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Fiendfyre is not too difficult in terms of casting.

Because Fiendfyre itself has the ability to swallow all combustibles to expand itself endlessly.

So the wizard only needs to activate the magic power to generate a little Fiendfyre’s fire star. Actually, it can be considered as a successful Fiendfyre Curse.

But this is not a ‘master’ of Fiendfyre Curse.

If you want to learn this spell in a true sense, you must learn how to control and extinguish Fiendfyre, so as to maximize the control of Fiendfyre.

What Link has to do now is to put out such a very difficult task.

I saw him holding wand high, and step by step moved towards the center of the fire field.

With his movements, all the Fiendfyre around him were completely extinguished at an astonishing speed, and were re-transformed into the power of the curse, exposing the hardened ground that was burned by the flames.

His posture almost separated from Moses in the Red Sea!

But Fiendfyre, who has grown stronger after swallowing and congregating living corpses, wouldn’t be so easy to commit the crime.

It’s Ghost Fire Homura with a certain wisdom!

Sure enough, Link’s Fire Element destruction was strongly blocked after it actually reached the core area of ​​the fire field.

It is a python composed entirely of Fiendfyre, and its body shape is comparable to a complete Arkham.

Fiendfyre’s concentrated intensity is so high that there is even a kind of black.

“si si hiss!~” (Fake! Kill this fake!)

I don’t know when Arkham has already got out of Link’s neckline and kept yelling at Fiendfyre python.

And as if stimulated, Fire Python also contorted and formed a ready-to-attack quasi-attack posture, as if the next moment would launch an attack.

It’s a pity that I knew I couldn’t extinguish Fiendfyre’s Link and didn’t give it a chance to attack first. With a wave of the wand, the massive cursing power that was transformed by the Fiendfyre extinguished around them gathered together, condensed. It became a giant spiral spear nearly 4 meters long and plunged into Fiendfyre python’s head.

“哧! ~”

A strange sound resounded across the night sky.

That terrifying python was directly scattered by unmatched power and turned into a sky full of flames again.

Then, the black light flashed on the Link wand, quickly extinguishing the remaining Fiendfyre.

[Fiendfyre Curse lv2 has been obtained! ]

The long-lost barrage drifted past Link’s eyes.

This makes the gasping for breath Link smile.

Although this time is very expensive, it is worthwhile to get lvLevel 2 and other Fiendfyre Curse directly.

Fiendfyre is different from other spells.

In view of its terrifying destructive power, the recognized positioning given by magic circle is a strategic killing curse.

And this means that Link now also has this kind of strategic power.

Link is very self-aware.

The reason why he was able to successfully cast and close Fiendfyre this time was actually because he was able to freely control the power of the curse.

Otherwise, although he can also ignite Fiendfyre, it is far from being such a big momentum, let alone extinguishing Fiendfyre.

Of course, Dumbledore also played a role in it.

If it were not for him to wake up the dreamer, Link would not have thought of using this method to control Fiendfyre.

At the same time, a trace of surprise flashed across Dumbledore’s face, who was staring at Link not far away.

In fact, he is already overestimating Link as much as possible.

The reason why he didn’t negotiate with Link in a coaxing look like he did to Harry,

Instead, it changed into a more equal, both teacher and friend attitude,

It is the fact that Link has been spotted and will surely grow into a big tree comparable to his Dumbledore in the future.

But judging from the current performance of Link, Dumbledore felt that he might still underestimate Link.

In all fairness, whether it is Voldemort or him and Grindelwald.

In my youth, I couldn’t control Fiendfyre like Link now do as one pleases.

In the future, Link will not only become a big tree that can support the entire wizard world, it will also become an Iron Fist, opening up a better future for the wizards!

Thinking about this, Dumbledore was actually a little upset, and the eyes of looking towards Link also flickered.

Link in the distance seemed to perceive Dumbledore’s hot gaze. Some unfathomable mystery turned his head and looked at Dumbledore before bowing his head:

“Thank you for your teaching, Headmaster Dumbledore!”


