“Oh! So that’s the way it is!”

Listening to Link’s explanation, Hermione pretended to follow with a suddenly realized expression.

About Black’s family, Hermione, who is concerned about Harry’s safety, has long since borrowed the endless time obtained by the “Time Twister” to find out.

The reason why she is deliberately provoking this topic now is to test if Link is the one who led the dementor to persecute Harry.

Of course, Hermione naturally knows how reckless and dangerous this behavior is.

Link is not an idiot like Draco Malfoy, it can easily be tricked into intelligence.

In the face of a smart person like Link, Hermione’s idioms are likely to be directly seen through.

And if Link, as Lupin said, it is a person to be wary of.

Then she herself is likely to be in danger because of such a reckless move.

It’s just that Hermione can’t accept Lupin’s statement.

In the past few days, Hermione has been suffering from her heart. This painful torture forced her to take the initiative to find Link in an attempt to prove that Link is a real good person.

Fortunately, her first topic test, Link, passed easily.

But the cautious Hermione will not just let Link go.

After thinking for a while, Hermione decided to try a few more topics.

“Uh, Link, speaking of Christmas gifts…” Hermione pursed her lips nervously, “Do you like the Christmas gift I gave you?”

Hermione As soon as this statement came out, Link’s action of cutting the sausage with a knife and fork was a pause.

Because to be honest, he opened too many gifts this morning, and he has forgotten what Hermione gave.

But you can guess it roughly by just guessing.

It’s nothing more than the sneakers and autographed posters of some stars that’s all.

By wiping his mouth with a napkin to organize the language, Link smiled and said:

“Of course! I have customized a few display cabinets for them, and I will put them back when I look back. At my bedside. To be honest, this is quite risky. You must know those things, John and the others are very greedy. If they find out, they will probably haunt me every day.”

” You can’t give it to them!”

Hearing this Hermione almost instinctively stood up and said loudly, then realized that he had overreacted, and blushed and sat down again.

Looking at this scene, the corner of Link’s mouth rose unconsciously.

He knows very well, he guessed it right.

So Link pursued the victory and continued:

“What do you think, this is a gift you gave me. I can’t even touch it for them to touch it!”

Sure enough, hearing this Hermione pressed her head lower.

At the same time, he whispered in a voice like a cat cry:

“You, I also like the gift you gave me.”

“hehe, You like it.”

Link happily said.

Unlike some other passers-by, the gifts of Hermione and Harry and other close people were personally selected by Link, and Hermione’s copy contains a collection he specifically asked for Newt The autographed version of “Where is the magical creature” and the magic cat stick that can fly by itself and play with cats.

The latter was specifically selected by Link to raise the new ginger yellow cat Crookshanks for Hermione.

Of course, Link himself does not like Crookshanks either.

Because it has a part of the bloodline of the cat and raccoon.

The cat raccoon is a kind of weird cat-shaped creature with various spots on its fur, particularly large ears and a tail like a lion’s tail.

Newt’s wife has two cats and raccoons, which she saw when Link visited his house last time, and she looked so ugly that she had no friends.

Crookshanks has fully inherited the appearance of the cat raccoon. In comparison, the cats raised by Madam Pince that also have part of the cat raccoon bloodline can be described as fairies.

Link kept thinking about it, but Hermione raised her head slightly at the same time, and said in a somewhat embarrassing way:

“Actually, I was talking about the book ” “Where is the magical creature”, as for the funny cat stick, Crookshanks doesn’t look like he likes to play.”

Hermione also took out a black and white magic photo and placed it in front of Link.

On the photo, the magic cat is shaking a bunch of feathers frantically, but the ugly cat whose face looks like being squashed by a hammer is lying on Hermione’s bed. It didn’t move last time.

The most exaggerated thing is that its looking towards that funny cat is very humane, just like looking at a mentally handicapped.

The smile on Link’s face disappeared immediately.

And seeing Hermione is rather comfortable:

“It’s not to blame you, the Crookshanks character has always been weird. It doesn’t even get close to me, and often runs out.”

“It’s okay, next time I’ll give some catnip, it’s like it,” Link said blankly, “In addition, if it’s not close to you, I suggest you lick it. Py, so it will follow you closely.”

Hermione has grown her mouth in astonishment at this time.

If catnip is fairly normal, then the method described at the end of Link is somewhat unacceptable.

Seeing her expression, Link smiled at hehe and explained:

“I didn’t lie to you. When the cat was young, the cat mother would lick the kitten to stimulate The kitten defecates. So if the cat raises its tail with its back to you, it is actually showing you good and inviting you to lick it like a cat mother. At this time, as long as you act, it will become you My dearest friend. It’s like you signed a contract with it, can you understand what I said?”

Link’s words were a bit disgusting, which made Hermione frowned.

But its deep in one’s heart is somewhat moved.

If what Link said is true, wouldn’t Crookshanks become obedient?

By that time, her relationship with Ron should have improved a lot, after all, the obedient Crookshanks would no longer harass the poor mouse Scabbers.

Thinking so, Hermione said:

“no no no! That’s disgusting! I would never do it!”

Link spread out his hands with a smile, and said nothing.

At this time, Hermione, who was reacting, realized that she was unconsciously biased by Link.

After repeating the true purpose of her trip several times in her heart, Hermione pursed her lips and said:

“Link, what do you think of dementor? ?”

The smile on the corner of his mouth has become brighter.

In fact, when the topic has progressed to this point, Link has already heard Hermione’s temptation to him.

Presumably Hermione must have noticed the anomaly between him and dementor for some reason, and suspected it was the culprit who caused dementor to enter the Quiddich stadium and stun Harry.

For these doubts, Link has already figured out a way to deal with it.

