At this time, Wu Feng's mobile phone rang. Wu Feng saw that it was white tiger, so he said, "white tiger, what's the matter?"

"Instructor, these little devils wanted to run, but I caught them. I brought back the little devil named Ichiro Kurosawa and his assistant and secretary. On the way, all the others were killed. " The voice of white tiger came from the mobile phone.

"That's good, but be careful. Don't leave any clues." Wu Feng then admonished to say.

"Don't worry, drillmaster. Our brother is an old hand. He won't be so careless." White tiger said with a smile.

"By the way, drillmaster, what's the situation with your little devils over there?" White tiger then asked.

"It's settled. We'll see you later." Wu Feng said.

"Yes, instructor." White tiger ended the call.

"God of war, everything is going well with the white tiger. He has caught the person in charge of the black dragon club, his assistant and secretary. The bodyguards and the rest have been killed. " Wu Feng said to Leng Yi with a smile.

"Well, good. Let's meet the person in charge of the black dragon club." Said Leng Yi.

Qi Yuyan was waiting quietly in the living room at this time. Although she was very calm on the surface, she was very worried and uneasy in her heart. She didn't even pay attention to what Du Lin and she said.

At this time, the sound of the car outside, Qi Yuyan quickly got up and came to the yard, see a few cars have heard the door, then lengyi and Wu Feng and others down.

Qi Yuyan quickly ran forward and said: "husband, you have nothing to do?" His face was full of concern.

Leng Yi has no time to reply with a smile. Wu Feng beside him says with a smile: "don't worry, sister-in-law. With the skill of the God of war, there is no one who can hurt him in this world."

Qi YuYan's face was flushed with shame.

"Wife, don't worry. I'm back." Cold Yi smiles to pull Qi YuYan's hand to say.

"Don't do anything. Someone is watching. Have those things been solved?" Qi Yuyan said shyly.

”Don't worry, after everything is settled, a few people will be brought here soon, and everything will be understood by then“ Cold Yi smiles to comfort a way.

"Let's all go in. It's estimated that the white tiger will come back in a while." Lengyi pulls Qi Yuyan into the living room. Wufeng and Qinglong, Xuanwu also follow in, the rest of the special combat team members automatically enter the alert.

"Yuyan, you are very tired. Would you like to have a rest with Du Lin?" Cold Yi cares to say.

"Do you want to fend me off? Now that we are husband and wife, what else can we hide from each other? " Qi Yuyan said bitterly.

Looking at Qi YuYan's appearance, lengyi is very helpless and has to smile bitterly. Wu Feng several people looking at the cold Yi eat shriveled appearance, immediately lower the head hard hold, hold is the face flushed. Now the God of war can finally find someone who can eat him. Qi Yuyan uses softness to conquer hardness.

"Well, you can stay and understand." Leng Yi said.

"Now people are all your wives. Of course, they follow the husband. Even if you want to go to hell, I will follow you closely and accompany you to go to hell." Qi Yuyan looks at lengyi with loving eyes and says.

"Elder brother, sister-in-law. Don't show your love in front of us. We are all single. Don't beat us up. " Wu Feng said with a bitter smile.

Lengyi directly ignores Wu Feng's words.

"Wife, I'll introduce you to this old man who is still single." Cold Yi points to Wu Feng to say, the words also unavoidable revenge just Wu Feng's evil scenery performance.

"He is the instructor of the Legion, Wu Feng, and also my instructor, big brother. You can call him brother Feng later. " Said Leng Yi.

"Hello, sister-in-law." Wu Feng said with a smile.

"I call you brother Feng, and you call me sister-in-law. It's so awkward. You'd better call me my name." Qi Yuyan quickly refused.

"Ha ha, Leng Yi is worthy of the title of God of war, so it's right to call you sister-in-law." Wu Feng said.

"But," Qi Yuyan did not know how to answer.

"Wife, don't worry. These are formal occasions. In private, we are all brothers, regardless of each other." Lengyi said with a smile.

"Well, all right." Qi Yuyan did not have too much affectation.

"What kind of power is the Legion?" Qi Yuyan then asked curiously.

"The Legion was founded by the God of war. It's a mercenary organization. However, the God of war is too lazy to care about mercenaries. His biggest hobby is tormenting mercenaries." Wu Feng complained.

Qi Yuyan is curious to see a cold Yi, and cold Yi is not care about Wu Feng's words, where leisurely drinking tea.

"Sister-in-law, it's not my boasting. Our Legion is definitely the king of the mercenary world. Our strength is very strong. We are the top ten mercenaries in the world. Even if the other nine mercenaries are united, we are not afraid. " Wu Feng then said, next to the green dragon and Xuanwu also nodded to increase the credibility of Wu Feng's words.

"Who are the other nine mercenaries?" Qi Yuyan is very shocked, and with a strong curiosity asked.

Naturally, the number one is our legion, while the number two is Superman legion, with good strength, excellent weapons and equipment, and a large number of people supported by the United States.

Ranking third is the polar bear corps, which is headquartered in Siberia. Most of its main members are Russian veterans, with strong combat effectiveness and Russian support behind them.

In the fourth place is the Yujin army composed of French veterans, backed by powerful families and supported by huge funds.

In fifth place is the British Legion of veterans. The sixth place is the Oriental Legion composed of Chinese, most of whom are Chinese soldiers.

The seventh, eighth, and ninth are the Islamic legion, the bloodthirsty legion, and the black tiger Legion who have been active in the Middle East and Afghanistan. They are all outlaws who come to the battlefield for money and stimulation. So they are the most unorganized and undisciplined people. They just form a loose alliance.

As for the eighth mercenary army, which ranks No. 10, it is the mercenary of the little devil. Today we will eliminate more than 40 of them.

The rest of the mercenary teams are small-scale, so there is no need to introduce them. However, although the scale is small, the strength is still good. Wu Feng has described all the mercenaries.

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