
With an exclamation, Link flicked off the bed and sat up in an instant.

As soon as he woke up, Link found that his bed was already full of people.

Among them, there are not only John and other roommates, but also Cedric and Emily, the Slytherin.

“Link! You are awake!”

John screamed and moved to Link.

But before he could get closer, Emily pulled him away, and then each minding their own business sat down next to Link,

While reaching out to help Link wipe off With sweat on his face, he asked with concern:

“Have you had a nightmare?”

“Ah, I had a terrible nightmare.”

Link said with a flat expression, except for the fine sweat on his face and a slight shortness of breath, it was almost impossible to see that he had just been awakened by a nightmare.

This is how Occlumency is still working.

“What did he say after you went to Professor Snape’s office last night?”

“He said that there was no big problem. He gave me a pot of Dragon Heart potion to replenish my body and it was over “That’s it.” Link cooperated with Emily to wipe the sweat off her face, then took out a bottle of potion from the bedside bag and gave it to the other party, “By the way, this is for you.”

“Huh! That’s good!”

Emily sighed in relief, took the potion but did not put it away, but put it back on the head of the Link bed.

Most of the others reacted similarly to Emily.

After all, although Snape is not a good person, everyone still recognizes his professionalism.

Since he said Link is okay, it is really okay.

After confirming this, everyone did not stay for long. They continued to chat with Link for a while, and then left the dormitory one after another, so that Link could continue to rest.

Shortly after everyone left, Arkham, who had been hiding in Link’s bed, swam out and looked at him silently, wrapped around Link’s neck.

I felt a little flustered about this behavior Link not at all, but naturally took out a few turkey eggs and woolen coconuts and placed them on the ground.

Arkham was immediately distracted, and as soon as his tail woke up, the yo-yo began to eat together.

Until this time, Link returned to the previous dream.

Mengli Mike apologized to him.

And the last look Mike looked at him.

Link can feel the sadness, guilt, and loneliness in it.

This gave Link a ridiculous feeling-maybe Mike is not as bad as others said, maybe he didn’t intend to take possession of me?

As soon as this idea appeared, it was quickly extinguished by Link with the help of Occlumency.

Putting all self-interests on others is the most stupid thing.

So the plan that is already underway will continue. He must figure out the secret of his own body!

And last night’s dream also brought some unexpected harvest to Link.

He has not forgotten the wall of heart that finally forced Mike to leave.

This means that Occlumency is also effective in protecting one’s soul from body possession!

‘It seems that the next skill that requires golden skill points should be Occlumency. ‘

Thinking so, Link took out the box of’Skall Embryos’ and checked it carefully.


After waking up, Link was in a bad situation when he reinvested in learning.

Although Dumbledore not at all meant to punish Link for this matter, people are still spontaneously wary of Link.

After all, this is a good person in class, and suddenly a curse blasted off the observatory.

Link can take a shot at the observatory this time, so who can guarantee that next time he will not point wand to his student?

This is the idea of ​​most ordinary students.

People are afraid of Link, so they begin to alienate and slander Link.

This gives Link a feeling of dreaming back to the’Slytherin’s heir incident’.

Of course, he always doesn’t care about the views of passers-by.

But Cedric and John, and even Harry entire group can’t stand it anymore.

They began to interact with people frequently, trying to let others understand that it was just an accident before, and Link is not at all as terrible as everyone imagined.

Unfortunately, people tend to believe only what they are willing to believe.

Harry’s methods are also too tough, and people who interact with them usually have the feeling that they have been knocked out of their brains, which is uncomfortable.

The most important thing is that after that incident, Lupin’s teaching methods began to become more conventional.

Although with Lupin’s teaching ability, such a course still allows students to learn a lot of real skills, but after all, it is not that interesting.

Many people dumped this pot on Link.

The one who enjoys the same encounter is Draco. This guy has never stopped his career as an actor, always hanging around with his arm hanging around.

Fortunately, he didn’t show too obvious taking pleasure in other people’s misfortune about Link’s experience, otherwise Emily would let him do the fake show.

But thanks to his blessing, Hagrid shut himself down.

Not only did he dare not let the students come into contact with highly dangerous creatures like Hippogriff, but even some ordinary magical creatures he was unwilling to bring out.

Being overly cautious, he began to teach students how to Flobberworm over and over again, which made the good protection of magical creature classes almost a home economics class for Flobberworm!

In general, the mood of the students was not very good throughout late September and early October.

So they can only focus their chat on Link in their spare time during their studies. This is also the main reason why the popularity of Link events can’t go down.

After all, this can be said to be the biggest melon until the beginning of school.

But this situation quickly changed, because a bigger melon appeared.

“Link! Look! The dementors are finally going to evacuate!”

On the early morning of the weekend, when Link had just finished washing and arrived in the auditorium, Harry was excited with Zhang Daily Prophet Yelled to Link.

If his usual behavior is sure to arouse the resentment of many people around him, the arrival of Link will make the people around him even more of an enemy.

But today is different.

Everyone is looking at the Daily Prophet in their hands, with shocked expressions from time to time, as if it was reported on an article about Ministry of Magic Fudge falling in love with a female Troll and giving birth. The next strange news is the same.

In fact, the news written in that newspaper is indeed related to Fudge.

As soon as Link took the Daily Prophet that Harry handed over, he clearly saw the huge title printed on it:

“Perfunctory Compromise or Sincere Sorry?” Fudge publicly apologized for dementor’s entry into Hogwarts and promised to withdraw all dementor after Christmas! “——Author-Rita Skeeter.

Below the title, there is a magic photo of Fudge bowing and apologizing.

Link not at all read on, but instinctively lifts the head looked towards where Emily is.

At this time, Emily, who was surrounded by a crowd of Slytherins, and looked towards Link.

The two looked at each other and smiled.

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