“John is here too?”

Link naturally knew what Cedric meant at this time, and followed his words.

“Yes! He was the best player on my team last semester, so naturally I can’t treat him badly. So I asked my father to get him a ticket.”

Cedric smiled gently, then turned his head and moved towards the street vendor not far away and shouted, “John! Come here!”

Cedric used a voice-passing curse when he called out. The sound is not harsh when heard close, but it spreads far away.

In a short while, a teenager who was completely dressed around the Quiddich team of Ireland, and even painted the Quiddich team logo on his face, ran towards this side.

“Cedric, you better have something important, or even if you are my Captain, I must fight with you! Do you know? Just because of your howling voice, I was scared I can’t get Gotley’s limited edition gold snitch model!”

John was still complaining loudly as he walked. Judging from his expression, his anger was genuine.

But when he walked closer to Link and the others, the anger on his face suddenly changed to pure joy.

He first gave Link an excited hug, then turned his head and looked towards Mrs. Foley and said:

“Heavens! You are Mrs. Foley! Link did not lie to me. You are very young and beautiful!”

Looking at John, who suddenly came in like a green head, the sweat on Mr. Weasley’s nervous head was almost dripping.

There are so many children in Hogwarts at home, so he naturally knows the background of John Muggle’s background.

This is also the reason for his nervousness.

No one in the entire Wizarding World knows better than him how bad the pure-blooded noble wizards treat muggles.

Don’t look at the magnificent faces of the nobles, but they still look down on muggles behind their backs, and even think that muggles and them are not a kind of creature, but something similar to an ant.

This kind of hatred and contempt also naturally continued to the wizard from muggle.

The people on the surface are all like this, not to mention the great aristocrats like Mrs. Foley with their own dark wizard background.

John, a stupid boy, rushed in and talked to Mrs. Foley without authorization.

If this is changed to Malfoy’s house, he will definitely tie up John and give him a lesson.

The Foley family is far stronger and tougher than the Malfoy family.

Then Mr. Weasley thinks, maybe their attitude towards this kind of thing will be more resolute, right?

Thinking about this, Mr. Weasley instinctively moved forward, trying to save this silly boy who was about to face disaster.

But the fear from the body’s instinct caused him to move extremely slowly.

On the other hand, John is the star-eyed boss with a look of shock. It seems that he is really surprised by Mrs. Foley’s appearance.

The Link next to him smiled and shook the head, and then introduced:

“Mother, this is my roommate. Just call him John.”

John was originally a simple character and carefree guy.

Otherwise, when Link just crossed over, he wouldn’t be the first roommate willing to talk to Link.

Be aware that Link’s reputation at the time was terrible.

And Mrs. Foley was taken aback when she heard John’s reckless speech. She didn’t react until after Link’s introduction. She changed her gloomy’s serious appearance, and smiled and boasted to John. A few sentences.

She is like this. She treats Link’s friends very well. After all, she knows very well that with Link’s character, there are not too many true friends.

The next thing is much smoother.

John, a carefree guy, is very good at coming. With the efforts of him and Link and other juniors, Mrs. Foley’s laughter has obviously increased, and the atmosphere on the scene is naturally pleasant. Up.

Mr. Weasley and the group also slipped away quietly, and their eyes were full of doubts when they left.

He couldn’t understand why a half-black and white pure-blooded noble like Mrs. Foley suddenly changed his temper.

Fortunately, no one cares about them.

Under the warm atmosphere, Link and the others once again returned to the market to start a new round of fighting.

Link They just join in the fun, not at all how much to buy.

Cedric also showed extreme restraint and appeared polite, which made his father Amos Diggory too happy to close his mouth.

As for the main force of shopping, it is Rove, Little Brat.

Rove released himself after discovering Link’s behavior not at all restrictions on spending money on him to buy surroundings, and soon dressed himself up as a diehard fan around him like John. It looks like a hobby of later generations who have been visiting a comic exhibition.

