’t expect to be so stubborn.

Emily just used this sick topic to poke Hermione a bit, but Hermione waited directly in front of the Hufflepuff common room to Link now for this matter.

Be aware that although he didn’t have many conversations with Snape, it took a lot of time to make the Dragon Heart potion.

It’s almost bright today!

“It’s just a cold. If it’s a serious illness, I won’t go to school anymore.” Link rubbed his temples and said, “It’s you, why don’t you care about your body so much? It’s so late and I’m still waiting here!”

Hearing this Hermione was relaxed, and a smile appeared on his face, saying:

“It’s okay, I have more time now Yes!”

As soon as he said this, Link raised his brows and looked towards Hermione’s neck unconsciously.

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