After listening to Leng Yi's words, the man in white pondered for a moment and said with a smile: "you are a monkey spirit. It seems that you have guessed my identity. Are you flattering me?"

"Master, it's not flattery. What I say is true. A man should kill people without mercy. The eternal cause of all ages lies in killing people. " Leng Yi said in a hurry.

"You're a brave boy. You'll get a lot of saliva when you hear these words. Many people in later generations think that I am cruel and tyrannical, wantonly killing and cutting, and hurting heaven and earth. "

"However, some people think that the battle of Changping wiped out enough effective forces of the state of Zhao, and the vitality of the state of Zhao was greatly damaged. It marks the end of the Warring States period with numerous vassals and annexation wars. An unprecedented centralized empire is coming down, which greatly accelerates the process of Qin's unification of China. " The man in white, that is, Bai Qi said.

"In the hearts of 10000 people, there are 10000 Changping battles and 10000 white wars. If a man drinks, he knows the cold and the warm. So you don't have to worry about it. " Said Leng Yi.

"Care? In fact, I don't have much to care about. It's just that two thousand years ago, I was defeated by a million troops in Liuhe. I went through countless wars, and no one was defeated. But who can understand that there is a reason for the merciless killing. " Bai Qi sighed and said. The image fluctuates and some of it collapses.

"Master, are you ok?" Lengyi asked anxiously.

”It's OK. Listen to me. Dayu made nine cauldrons to protect China's luck and prosperity. The nine cauldrons have been passed down to the world. Therefore, the emperor has no virtue. It's inevitable for the dynasty to change. As long as the nine cauldrons are there, China's luck will be prosperous and the country will be prosperous and the people will be strong. "

"During the spring and Autumn period and the Warring States period, the princes coveted the royal power and fought for hegemony constantly. Later, the nine tripods disappeared, and the luck of China declined. All countries attacked each other, resulting in heavy casualties and corpses everywhere. In order to protect the Chinese luck, there is an extreme way to use human life to protect the Chinese luck

"After years of war and chaos, people are determined. After everyone dies, the energy of his will and soul will enter into China's luck, strengthen China's luck, and finally promote the end of the war and the reunification of the country." Bai Qi said without expression.

"This method is extreme and cruel, but does it work?" Leng Yi sighed and understood why Bai Qi was so bloodthirsty.

"Useful is useful, but in the end, it can't compare with Dayu Jiuding. In the end, the energy of the soul will be exhausted, and China's luck will decline, and it will enter the period of war again." Bai Qi said.

"Therefore, a new dynasty was established in the disappearance of countless lives. As a founding monarch, he would inevitably create gods to maintain his rule and fortune in order to maintain the prosperity of the country. For example, the twelve bronze men cast by the first emperor, the later imperial jade seals, and the new nine tripods cast by Empress Wu of the Tang Dynasty in order to maintain their own rule are all for the sake of maintaining the prosperity of the country Bai Qi continued.

"I didn't expect that there were so many gateways?" Leng Yi said with emotion.

"But these things are not as good as Dayu Jiuding after all. Although they are illusory, they really exist. They influence a country and a person."

"So during the spring and Autumn period and the Warring States period, the princes fought for hegemony and coveted the royal power. They all wanted to get the nine tripods and become the common master of the world, but no one got it. The nine tripods disappeared inexplicably."

"More than two thousand years have passed, and I have been looking for nine tripods for more than two thousand years, but I haven't even heard a word about nine tripods. Now Yongzhou tripod, one of the nine tripods, has appeared. Maybe this is God's will." Bai Qi said with emotion.

"Congratulations, Shifu. It's a good beginning. I think Dayu Jiuding will appear later." Cold Yi congratulates to say.

”I should be congratulating you. I haven't found it for more than 2000 years, but now it suddenly appears. Jiuding is spiritual. Their appearance is definitely not because of me, but because of you. " Bai Qi said.

"Master, are you kidding me? How can the appearance of Dayu Jiuding concern me? " Leng Yi shook his head and said.

"No matter what, now Jiuding has appeared and is related to you. I'm afraid you can't get rid of it. You are destined to go on the road of looking for Jiuding, reunite Jiuding, gather supreme spirit and protect China." Bai Qi said seriously.

"Master, isn't it that mysterious?" Cold Yi wry smile way, this burden can be too heavy, really dare not carry.

"I said that Jiuding is spiritual. The appearance of Yongzhou Ding has a lot to do with you, and other eight Ding will also appear one after another. Do you want to see other eight Ding scrambled by some evil forces and indifferent? This is related to the fate of China, whether China can prosper and stand on the top of the world. Every Chinese is duty bound, even at the cost of their lives. " Bai Qi snorted coldly.

"Stop, master, needless to say, I try my best to find other eight tripods." Leng Yi quickly blocked Bai Qi's lecture.

"That's good. Although Yongzhou Ding appears, other eight Ding probably won't appear so soon. You have enough time to prepare. Now that my soul is damaged, I must cultivate in dinghunzhu for a period of time. If you have anything, please contact me at any time. Remember, you must protect yongzhouding well. " With that, Bai Qi turns into a light and enters lengyi's eyebrows.

"Master, you really left a big trouble." Lengyi looks at the simple and heavy bronze tripod and says with a bitter smile.

Leng Yi doesn't want to accept such a task in his heart. It's so great that he can encircle his whole life. But Bai Qi saved his life, and a large part of his achievements today are made by Bai Qi.

The reason why Leng Yi can survive, in addition to the excellent medical skills of the doctors in the ice training camp, is that Bai Qi uses up most of his energy to save Leng Yi, and repairs the defective nerves in Leng Yi's mind, so that he is no longer stupid.

At the same time, he got through lengyi's whole meridians, strengthened his body, and crammed a lot of knowledge into his mind, including a mysterious martial arts, and then fell into deep sleep.

In the past five years, lengyi became the new demon king of the ice training camp with his mysterious skills, purple beads and unremitting efforts. With a group of brothers, lengyi founded the Xingtian army and left a great reputation all over the world.

It is Leng Yi's basic principle to be a man. He will do his best to deal with the matter from white house.

What's more, as Bai Qi said, he is Chinese after all, and his blood is burning yellow. If he doesn't know this, it's all right. Now that he knows it, he can't sit back and watch Dayu Jiuding fall into the hands of foreigners or some evil forces.

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