The only thing that is not harmonious is that Rove and John are fans of Bulgaria and Ireland respectively. These two teams are going to compete for the glory of the World Cup together today, so the two of them are not There was an unexpected quarrel.

This is also the first time Link has seen John really lose his temper.

I clearly said that John, for the sake of his own beliefs, had to hold back with John. When he spoke incoherently, his face was flushed red, and tears came down.

They don’t want to be seen as embarrassed by Link, so they can only walk in the front of the team alone, sulking in life.

Everyone behind them can’t help laughing, they cover their mouths and laugh.

John, who had reacted to being ashamed, hurriedly chased up and coaxed him. It was useless, and Rove shook off his hand on his shoulder.

In the end, John had to gritted his teeth and spent his last pocket money to buy a quaffle for the Bulgarian team and offer it with both hands. This made John smile.

“Little child and so on are the most annoying! I will never have children when I get married in the future!”

After returning to the team, John gnashing teeth said to Link.

In this way, eating and drinking merrily all day, until night fell, Link entire group went to the competition venue under the Lumos curse.

Although the nearby facilities are terrible, I even borrowed a lot of muggle camping facilities.

However, the Ministry of Magic has spent a lot of thought on the stadium itself.

As soon as Link approached, I was surprised by the towering and magnificent golden wall, because it was still engraved with intricate and exquisite patterns.

The vicinity of the venue has long been surrounded by strange costumes, clamoring the audience about to enter the venue.

The staff of Ministry of Magic sweated to maintain order, so that the wizards from all over the world can concentrate on queuing.

Link and the others who have special tickets naturally don’t have to squeeze with these guys. Cedric and the others are also covered by Link and go directly to the venue through a special channel.

“A total of 100,000 people can be accommodated here! For this, a whole 500 staff of Ministry of Magic have been busy for a whole year. They have imposed Muggle-Repelling Charm on every inch of land here. , To make sure that the muggle will recall the most urgent things as soon as he gets closer, and leave in a hurry…”

Mr. Diggory introduced Link and the others endlessly, with pride in his words.

This is indeed something to be proud of.

Because Link’s most familiar bird’s nest can accommodate 80,000 people in the normal state and only 100,000 in the emergency tense.

But it took only one year for five hundred people of Ministry of Magic to build such a real 100,000-level stadium.

John, a muggle-born guy, naturally knows how horrible this is. Since Mr. Diggory started to explain, his mouth has been shocked and never closed.

The Link on the side is a little bit emotional.

Magic is indeed a very terrifying force. This horror is not only embodied in combat, but also in production.

Building such a magnificent venue is not difficult for 500 adult Ministry of Magic wizards who are proficient in magic.

In fact, what Mr. Diggory is really proud of is not the stadium itself, but the Muggle-Repelling Charm that is fully covered in it. The amount of engineering for this thing is much larger than that of building a stadium.

“Special ticket! Top box! Please go straight up, Dear Mrs. Foley.”

At the end of the special channel, a female Ministry of Magic staff smiled as Link and the others guide the way.

That is a staircase paved with purple-red thick carpet.

Link clicked nodded towards the other party, and led everyone up the stairs, and soon entered a small box.

This box is located at the highest point of the entire stadium and faces the golden goalpost.

Dozens of purple gold-plated seats are arranged inside, divided into two rows.

Link did not rush to take his seat, but slowly looked down.

Only one hundred thousand wizards are coming into the arena one after another. Those seats are arranged around the oval stadium and arranged in a ladder shape upwards.

Everything here is shrouded in a mysterious golden light, which seems to come from the stadium itself.

If you look away from the stadium itself at the center of the Imperial court, you can find that the entire arena looks flat and smooth like velvet, with three pitching rings erected on both sides, which are almost in line with Link’s current position. The height of the place is even.

A little bit further up is a huge black screen with golden text constantly flashing on it. A closer look at Link reveals that it is a variety of things such as’Mrs. Scower’s All-Purpose Magical Mess Remover: No Pain, No Stain. ‘Like advertising.