Dumbledore came with a big laugh, and slapped Link on the shoulder. “You did a great job. If we were still in Hogwarts, I would definitely give you 50 points!

Of course, you also blame me for being long-winded. Dark magic or something, it’s better not to use it or not. This is not good for your body, you should understand.

In the future, I may often find you to do some extracurricular activities and teach you something. Hope you can be prepared. “

hearing this Link froze for a moment.

He felt that Dumbledore was a little too enthusiastic about him.

But Link, who has just experienced the teaching ability of this century’s strongest white wizard, will naturally not be so stupid to refuse.

He controlled his muscles and forced a smile on his face that had become too cold due to Occlumency.

Dumbledore also clicked nodded with satisfaction. Then he took Link and stepped on the ground that had become semi-crystalline due to Fiendfyre roasting to the innermost part of the small cemetery.

This place has almost completely become a wasteland, and there is no trace of tombstones at all.

But Dumbledore pointed to a tuft of grass and said to Link:

“This is Tom’s cemetery.

To be precise, it should be the clothing mound he prepared for himself.

He wanted to use this method to announce the death of Tom Riddle, and now only Voldemort is walking in Human World.

If I guess right, his Horcrux should have been buried in it as a corpse. “

Dumbledore said and signaled Link to retreat later.

Immediately I saw his wand pick it up in the air, and the ground in front of him was tumbling with a wave of earth, and a pure black wooden coffin without any mark on the surface was turned over in an instant.

“ka-cha! ka-cha! ~”

After a series of wood cracking sounds, the coffin lid was finally opened.

Link covered his nose and mouth and took a look, and saw a set of old muggle children’s clothing and a large number of muggle toys in the thin wooden coffin.

The most important thing is that in the center of the wooden coffin, there is also a ring inlaid with a huge black polygonal gemstone. Under the shining of moonlight, Link surprisingly found a lot on the inside of the ring. Ancient runes that people can’t understand.

At this moment, Link can clearly’see’ the large amount of ominous magic power condensed on the ring, and the evil spirits coiled on it one after another, by means of the Super Sensation Curse.

‘Found it! ’

Link felt like his scalp was about to explode.

The ring that appeared before his eyes was undoubtedly one of Voldemort’s Horcrux-the Resurrection Stone ring, also known as the Ring of Gaunt.

Link As long as you destroy this Horcrux ring yourself, you will get another golden skill point.

Link lifted wand almost instinctively, wanting to destroy the ring directly.

But at this moment, a powerful murderous aura that was almost unstoppable came from his side, forcing him to stop.

After a long time, he turned his head stiffly, looking towards the source of the murderous aura as if he was in an ice cave.

“Deng, Headmaster Dumbledore?”

Dumbledore was in a weird state at this time.

There was an expression of eagerness on his face that Link had never seen before. His eyes were straight, as if he hadn’t seen Link at all, he stretched out his hand and slowly grabbed it towards the ring in the coffin.

At the same time, the extremely powerful magic power is crazily pouring out of its body, turning into an almost substantial flow of magic power repelling everything around it.

Pushed by the magic power stream, Link took a few steps back directly.

“gu lu !”

Link swallowed heavily.

This is the first time he has seen Dumbledore really show off his power.

Judging from the magic power radiating unconsciously in its current state of being out of control, Dumbledore’s magic power is dozens or hundreds of times that of Link in terms of quality and quantity.

With such a big power gap, Dumbledore killing him is basically the same as squeezing an ant.

By this time Link also remembered another thing.

In addition to the Horcrux, the ring in the coffin is also inlaid with the Resurrection Stone, one of the three Death Hallows, which is said to have the ability of the ‘summon’ soul to meet the user.

This is an irresistible temptation for Dumbledore, who has miserable family affairs, desperately desires and feels guilty for family members.

This weakness of Dumbledore is also very clear to Voldemort.

Therefore, in order to protect his Horcrux, or simply to insulate Dumbledore and other tomb raiders, Voldemort put a very vicious curse on this ring, which is triggered by wearing the Resurrection Stone ring!

