
You can search for “Hogwarts’s Strongest Badger: Miaobi Pavilion (” in Baidu to find the latest chapter!

Link had already made some speculations as early as when Mrs. Foley said to help find foreign aid.

As far as he thought, after Mrs. Foley put aside the power of the Foley family, the only foreign aid that could be found was probably his grandfather’s power in Germany.

However, according to Link’s investigation, his grandfather’s family was liquidated miserably when Grindelwald fell. At present, both the family size and the background are far inferior to the Forli family.

So to be honest, Link didn’t care much about the foreign aid that Mrs. Foley got.

Several battle strengths barely matched Snape’s old wizard that’s all.

Such battle strength is not uncommon in the Foley family. Those well-prepared magical creature hunters may not be as good as Hogwarts professors in other respects, but battle strength alone is still terrifying.

Let’s talk about it again.

Even if these foreign aids are really strong, can they still be stronger than Dumbledore?

But even if I don’t like this foreign aid, Link is still very moved.

After all, from the perspective of Mrs. Foley’s relationship with the German family, Mrs. Foley must have paid a lot for getting foreign aid from there, and even suffered a lot of grievances.

Smiling and accepting the dragon tooth pendant, Link directly took Mrs. Foley to start the original travel plan.

Mrs. Foley and Link were very happy throughout the journey, as if they had forgotten the upcoming major event tonight.

It wasn’t until the sun gradually went west that the smile on Mrs. Foley’s face finally converged and returned to the original cold appearance.

At this moment, Emily, who had been missing for almost a whole day, appeared slowly in front of them.

“Why did you go, child? Why did it take so long?”

Mrs. Foley was half scolding and half caring inquiring.

Link also wanted to ask for a few concerned questions, but Emily rolled his eyes back.

“I didn’t do anything, just did some small things that’s all within my power.”

Listening to Emily’s casually description, Link has a numb scalp, because just by looking at Emily’s mouth fluttering gesture, he can know that Fleur must be miserable.

Sure enough, when the three of them came to the champion meeting place outside the Forbidden Forest, Fleur’s whole body was in a state of despair, and her mother and Gabrielle were constantly fanning her.

Krum and Harry’s situation is not much better, they seem to be in poor condition.

There is no doubt that this must be Emily’s handwriting.

Taking revenge on Fleur, she also wanted to help Link by the way, and directly expanded the damage range to all champions except Link.

Fortunately, although I don’t know what exactly Emily used, the three champions don’t seem to know that they have been attacked by Emily. At least they were friendly to Link when they saw the three of Link coming in. Say hello.

“Damn, the sanitary conditions of your Hogwarts food are really rubbish, we just had lunch in the auditorium and it became like this!”

Fleur complained quickly in English.

Harry and Sirius beside hearing this both glared at him, but Link was relaxed. While smiling and nodded at Fleur, they even felt a little grateful in their hearts.

Fleur’s remarks just now seemed to belittle Hogwarts, but in essence, it suddenly characterized this highly likely poisoning incident as the kitchen’s unqualified sanitary conditions.

Link didn’t believe in Fleur and didn’t know it was Emily’s revenge.

Then there is only one reason for Fleur to do this-she is afraid that this will affect Link.

apart from this Link there is another question in my mind.

You must know that champions who are unwell at this important moment must be sent to Madam Pomfrey for treatment.

Where did Emily get such a strong poison that even Madam Pomfleur could not cure?

Happily, this question of Link was quickly explained.

Because soon Snape’s gloomy dead face appeared in the champion common room.

“I have prepared the relief agent, you guys quickly take it and drink it.”

“Thank you!”

Fleur’s mother was the first to take over the potion, followed by Krum’s parents.

The scene became a bit awkward when Harry was with Sirius.

The two guys were stubborn and insisted that Snape must have given poison. Snape himself didn’t seem to be willing to give it, deliberately pretending to look like “This is poison, it’s a pity you didn’t drink it.” , So Sirius and Snape almost got into a fight on the spot.

