
You can search for “Hogwarts’s Strongest Badger: Miaobi Pavilion (” in Baidu to find the latest chapter!

The hail rain created by Link, strictly speaking, should be an ultra-low temperature cold rain composed of magic power.

Those huge hail Links actually didn’t expect them to cause too much damage to the enemy, because they are just appendages brought by the ultra-low temperature.

However, the accessories have already reached this level, and the real formidable power of this cold rain cannot be underestimated.

Those elite Death Eaters who rushed into the hail rain were greatly reduced in a very short period of time due to the influence of low temperature, and this was still under the condition that they had already used the thermal insulation and anti-humidity curse.

And slowing down is just the 1st Step in Link tactics!

hong long long!

A thick purple thunder drew across the billowing clouds, reflecting on the ground and filled with a hint of purple.

Those elite Death Eaters who are struggling in the rain are also shocked when they see it. Even the wizards who have reached their level will inevitably feel panic when facing Heaven and Earth Might. This is human As a living thing, the instinct that is imprinted in DNA.

What really worries these elite Death Eaters is that after the thunder, Link, which was originally standing on a large piece of ice, waved wand again with a grinning smile.



The thunder sounded again, but the thunder and lightning of this time was no longer satisfied and only shuttled between the clouds, but along the trajectory of Link wand dancing, fiercely fell on the head of a team of Death Eaters.

I saw between Heaven and Earth white light flashed, the poor guys on the team vaporized in an instant, and even the slightest trace could not be left in this world.

This scene made the other squads around him feel tight, and Pettigrew Peter in the distance grew his mouth even more shocked. Only Voldemort and the Death Eater in full body armor performed relatively calmly.

They all knew that Link didn’t completely master the Power of Heaven and Earth like Thunder and Lightning. There were too many conditions to be met for an attack of the same level as Link to be used, and there was no way to release it continuously.

And it is true.

After destroying a pair of Death Eaters as a thunder, Link turned into a phantom and went off in person to start a’hand-to-hand fight’ with the remaining Death Eaters.

Link, as the initiator, is not affected by hail and rain.

This gives him a great advantage in speed.

I have the capital to fight guerrillas with Death Eaters, fly kites and walk dogs.

When he moved fast, he was constantly shooting Confringo Charm and Disarming Charm, and occasionally there were one or two horrible green Charm during the period.

Of course, Link did not forget to mix some invisible blades and human explosions in these conspicuous attacks.

In fact, these invisible and formless high-attack spells are Link’s main killing method.

The rest of the spells are all feints that’s all.

Unfortunately, compared to the previous batch, the combat literacy of this group of Death Eaters is too high.

They are just like a well-trained army. When each squad encounters an attack, it goes without saying that there will be a dedicated person who will stand up for interception and defense, and the rest will be responsible for cover and counterattack.

Although Link’s insidious spell collocation tactics still caused many Death Eaters to suffer, and even died on the spot, it did not cause much casualties to the Death Eaters as a whole. Instead, Link himself was Each Death Eater squad’s counterattack appeared to be a little frantic. From time to time, they would be hit by magic spells and had to rely on Protego and Voldebat to protect them.

And with the passage of time, those seemingly unrelated Death Eater squads have formed an encirclement with a tacit understanding in an attempt to trap Link in it.

Link was also keenly aware of this, but there was no way.

When the encirclement was officially formed, all Death Eaters stopped their attacks by coincidence, raised the wand and began to chant in unison:

“Lonios Formation!”

Several golden light curtains suddenly rose up and gathered into a ball above Link’s head, trapping Link in a semicircle.

Then, Death Eaters began to advance in an orderly manner, using golden Formation to compress Link’s range of activities.

During this period, Link’s resistance was fierce.

Even he did not hesitate the loss of magic power to create a giant Storm of Swords again.

However, this is just useless work.

No matter how powerful an attack is, falling on the golden sky will be the end of the battle.


Link smashed his mouth in dissatisfaction and looked up.

Using the super-sensing curse, he can clearly see that the spatial coordinates of his body are still continuously releasing signals, but why the reinforcements arranged on the periphery of Hogwarts have not arrived yet?

Link hesitated for a while.

Now his situation can be said to have reached the most dangerous and critical juncture. If reinforcements do not come, he will consider retreating.

This is not a difficult task for Link. He carries a special portkey with Phoenix feathers on him. This portkey has a very fast trigger speed and a strong ability to break through the air, unless it is the Ministry of Magic Department Of Mysteries, the inherent Formation that has been arranged for thousands of years, otherwise no one can restrict him in this world.

He wasn’t very worried about Snape and Harry.

The former Link could tell that Voldemort had no intention of hurting his life.

As for the latter, Snape will definitely protect Harry.

Thinking of this, Link has reached out to get the portkey.

You must know that the semi-circular Formation that trapped him now has been slowly shrinking. If you don’t leave, I’m afraid you will really be caught alive.

However, at this moment, a small crack burst open from the space beside Link.

Link eyebrow raised, after smelling the prestige, I saw that the crack was expanding little by little, turning into an irregular spatial door, and finally spit out about a dozen whole bodies wrapped in black robe, unable to see the face The wizard.

“Young Master, we are here to help you.”

A tall wizard headed by holding a dragon tooth pendant said to Link.

The rest of the black robe wizards spontaneously formed a protection circle, firmly protecting Link in it.

Obviously, this is the German foreign aid that Mrs. Foley helped him find.

What really surprised Link was that they came faster than their magical creature hunters!

The tall wizard seems to have misunderstood Link’s expression, and explained quietly:

“It could have been faster, but the Anti-Phantom Manifestation was applied to the area around here, which caused us to delay some time on the road.”

Link finally understood this statement.