It’s very simple, just tell the truth while concealing some of the facts.

After all, those dementors weren’t really attracted by him.

After making a decision, Link sighed:

“Hermione, in fact, you really don’t need to test me. The abnormal problem between myself and dementor is actually my own. I don’t know what’s going on. But I can tell you responsibly, I don’t have the ability to attract and direct dementor. The dementor on the day of the Gryffindor and Hufflepuff game was not my attraction.”

“Ah this …Link, you, you misunderstood. I didn’t mean that, I…”

Hermione stammered.

Before coming, she had imagined many situations, but she didn’t guess that Link would tell her the matter straightforwardly. At this time, she was really anxious.

The little hand rubbed the robe under the long table for a while, and Hermione was quick witted in an emergency:

“Actually, I just want to ask if you want to learn Patronus Charm During this time, Professor Lupin has been giving special training to me, Harry and Ron, and I can barely release it now!”

After saying that, it seems to be to prove her words, Hermione hurriedly I took out the wand when I was busy, closed my eyes and started to draw circles in the sky.

Through the super-sensing spell, Link can clearly perceive a peculiar positive emotional energy slowly converging on her wand through Hermione’s circle motion.

After drawing a full 5 points clock, Hermione finally opened her eyes and said:

“Expecto Patronum!”

next moment, first floor The silver white radiance, which was as light as a tulle, drifted away from the Hermione tip.

The scope of this rays of light is not large, but it does give others a warm and peaceful feeling.

Seeing this, Link applauded very much.

Patronus Charm is not a third-rate charm that can be learned simply.

As the only Defense Against the Dark Arts handed down in ancient times that can expel dementor and Voldebat, the caster must focus on recalling the happiest memory they can think of if they want to release it. Positive emotional energy.

At the same time, the caster also needs to draw a circle in a specific arc with wand, guide and accumulate these energy, and finally release the curse.

And when the caster practices the Patronus Charm to the profound place, he can summon the entity Patronus.

Its shape is usually a brilliant silver animal. The Patronus of each wizard is different, and its shape can reflect the personality of the wizard.

The most important thing is that the effect of physical Patronus is several times that of the non-materialized Patronus just released by Hermione.

However, the physical Patronus does not have a large range, so when used to expel dementor in a large area, most wizards will use non-physical Patronus instead, just like Dumbledore did on the Quiddich stadium. Like that.

Generally speaking, young wizards who are minors cannot learn Patronus Charm. Even if they can learn, they will release non-substantial Patronus.

In terms of learning difficulty alone, Patronus Charm is even comparable to Occlumency.

Because of its super high learning difficulty, powerful effect and the characteristics of positive emotional energy, in the past for a long time, those wizards that can release Patronus Charm will be regarded as The white wizard, who fought for the noble cause, was able to release the entity Patronus in certain periods and even became one of the thresholds for Wizengamot members.

Although the effect is not very good, the successful release of such a difficult spell Hermione is already very good.

Seeing Link applauded, Hermione was not only somewhat proud.

She raised her head slightly and said:

“Yes, I have been practicing for a long time! How about? Link, do you want to learn?”

Hermione specifically used two for a long time to emphasize, the hidden meaning of Link is very clear, and she specified to use the time twister.

As for whether you want to learn Patronus Charm, you can actually learn it.

After all, since Patronus Charm can suppress and expel dementor, then maybe it can also have an effect on the same negative energy microphone.

At the same time, Link’s own Patronus is also very curious.

But there is no need for Hermione to teach.

Because when Hermione was demonstrating just now, Link had already recorded the specific wand circle technique required to release Patronus Charm through the super-sensing spell.

And Link, as a wizard proficient in Occlumency, also has the advantage of being blessed by heaven in controlling one’s own emotions and brewing positive emotional energy.

Since the energy source and spelling techniques have been basically mastered, Link feels that he may already be able to directly try to release the Patronus Charm.

Thinking so, Link not at all responded to Hermione, but took out wand and started to draw circles in the air following the other party’s previous actions.

Hermione stared wide-eyed in surprise when she saw this scene.

She really didn’t expect Link to start trying use spell without saying a word.

Sanity is telling her that a method like Link is absolutely unsuccessful. You must know that she used the time twister to practice for more than a month before barely releasing Patronus Charm.

But in deep in one’s heart, Hermione is faintly looking forward to it again.

‘If it’s Link, maybe it can really be done! It’s just that if Link does it the first time she tries, then what is she? Mediocre waste? ‘

With such complicated thoughts in mind, Hermione stared at the wand that kept drawing circles in Link’s hand, blinking her eyes.

On the other hand, things are just as Link expected.

After using Occlumency’s self-hypnosis method to remind myself of how he felt when he defeated Quirrell who was possessed by Voldemort in the Forbidden Forest, Link realized that continuously positive emotional energy was constantly emerging from his heart , And finally converge on wand.

This gives Link a feeling.

Maybe he can really learn Patronus Charm in one go.

Convergence, Link continued to condense the positive emotional energy, and he finally stopped after the circle drawn by wand in the vision of his Super Sensation Mantra was completely filled with silver white energy. I took the action in my hand,

At the same time, in Hermione’s incredulous gaze, he opened his mouth and said:

“Call God…”

weng! ~

Half of chanting spells, Link’s expression changed suddenly, and the chanting stopped suddenly.

The energy condensed from the tip also instantly turned into a sparkle of silver white visible to naked eye and exploded.

Looking at this scene, Link’s face has become extremely gloomy, and his body staggered because of the sudden explosion.

“Link! Are you okay!?” Hermione was shocked, and hurried around the long table to hold Link, and said in a nervous but relaxed tone, “You are too impatient! “

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