In the end, it was Hermione who got into the tent before forcibly filling Harry down.

Seeing everyone’s complexion gradually recovering, Link quietly approached Snape and said:

“You shouldn’t let Emily mess around. If Harry retires because of physical discomfort, our arrangement tonight will be in vain.”

“Are you teaching me to do things?” Snape stared at Link and turned Link back. “If it wasn’t for Little Emily to stop me, I really want you to taste the potion! You can do it yourself, if Let me hear that Emily was bullied by you…”

Snape didn’t continue, but the threat in his words made Link wince.

Fortunately, Snape did not continue to teach Link’s thoughts. After that, he announced directly to the others in the tent:

“It’s time for the champions to play. As for the champion’s family…”

He glanced at Sirius · Black, “Go to the stands and find a spot by yourself!”

“Professor Snape means that Hogwarts has already arranged VIP seats for everyone, and then everyone will go directly.”

Link hurriedly stepped forward to explain, which made Sirius once again dismissed the idea of ​​fighting with Snape.

5 points later, Link and other four champions followed Snape into the paddock outside the Forbidden Forest.

The link here has become almost unrecognizable.

An incomparable gigantic magic screen is facing the fan-shaped stairway. After the game starts, the audience will be shown the images transmitted by the alchemy hummingbird and the golden wolf fish in real time.

As for now, the advertisements of the properties of the Hogwarts school directors are being played cyclically on it, which is also one of the benefits of the school directors and investors.

People have also begun to enter the huge fan-shaped stairway. The influx of hundreds of students made the air full of excited words and messy footsteps.

This lively scene formed a sharp contrast with the clear and tranquil deep blue sky in the evening.

Professor McGonagall brought Flitwick, Hagrid and other surrounding Sects into the venue, moved towards Snape with Link and the others.

None of them wore wizard robes, which were rare today. Instead, they put on safari suits that were easy to move around and looked heroic.

“After the game starts, we will patrol the arena.” Professor McGonagall looked around at the crowd and said, “If you encounter difficulties that you can’t cope with and want to be rescued, then launch red fireworks into the sky and we will come and help you. . But it should be noted that once the fireworks are fired, it also means that you have given up this game. Understand?”

The champions are all nodded together.

Link is clicked very hard.

He knows very well that these professors are not only patrolling around the arena, they will also enter the arena to guard the Death Eater that may appear.

“Fortunately you have suffered.”

Bagman, the host of this time, also rushed over and spoke to Professor McGonagall and them graciously.

It’s a pity that Professor McGonagall didn’t want to pay attention to him. He directly directed everyone to split up and scattered all around the arena.

Snape was also in the patrol team. When he passed Link, he patted Link on the shoulder very concealedly and said:

“Good luck, Link.”

Before Link could react, Snape disappeared.

‘Hey! What a arrogant guy! ’

“Well, gentlemen and ladies, the last race of the Triwizard Tournament will begin soon!”

Bagman couldn’t wait to use a Sonorus spell on his throat, and then his voice amplified by the spell echoed from the venue, “Before the game officially starts, let me report the current The score!

The first champion ranked 1st with full marks is Link Foley, Hogwarts! Next in second place is Harry Potter, also from Hogwarts! “

Thunderous applause and cheers suddenly sounded from the fan-shaped stands. The sound was so loud that even the birds in the Forbidden Forest flew up in surprise.

“The third place is Victor Krum, Durmstrang! The fourth champion is Fleur Delacour, Beauxbatons!”

As soon as I said this, the students of Durmstrang were okay. The students of Beauxbatons were ashamed to find a hole in the hole.

The last one is really shameful.

However, the students of Hogwarts were very grand. Facing Fleur and Krum, two people who were almost doomed to fail, they not only did not despise them, but also gave out cheers of encouragement.