Feeling Voldemort is the real old yin ratio, not only has so many manpower arranged, but also cast an anti-phantom manifestation curse.

It is extremely difficult and time-consuming to know that such prohibitions are extremely difficult and time-consuming to establish.

took a deep breath, Link nodded said:

“You are not to blame, well, let us take care of business now.”

The tall wizard clicked nodded and joined the protection circle around Link while holding wand.

At the same time, Death Eaters outside of Formation naturally discovered the changes on the Link side.

This made them seem to speed up the advancement of Formation, and the others have to clean up Link together with these new wizards.

However, it is a pity that compared to Link, this group of new and old wizards obviously have more experience in dealing with this kind of Formation.

Under Link’s surprised gaze, they saw them singing unknown spells and thrust the wand into the scorched ground.

Immediately the earth cracked, and a shiny silver light rose from the crack and spread rapidly, and soon connected to other rays of light into a circle, protecting all Link and the others in it.

Then a shocking scene happened.

The golden Formation, which originally Link couldn’t hurt anything no matter how attacked it, broke into the sky of light and rain at the moment it touched the silver white aperture, and fell silently in the rain.

“We use’All curses are over’, a high level Defense Against the Dark Arts technique born out of’Finite Incantatem’.” Perceiving Link’s gaze, the tall wizard explained softly, “Although It is a bit more cumbersome to release, but it has the ability to destroy, suppress and end most of the magic, and it can also be used to delimit areas to protect itself.”

Link’s eyes were bright when he heard it, and again and again nodded.

Although the tall wizard used the phrase “born from Finite Incantatem”, he could see that this magic called “All Curse Ends” is definitely the highest level of Defense Against the Dark. Arts technique, while the effect is impressive, the use spell is definitely incredibly difficult.

This also gave Link a new understanding of this group of ‘foreign aid’.

He originally thought that the foreign aid assignments that Mrs. Foley could find were not strong enough, maybe they were still some stinky fish and shrimps.

According to the current situation, it seems that his grandpa’s house far away in Germany still has several points of family property!

While Link was talking to the tall wizard, the Death Eaters outside finally couldn’t help but launch an attack.

Obviously, they all know ‘All curses are all over’, and the curses they choose to release are all parabolic curses to bypass the protective shell on the ground.

However, these more than ten black robe wizards once again demonstrated their strength to Link.

The protective wall they formed seemed thin, but it was extremely tough.

Any spells shot at them will be knocked off or blocked by them with various techniques that Link seems to be unimaginable, and sometimes they have room to counterattack quickly and fiercely.

Of course, in front of the well-trained Death Eaters who look like an army, the damage that this kind of counterattack can cause is really limited, but they finally resisted the advancement of the Death Eaters, making the scene stalemate. .

The most important thing is that even the deadlock Death Eaters did not last long.

As one of Link’s reinforcements, the magical creature hunters of the Foley family have finally arrived!

Compared with the group of old German wizards, the magical creature hunters of the Forli family have less discipline.

Just getting out of the narrow Transmission Gate, the leading hunter threw a one-knee kneels in front of Link and said:

“Sorry Young Master! We are late!”

While talking, the hunter was still trembling and looked very panicked.

No way, the livelihood and safety of their family of magical creature hunters are basically tied to the Foley family.

In other words, as long as Link is one word, the whole family won’t even want to live.

And the time they delayed was too long. Although the main reason here was that Voldemort had set the Anti-Apparition Curse, the Foley family had always done things only to see the results.

Judging from the current result that Link was almost caught alive, the hunter who led the team estimated that Link had torn their hearts away.

Actually, things were almost as expected by the hunter in the lead. Just now, Link, who had a soft face and talked to the tall German wizard, turned his head and saw these magical creature hunters of his own, and the whole face was gloomy in an instant.

Scolded them fiercely:

“Is he really embarrassing to me, I will teach you a lot when I go back! As for now, hurry up on me!”

As soon as this statement came out, many magical creature hunters, including the leading hunters, were sighed in relief.

Although they don’t have many chances to get along with Link in normal, but out of the instinct of their subordinates, they still have a deep understanding of Link character.

They know very well that since Link is willing to scold them now, it is estimated that there will not be too severe punishment afterwards.

On the other hand, if Link comforts them softly, it will be over.

Feeling happy, the hunters’ superficial skills are still doing well, one by one rushed to the outer circle with fear and fear, and joined the battle with the Death Eaters.

Unlike Death Eater and the old German wizards, the fighting methods of the Forli family hunters are particularly special.

The curse is not the strongest attack method in their hands. They just took out all kinds of crossbows and flamboyant long-range weapons from the non-marking stretch bag they carried.

What’s more, there were piles of parts all over the floor. After assembly, a ballista appeared in front of Link.

These all are weapons are commonly used by hunters to hunt large magical creatures. The internal energy is provided by wizards and wands. The arrows fired are pure magic power arrows with amazing lethality, and they can also include electric shocks, Various effects including burning, toxin, blasting, etc.

When these ballistas were put up, the form of the field changed in an instant.

Even if Death Eaters are well-trained, they will inevitably fail in the face of crushing firepower like this.

After seeing this scene, Link’s bad mood only felt a little better.

The hunter on the side also saw the right time, and came over flatly and said:

“Young Master, this is only our first wave of support. Kled old steward is taking the rest of his brother outside and continues to try to break through the air. It is estimated that he will be there soon.”

Link hearing this did not speak, just clicked nodded.

But his mood has obviously become better.

Compared to Link, Voldemort was not so comfortable.

Seeing the sudden change of the situation off the field, his mood was extremely complicated for a while.

On the one hand, I felt that these Death Eaters who did not listen to him died and died in vain. On the other hand, they felt it was a pity.

took a deep breath, and he finally turned his attention to Pettigrew Peter.

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