Dumbledore in the original work lost his magic power because of the curse on the ring, and finally died under Snape’s rod, dedicated to his favorite cause.

And now, Dumbledore is going to make the same mistake again.

Looking at Dumbledore who was about to catch the Resurrection Stone ring, Link’s expression became a little complicated.

Actually, Link wants Dumbledore to die.

After all, people like Dumbledore are too dangerous.

Link didn’t want to be like Harry, being used by Dumbledore as a ‘sacrifice’ against Voldemort.

The problem now is that the story of the Resurrection Stone ring appeared too early under his impetus.

Once Dumbledore is cursed, even with the help of top healers such as Snape and Madam Pomfrey, Dumbledore can last at most for a year.

And at the later stage, Dumbledore’s magic power will decline to a level close to squib.

This means that if Voldemort’s problem is not completely resolved after a year, then Link will have to face it alone.

This is what Link doesn’t want to see.

After all, Dumbledore was actually a tall man who would be hit first when the sky fell.

Besides, there is a gold skill point on that ring!


At this time, Dumbledore has already got the Resurrection Stone ring.

He raised the ring against the moonlight, and the ghost entwined in the ring seemed to perceive his existence and began to growl at him constantly.

The largest of them has a face very similar to Voldemort when he was young, and he was talking to Dumbledore with a smile on his face.

And under his bewilderment, Dumbledore, who was drunk with his face, was slowly putting the ring on his other hand.

“Can’t hesitate anymore!”

As if to cheer for himself, Link roared.

At this moment, the flow of magic power around Dumbledore has been violent to the extreme, almost forming a magic power wall.

According to Link’s estimation, all the spells he has mastered today cannot break through that wall. This is due to the difference in the essential strength of magic power.

But this doesn’t mean that Link can’t do anything with the ring!

“It’s up to you to decide! Yo-yo! Arkham!”

Link roared and threw the carapace ball between his neck.

The sphere quickly deformed in the air and instantly turned into a huge and gorgeous giant curled-winged demon.

On the claws of the Curly Winged Demon, there is still Arkham in miniature hanging.


The curly-winged demon screamed and plunged directly into the magic power stream.

At this time, the powerful anti-magic scales on its surface came into play.

Even as powerful as Dumbledore’s magic power, it still failed to completely resist the attack of the Curly Winged Demon without deliberate control.

In a violent rubbing sound, the Winged Demon squeezed in front of Dumbledore, and then threw Arkham out.

The powerful kinetic energy directly turned Arkham into a dark green arrow, which directly hit the Resurrection Stone ring in Dumbledore’s hand and bit it!

“Crack it!”

crisp voice echoed out.

Under Dumbledore’s surprised and angry gaze, the pure gold ring of the Resurrection Stone ring shattered instantly, and the strong magic power entwined on it and the ghosts also dissipated under the erosion of Arkham Venom!

“no! “

The mournful scream sounded from Dumbledore’s mouth.

The magic power stream gathered around him also sensed Dumbledore’s emotional changes, and instantly became violent.

This made Arkham and Yo-Yo’s faces a humane flash of fear.

Because under the strangulation of this powerful magic power, their only end is to be twisted into a pile of rotten meat!

“Shenfeng… Wuying!”

The turbulent blade instantly cut into the magic power stream. Although it was far less powerful than Dumbledore, the blade still relied on the huge magic power reserves to cut a channel in the magic power stream.

“Come back!”

Link roared and jerked wand in his hand.

The sharp edge immediately formed two big hands, directly pulling Arkham and the Yo-Yo back.

[Horcrux -Gaunt ring has been destroyed! Golden skill points*1 have been obtained! ]

The barrage of golden crossed again, but Link didn’t realize it, and he checked Arkham and Yo-Yo in his arms with a nervous expression on his face.

Although the entire process just lasted was only two seconds, it was extremely dangerous and scary.

Either the curse on the Resurrection Stone ring or the magic power of Dumbledore are enough to instantly kill Arkham and Yo-Yo.

And when Link checked the two beasts, Dumbledore was completely mad!

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