Lupin? werewolf?

Link immediately became interested.

In the original work, Harry Third Year’s Defense Against the Dark Arts professor is a werewolf named Lupin, and Link really likes this role.

According to the original plot, Lupin should still be in the stage of wandering around doing odd jobs and earning money.

Will the Lupin mentioned by Orion now be the Lupin in Link’s memory?

With a little expectation, Link slowly returned to his seat.

As the class bell rang, a familiar silhouette also appeared in front of him.

It was a middle-aged man who looked very haggard and tired. His face was wrinkled, his hair was a little gray, and the windbreaker he was wearing was full of patches.

I have to say that in terms of temperament, he does match this farm and the students here.

But the corners of Link’s mouth rose up at the first sight of him.

Because this is indeed the person in his memory, Remus John Lupin.

“Good noon, everyone. I am your intern teacher Remus Lupin. You can also call me Mr. Lupin directly.” Lupin took out a thick book from his weather-beaten briefcase and flipped through it. After opening, he said, “The next thing I want to explain to you is the “magic power of language”, I hope this can help you.”

hearing this, Link immediately sat upright, and at the same time Take out the shorthand quill and prepare to write notes.

Although the fast chanting lesson last week was disappointing, he believes that this lesson will be different because the person who taught them this time is called Lupin.

On the contrary to Link, the other students who were very active in the last class, even Filch were not interested in Lupin’s performance this time, and some people even ignored Lupin. , Walked out of the classroom without anyone else.

This makes Link very puzzled.

This is where Filch suddenly came over and whispered to Link:

“Link, I asked someone to find out during the break just now. This Professor Lupin has already come to replace the class. It’s been almost a month, but he was talking about unfathomable mystery things, which no one understood at all. So I said, should we stop it and go eat first?”

Hearing this Link’s eyes stared at the boss for an instant. He couldn’t believe that Lupin, who was later hired by Dumbledore as Hogwarts Defence Against the Dark Arts Professor, would be unfathomable mystery now in lectures?

This is simply the biggest joke in the world.

“Go by yourself, I have to go to class!”

Link said aloud, Filch saw curl one’s lip, cautiously guarding the notes he took before Just walked out of the classroom.

In a short while, most of the people in the Kung Fu classroom left, and Lupin on the podium was obviously also very embarrassed.

He reluctantly smiled at the rest of the people, and then continued:

“Thank you for staying and listening to my class, so let’s get to the topic.

First of all, we have to make it clear that the language we use and the words we speak actually have magic power. Because speaking from a certain perspective, it is actually the embodiment of our personal willpower. Specific With strong emotions and strong emotions, you can control the operation of magic power to a certain extent. The magic spell system we are currently using is based on this principle to gradually improve and stabilize. Of course, compared to precise words, The personal emotions that we attach to when we speak are the key. As long as you have magic power, and the emotions and willpower are in place, the slight deviation in the pronunciation of the spell is actually not at all too big. This is why wizards in other countries use it. Although it is not a Latin spell, they can still use magic. After we understand this, we can start to move on to the next step…”

With the talk of Professor Lupin on the podium , The shorthand quill on the Link desktop is being automatically written in shua~ shua~ shua~.

Link himself has been completely immersed in the ocean of knowledge, and a large piece of information has appeared before his eyes.

[Renew Mantra lv4 experience +1+1+1…]

The knowledge described by Lupin has benefited Link a lot, and it also happens to give him the opportunity to continue the mantra. Provides a new idea on the stage.

Although his current spirit strength is indeed not enough to accurately control the magic power, what if you follow the method described by Lupin with words and strong emotions?

Link feels very embarrassed.

Just after the get out of class, Link got emotional and couldn’t wait to pick up wand and pointed it at his left hand, which had been bent into a bowl, and said:

“The palm is full!”

“gu lu lu!~”

An inaudible sound of water rang out, and a puddle of clear water appeared in Link’s palm unconsciously.

This made Link couldn’t help but yell YES!

Although the effect of this spell just now is very ordinary, but it is released by Link using the palm of the hand as a container, which means that Link has mastered the skills to change the corresponding container of the refill spell, and it is also good for refilling. The mastery of the curse has reached a whole new level.

At the same time, he also understood why the previous students said that Lupin’s class was not interesting.

After all, although Lupin is already explaining in a very simple and easy-to-understand way, this kind of knowledge is not understood by everyone.

At least these squibs and poor eggs here are incomprehensible.

And even if they understand, Link also doubts whether they can use this knowledge soul.

After all, they can’t even put out the simplest Levitation charm one by one.

So for them, the spiritual chicken soup class given by Professor Andrew before is naturally more valuable.

At least that can make them regain their confidence and become passionate.

Link shook the head, who confirmed this, suppressed the excitement in his heart, and ran out of the classroom like flying away.

Facts have proved Lupin’s ability to Link, so Link needs to talk to Lupin. An excellent professor like him shouldn’t stay in this rotten place and get moldy!

However, not long after he ran out, he saw Lupin and Orionto standing in a remote corridor talking something.

Link looked at the two curiously, not at all, and went straight forward, but hid in the corner.

He really wants to hear the conversation of these two people.

“…Well, Remus Lupin, after a discussion, the personnel department of our fast chanting company agreed that you are not qualified for this job, so I regret to inform you that your internship Failed.”

“Really?” Listening to Orionto’s aloof and remote, Lupin’s voice was visibly lowered, “That’s really a pity, may I ask where I did it? Isn’t it right?”

“You have done a lot of wrong, I am not patient enough to tell you a little bit.” Orion said impatiently, “Okay, get out , I don’t want to see you anymore.”

Oliantou’s words were very rude, but Lupin was not angry because of it. He calmly nodded and then said:

“Then Mr. Oleanto, should my internship salary be given to me too.”

“Internship salary? What internship salary?”

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