Fleur was also very happy in the face of this situation, constantly beckoning to the stands, causing waves of applause and whistles.

After the audience shouted tired, Link was brought to the starting line by Bagman.

“Link, are you ready?”

Link made an ok gesture to Bagman.

“Then,” Bagman activated the Sonorus spell again, “Now, Link, listen to my whistle! Three-two-one-!”

With a short whistle, the Link, which had secretly drunk a series of buffpotions such as the phantom potion, directly wrapped the bat and turned into an afterimage, and disappeared in front of everyone in an instant.

“Ah this…”

Bagman murmured in a daze.

Harry and Krum and the others also had similar reactions.

The speed that Link showed was too terrifying.

Even Krum, the most confident of the remaining three, has some questions in his heart at this moment.

‘This kind of monster… can you really win? ’

But it doesn’t really matter what they think, because Bagman’s whisper has reached everyone in the stands through the Sonorus curse.

Suddenly, the stand that had just calmed down became a sensation again.

“hua! “




The powerful sound hit Harry’s eardrums. Harry’s complexion was pale, his feet were vacant, and his hands trembled slightly.

At this moment, Harry felt a big hand grabbing his arm.

He was taken aback, only to realize that it was Bagman.

“Harry, it’s your turn!”

“Huh? Oh!”

Harry was taken to the starting line by Bagman in a daze.

Then there was Bagman’s countdown sound.


At the same time, Link actually slowed down after entering the Forbidden Forest.

Although the venue of this competition has changed, in fact the theme is still the labyrinth.

Because the huge Forbidden Forest and the Black Lake are two huge mazes.

Especially Forbidden Forest.

The dense jungle there is enough to make any treacherous intruder lost here forever!


Knowing this, Link took a long breath and then took out the larch wand from another wand set.

“Show me the way!”

The larch wand is light flashed on blue and floats directly from Link’s hands, with the tip pointing straight to Northwest.

With a clear mind, Link held two wands in his hand, speeded up again, turned into a phantom and rushed towards the Black Lake.

Along with the continuous retreat of countless tree shadows, the rustle of dense leaves also kept digging into Link’s ears, during which there was even a dull sound of horseshoe landing.

Link is very clear that this is Professor McGonagall and Centaur who are following him for protection, but Link still does not feel the slightest sense of security, but is more vigilant.

Others may think that the goal of Death Eater this time is only Harry, but Link and Dumbledore know very well that for Death Eater and Voldemort, Link’s blood may be more attractive than Harry.

Several short black shadows suddenly rushed to Link in front of him from the side.

The link that opened Occlumency and the Super Sense Charm has already discovered the identity of each other-the Blast-Ended Skrewt raised by Hagrid!

This disgusting creature has completely turned into an extremely dangerous creature under Hagrid’s careful breeding.

The lobster-like carapace on them has been completely hardened into armor, and the formidable power exploded from the sticky tail behind them is even more comparable to tnt explosives.

Especially when they are violent in groups, the formidable power of the self-destruct attack is enough to make Hagrid himself a headache.

But Link did not panic.

I saw that the ebony wand in his hand was just a light swing, and a large group of water mist instantly enveloped all the Blast-Ended Skrewt.

The next moment, the water mist freezes, and several lifelike Blast-Ended Skrewt ice sculptures appear in the Forbidden Forest.

This is not over yet.

The yo-yo between Link’s neck has already turned into a black shadow and flew out. As Link quickly passed through, it quickly smashed all the ice sculptures!

However, this is only the first level arranged by the organizing committee of the competition in the Forbidden Forest.

Before Link completely passed the ice sculpture area, more rustling noises rang from the surroundings.

“It’s really troublesome!”

Link frowned and uttered, but his illusory figure came to a halt, shoved his shoulders, and made a slashing action.



The crisp sound of sword edge resounds through the jungle!

Along with the ebony wand being swung, a huge circular blade spreads directly around Link as the center!

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