Just as lengyi was gobbling up wonton, a drunken, swaying man came here.

"Old man, a bowl of wonton." The man said drunk.

"I'm really sorry, wonton is sold out." The old man said with apology.

"Old man, if you want to eat wonton, you should say no, I've smashed your stall." The drunkard was angry and kicked over the table beside him.

"This guest, I'm really sorry. Wonton is sold out." Although the old man was worried, he didn't seem to be afraid.

"If you can't eat wonton today, you'll smash up your stall." The drunk man is mad and unreasonable.

"There is no wonton. Why do you embarrass an old man?" Lengyi frowned and said.

"What the hell are you? Are you in charge of my uncle's affairs The drunk comes to lengyi and points to lengyi's nose.

With a sneer on the corner of her mouth, Leng Yi's arm suddenly stretched out and banged the drunk's head on the table. Then a chopstick rubbed the drunk's eyelid and inserted it into the table.

Although this is an ordinary wooden table, you can insert chopsticks, which is not what ordinary people can do. The drunk wakes up half of the time, puts his face on the table, and looks at lengyi in fear.

"You're lucky. I'm in a good mood today, otherwise this chopstick should be in your head." Cold Yi pats drunk's head, light says.

Cold Yi kicked the drunk to the ground. The drunk immediately got up and ran away in a hurry.

Drunkards are indeed lucky, because in this world, people who dare to use their fingers to cool off do not exist at all. Even if they do, they will disappear in this world.

"Thank you, young man." The old man said gratefully.

"It's just a small lift." Lengyi said with a smile.

When Leng Yi pays the bill, the old man insists not to, but Leng Yi puts the money under the bowl while the old man is not paying attention. If the family was better, no one would set up a stall to make money at such an old age and in such a cold night.

Lengyi is on his way home. When he passes through an alley, he hears a scream coming from the alley. Then he sees the drunk running out of the alley and yells: "dead, dead."

Lengyi curiously walked into the alley, just a dozen meters away from the entrance of the alley, a man was leaning against a garbage can, covered with blood. There was a sharp knife in his chest, and there was a bloodstain deep in the alley. It seems that this man escaped to this place from other places.

Leng Yi takes a look and knows that this man can't live. His heart is broken by a knife. He is fast and ruthless. It seems that the man who started is powerful. It's not easy for this man to get here after such a fatal injury.

"Give this to the police." The handle of the injured man released, revealing a memory card.

Then the injured person spewed out a mouthful of blood and murmured: "if you are not benevolent, then I will be unjust. When I die, I will take you to be buried with me." Finish saying, the head is low, did not have breath.

At this time, the sound of sirens came from outside the alley, and the police came. Lengyi immediately took the memory card and disappeared in the alley.

Back home, lengyi opens the memory card and finds the evidence of killing and kidnapping by Dilong group, as well as the gambling and drug trafficking network of Disha gang.

It is also recorded that at 12:00 on the night of March 5, a batch of antiques were smuggled abroad. This time, the amount of smuggling is very large. Deng shanfa plans to make a big profit while Baijiang wharf is still in hand.

At the end of the document, there are a few words: "Dilong group not only smuggles antiques, but also smuggles

The following is not, the last few words should be added in a hurry, but it seems not finished, it is estimated that it is too late to write, the person who killed him has arrived.

"Apart from smuggling antiques and cultural relics, what else does the earthworm group smuggle?" Cold Yi a face of meditation. It seems that the earthworm group, as it suspected, not only smuggled antiques, but also more profitable "March 5? Isn't that tomorrow? I'll see it then. " Lengyi looks at the data and thinks to himself.

"With these evidences, it is enough to uproot Dilong group and Disha gang." Lengyi smiles at the data in the computer.

Deng shanfa looked at the man in front of him and roared angrily: "you waste, let you kill someone, you let him run away."

"I'm sorry, guild leader. I didn't expect that he had a gun on his body and let him escape. But guild leader can rest assured that the knife has pierced his heart and he won't live long." The bald man bowed his head and said.

"Don't worry, how can you tell me to worry? He has the evidence of Desha gang and Dilong group's homicide and crime in his hand. Once the evidence is in the hands of the police, we'll wait for the bullet." Deng shanfa said with a gloomy face.

"I'm sorry, master. I'm not good at it. Please give me a chance. I'll get the information back." The bald man panicked and asked.

"Now that you know you're not doing well, do you still have the face to live? It's no use keeping you. " Deng shanfa finished, and a pistol appeared in his hand.

"Bang," the gunshot rang out. There was a hole in the brow of the bald man, and then he fell heavily on the ground, dead and dead.

"Drag him out." Deng shanfa said with a wave. Then I saw two big men come in and drag away the bodies on the ground.

"Is it necessary to be so angry?" A voice came from the darkness.

"I've been bitten by a dog for many years. Can I not be angry? I didn't expect that this guy collected so much information from me quietly. I don't know if he didn't take the initiative to buy his life. " Deng Shan said with a cold snort.

"It's not easy for you, leader Deng, to see things wrong." Said the man in the dark with a sneer.

"I'm a human being, not a God. Naturally, it's impossible for everyone to see clearly. For example, you, I can't see clearly." Deng shanfa said faintly.

"Leader Deng, you flatter me too much. I'm far behind leader Deng." Said the man in the dark.

"Put away your sarcasm, we are grasshoppers on the same rope now. I'm unlucky, you can't run, so I'd better find a way to get back the information. If these data fall into the hands of Lin Yuanwei, I'll start running. " Deng shanfa's face was full of worry.

”I know, I will look for information, but after this thing is over, there will be no relationship between us. I don't owe you any more. " Then the man in the dark turned and left.

"If it wasn't for your usefulness, I would have killed you long ago. What I can't master always makes people uneasy." A trace of cruelty flashed in Deng shanfa's eyes.

Deng shanfa has done many things, such as tearing down bridges across rivers, releasing military power with a glass of wine, and killing the elder. Deng shanfa has been in charge of Disha Gang all these years. That's because he has always followed a principle: ruthless, ruthless and merciless. He kills all those who resist himself.

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