This is a profit point of the Ministry of Magic. The Foley family has also placed some advertisements for its industries. It only takes 1000gold Galleon to play it back and forth ten times, which is compared to a full 100,000 people. In terms of traffic, it’s a huge profit.

Secretly mocked Ministry of Magic’s inability to do business, and Link finally took back his sight.

At this time, the guests in the top box also gradually arrived.

Mr. Weasley took the lead into the box with a noisy family.

The moment he saw Link and the others, his smile on his face was stagnant, and he uncomfortably led people to the corner seat.

Following more people came in immediately.

The guy who can get the special ticket is naturally not easy. Link easily found a lot of top pure-blood nobles that he had seen in the ceremony before.

These people naturally saw Link and the others, and came over to say hello with a smile.

To change to the past, this kind of scene will become a little awkward, because Mrs. Foley does not like to have physical contact with people who are not very close. All handshake and so on regular greeting etiquette will progress. Can’t go down.

This is also one of the origins of Mrs. Foley’s cold impression.

Fortunately, Link is promising now, enough to represent the Foley family.

So everyone naturally transferred their close objects to Link, and one by one they came up to shake hands with Link, which seemed extremely affectionate.

As for the Weasley family, they seem to be a little fidgeted, because no one paid attention to them at all.

Ah! Not quite so.

Because Link is smiling and shaking hands with the other guests, but his attention has always been on their side.

Accurately speaking, it was Harry.

At this time, he is chatting with a house elf in front of him.

This is very rare, because house elf usually does not appear just and honorable in public. What they pay attention to is Silencio’s contribution.

The identity of this house elf is that of Stinchcombe·Crouch’s house elf, the director of the International Magic Exchange and Cooperation Department, Shining.

There is still an empty seat next to her. Whenever a guest wants to sit in that seat, Shining will use’this is for Mr. Crouch’ as ​​an excuse, so as to put those People diverge.

Only Link knows about the entire scene, and there is actually someone sitting in that empty spot.

A guy wearing the highest stealth cloak.

Barty Jr. Crouch, one of Voldemort’s most loyal servants, is also the son of Mr. Stinchcombe Crouch.

Why did he appear here? It is a very complicated and lengthy story, so much so that Link’s memory of him has been blurred for the most part, but the story is very touching.

In addition, this guy will soon escape the control of his father Stinchcombe · Crouch, re-enter Voldemort’s arms, and directly cause Voldemort’s resurrection!

From on the surface, if Link now goes up and pulls Barty Jr.’s invisible cloak off, he can basically re-send the opponent into Azkaban, thus changing the plot.

But Pettigrew · Peter’s incident has made Link understand that there has been a problem inside the Ministry of Magic, and it is no longer a trustworthy object!

To lift the table directly may only lead to the consequence of let the tiger returns to the mountains.

Now is not the time to do it.

Wait a little longer.

The opportunity will appear soon.

This time Link must do it yourself!

He wants Barty Jr. ·Crouch to die!

Staring at the empty seat for a while, Link finally retracted his gaze. The smile on his face was still sunny, but there was a cold killing intent in his eyes.

“Yeah! Good evening everyone!”

At this time, Fudge arrived, he was still the happily Maitreya Buddha, and greeted everyone with a smile.

Except for the entire group of Link and Mrs. Foley, almost everyone in the box stood up to show respect for the Ministry of Magic, Fudge.

Percy · Weasley even bowed respectfully to Fudge, but it was a pity that they were sitting too far behind, and Fudge didn’t even see him.

He is the third son of Mr. Weasley. Unlike several other brothers, this guy is a guy who is heavily obsessed with power. The person he admires most is the big ZZ family like Fudge.

Maybe because of the bowing too low, Percy’s glasses fell to the ground and shattered.

George and Fred De have always watched Percy, a guy who likes to pose, and how could they let this opportunity pass and immediately started laughing out loud.

Finally, Fudge was attracted by the laughter, and after looking over it, he happened to see Percy pouting his butt and picking up his glasses in an extremely indecent posture.

He was frowned and quickly got out of sight.

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