Although the number of mysterious people is very small, they are all very strong, and their strength and shooting skills are much higher than those of the robbers. As soon as there is a firefight, the robbers are constantly killed, and these mysterious people do not love fighting. Rushed to the ground in front of the two people, the video can only see that the two people are women, as for what looks unclear.

Then the group of mysterious people took the two people into the car, drove the car into the guardrail, drove on the opposite road next door, and left.

"A lot of people were killed in the video. Didn't a robber's body be found at the scene?" Asked the Secretary of the Municipal Committee.

"No, by the time we got to the scene, the robbers had taken all the bodies away and disappeared." Criminal police captain guilt said.

"So there's no news at all?" Said the Secretary of the Municipal Committee of politics and law with a frown.

"Yes, leaders, their cars are all unregistered and use fake license plates. And these robbers are all anti reconnaissance experts. Our people have not found any trace. " Criminal police captain said with his head down.

"In this case, we will not delay your time. According to the municipal leaders, we must do our best to solve the case as soon as possible and give an account to the public." The Secretary of the municipal political and legal committee said solemnly.

"Leaders, all our police officers have been sent out, but now the people are very panicked and do not cooperate with our work." A deputy director said.

"Asshole, these damned robbers." The city director scolded loudly. It turns out that after the shooting, the public thought that it was a terrorist activity and spread false information, so they hid one after another, causing a lot of confusion. Some shops even closed down and stopped business.

"There's nothing we can do about it. The shooting on the ring expressway is so big that the paper can't cover the fire. Besides, there are so many policemen, and the real guns and live ammunition can't be concealed." Criminal police captain said with a wry smile.

"We must step up the investigation and find out the robbers as soon as possible. We must also find out the details of the mysterious people who appeared later." The city director yelled orders.

"Secretary, director, if we want to find out these robbers and those mysterious people, it seems that the police force in the western district is not enough. We need to immediately transfer the police force in the North District branch and the high tech District branch, and the police force in other districts should also be ready to support." Criminal police captain said.

"Well, I'm going to order the headquarters to order the high tech and North District branches to participate in this special operation. Let their police force move to the western district at the fastest speed, under the unified command of the special task force. The criminal police captain immediately set out to go to the front line to coordinate the police forces of the three districts, and be sure to keep in touch with the headquarters The city director said.

"Secretary, do you have any instructions?" After the city director issued the order, he said.

"I will not interfere in the specific command. I am serving you and conveying the instructions of the municipal Party committee." The Secretary of the Municipal Committee of politics and law said.

"Draft documents immediately and give orders for dispatch to the sub Bureau." The city director said to the secretary next to him.

"You also set out immediately, go to the scene, command personally, and report to the ad hoc group at any time." The city director said to the criminal police captain.

"Yes," the captain of the criminal police saluted the leaders in the meeting room, then went out of the meeting room and rushed to give orders and carry out tasks.

"The robbers this time are not ordinary people, so your armed police brigade must be ready to pull out at any time and take part in the action to eliminate the robbers at any time." The Secretary of the political and legal commissar said to the armed police captain next to him.

"Please rest assured that the armed police brigade is always ready, ready to fight and give the enemy a devastating blow." Armed police captain said loudly.

"Well, this is a good soldier for the people." The Secretary of the municipal political and legal committee said with praise.

The meeting of the ad hoc group was dissolved about an hour later. All the operations didn't seem to make much progress, and there was no clue of the robbers. However, the side of the meeting content still released a signal, that is, the extraordinarily serious robbery case must be solved as soon as possible to give the people a satisfactory explanation, otherwise they will be ready to abdicate, so the city bureau is under great pressure now.

As a matter of fact, not only the leaders of Shanghai Municipal Bureau feel the heavy burden and pressure, but also the government and municipal Party committee of Shanghai and Hainan. The big men in the capital attach great importance to the robbery. At the same time, they are very dissatisfied with the Shanghai municipal Party committee and the government. A group of terrorists went into Shanghai to carry out terrorist activities, and there were so many powerful weapons in Shanghai. The police department of Shanghai did not have any preventive measures, so the robbers swaggered away, Up to now, there is no news, so the authorities directly doubt the social stability of Shanghai and Shanghai.

When things get serious, it's not the same as directly doubting the leadership of the Shanghai municipal Party committee and government to doubt the social stability of Shanghai. Therefore, the Secretary of the Shanghai municipal Party committee and the mayor of Shanghai gave up their gap and joined hands to put pressure on the Municipal Bureau: the case must be solved on a limited date, and it can't be delayed indefinitely, and it can't make the people panic all the time. We should give an account to the people within the time limit, as well as to the bigwigs above.

If the bigwigs are satisfied and the people are satisfied, then the official hat will be preserved.

The time limit for solving the case is three days. After three days, the leaders of Shanghai and Hainan must have an explanation. Whether it is to kill the robbers or to grasp the exact whereabouts of the robbers and carry out fixed-point arrest, they must make key progress.

According to the timely monitoring information of the intersection and traffic, all the robbers fled to the Western District of huhai yesterday and disappeared as a result. Moreover, the mysterious people who exchanged fire with the robbers are also disappearing in the Western District of Shanghai.

At this time, the whole Western District of Shanghai and Shanghai was flooded with police cars. Armed police were on guard at every street and corridor. More and more police were patrolling. In many streets and communities, many armed police were checking the passing crowd.

At the same time, the Municipal Bureau has launched giants such as China Mobile, China Unicom and China Telecom to send free reminders to residents in this area, so that they don't have to stay at home temporarily to ensure their own safety and cooperate with the police.

When the robbers disappeared, the people in this area were also informed by the police not to go out, to close the doors and windows, to call the police in time, and so on. For a moment, this area became a dead area. The residents and businesses closed the doors and windows and hid in it. On the road and in the community, there were no pedestrians except the police.

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