At this time, people around frowned at this guy named Li Jian. Originally, because he had drunk his wine, he was still a little fond of him. He didn't think that this guy was a wolf in sheep's clothing and didn't have any good intentions to other people's little girls.

But although everyone was angry, no one dared to say a word. Li Jian doesn't seem to be an ordinary person, and most of the first-class passengers here are capable people from Shanghai and Shanghai. Qingtian group, they all know something about it. It's the industry of Qinghong gang. Li Jian can be vice president in it, and he's not a kind Master. So we all choose to be wise to protect ourselves, so as not to get into trouble.

"No, please leave. Don't disturb me." Qi Yuyan frowned and said angrily.

Li Jian still wants to talk, but Leng Yi next to him is impatient. He didn't want to worry about this guy. He didn't think that this guy is so ignorant.

"Go away, don't you see my wife say you're upset? Just disappear from my eyes, or I'll throw you off this plane." Leng Yi Leng said.

"What did you say?" Li Jian had a ferocious expression on his face.

"I told you to go away, didn't you hear me? Or you're deaf. " Lengyi directly stood up and looked down at Li Jian and said that he was a head higher than Li Jian.

Seeing lengyi's appearance, Li Jian suddenly withered. This is on the plane, not the territory of Shanghai Haiqing red gang. Looking at lengyi so powerful, if you really hit him, I guess he can't help it.

"I really don't appreciate it, boy. You wait for me." Li Jian threatened to say, and then quickly left.

"Thank you for the wine." Lengyi looked at Li Jian, who left in a hurry, and said with a smile, the people around also laughed.

"You, ah, can't make less trouble." Qi Yuyan said.

"Wife, I have done a good job, otherwise I would have dealt with him." Cold Yi says innocently.

"You," Qi Yuyan helplessly did not know what to say.

In the afternoon, the plane circled over the capital airport and landed slowly. Leng Yi gets off the plane and goes to the exit. Qi Yuyan and Du Lin are talking and laughing. Leng Yi pushes the luggage cart.

Outside, a cool breath came to my face. It's much cooler here than Shanghai. It's sunny, just like spring.

"Boy, do you still know me?" At this time, a voice came from the side.

Three people sideways a look, originally is on the plane that person named Li Jian, face with arrogant smile, ruthless looking at Leng Yi three people.

"I'm really haunted. I didn't want to worry about it with you. I didn't want to tell you that it would be too cheap if you didn't teach me a lesson." Lengyi thought in his heart.

So he said with a smile: "this is not our Mr. Li Jian. Thank you for your red wine. You won't wait for us to ask for the money for red wine, will you?"

"Hey, hey, boy, welcome to the capital. Although it's not my place, it's too easy for me to clean up such small shrimps as you. Boy, remember, there are a lot of people in the world you can't afford. But if you get down and apologize, I can consider letting you go Li Jian stands in front of Leng Yi and says with arrogance.

Lengyi directly ignored: "I don't know how to lie on the ground and apologize to people, or you can demonstrate it."

"Yes? I think you'll soon learn, two brothers, to teach this ungrateful guy a lesson and beat him out of his drink. " With a wave of Li Jian's hand, the two bodyguards behind him immediately come to Leng Yi, ready to start at any time.

"What's up, boy. As long as you promise to let the woman next to you accompany me for a few days, I think I can let you go. " Li Jian next to the arrogant said.

Hearing Li Jian's words, Qi Yuyan flushed with anger and immediately said loudly, "husband, beat these bastards hard for me."

"All right, wife, you see." Lengyi said excitedly.

Lengyi on the plane to hold a breath, did not attack. After getting off the plane, this bastard dares to look for trouble again, which is in line with Leng Yi's mind. Although the two bodyguards are big, this kind of rubbish has not been ignored by Leng Yi. Solving these wastes is only a matter of minutes.

Lengyi suddenly appeared in front of the two bodyguards, and then only heard the sound of bang bang. I saw the two bodyguards staggering there like drunk at this time. Their faces were all puffy, and they could hardly see the shape of their original faces. It seemed that they were really beaten into pig heads.

After shaking for a while, the two bodyguards plumped to the ground, unconscious.

"It's your turn." Leng Yi looks at Li Jian with his fist shaking.

Seeing lengyi's appearance, Li Jian said in horror: "don't come here. Do you know whose bodyguards you just hit? It scares you to death. If you let me go, I can consider pleading for you and let the owners of the two bodyguards let you go.

”How dare you threaten me? I beat you so much that your parents don't know you“ Cold Yi says with a smile.

"Dare you, the capital is not the place where you can be arrogant. Do you know that you have made a big mistake. Those two bodyguards are not ordinary people's bodyguards. As soon as the host leaves, he will come back. You are waiting to be killed, "Li Jian said arrogantly.

"If you don't see the coffin, I'd like to see who is the God behind you?" Cold Yi says with a smile.

"Listen, the owners of these two bodyguards are the young masters of the Qi family in the capital. You dare to offend them. They are not as good as you. The Qi family in Beijing, you know? It's a rich family and has a great influence in the capital. " Li Jian said in a Huwei way.

"Qi family in the capital, are there two Qi families in the capital?" Lengyi looks at Qi Yuyan in amazement.

"Never heard of it, probably not." Qi Yuyan shook her head and said.

"I'm really worried. If I beat your Qi family, it's really hard to explain." Cold Yi whispered to Qi Yuyan.

"According to your personality, are you still afraid of the Qi family?" Qi Yuyan looks at lengyi with disdain.

"I'm not afraid to call the wrong person. I'm sorry." Leng Yi said with a smile.

"Li Jian, what's the matter? Who dares to beat my bodyguard and bully me? Don't you want to live?" At this time, Leng Yi and Qi Yuyan heard an arrogant voice behind them.

Leng Yi is very speechless, now how people talk is so arrogant.

Qi Yuyan frowned and thought, "how is this voice so familiar?"

Turn around and look at the man in front of you. It turns out that it's Qi Xiaowei. It's really a flood that has washed the Dragon King temple. It's a family. No, it should be said that it was once a family.

"Qi Shao, this guy beat your two bodyguards. They didn't pay attention to Qi Shao. They also said that Qi Shao was not bullshit. They also said bad things about the Qi family." When Li Jian saw Qi Xiaowei coming, he immediately added something more.

"This guy is really good at embellishing and framing." Cold Yi low voice scolds a way.

"Sister, how could it be you?" Qi Xiaowei said awkwardly. Qi Xiaowei didn't know what to call lengyi, so he chose to ignore it.

"Qi Shao, what a great prestige?" Qi Yuyan said sarcastically.

"It's the love of others." Qi Xiaowei said triumphantly.

"What happened to those two personal bodyguards?" Qi Yuyan frowned and said.

"I hired this. Now I'm also a person with a certain status. I have to pay attention to ostentation wherever I go." Qi Xiaowei said triumphantly.

As for the reason, Qi Yuyan is too lazy to ask. After all, Qi Yuyan has left the Qi family. It's good enough for Qi Xiaowei to treat himself so politely.

"You should do it yourself. You'd better not make trouble for your family." Qi Yuyan exhorted.

"Honey, let's go." Qi Yuyan said and pulled cold Yi to leave.

Before leaving, Leng Yi gave Li Jian two panda eyes.

Qi Xiaowei wants to attack, but he has seen lengyi's fighting power. If he provokes him, he will be punished, so he has to swallow his anger.

After Qi Yuyan left, Li Jian stood up with two panda eyes and said, "Qi Shao, that's your sister. She has the title of the first goddess in the capital. But has your sister married yet? Is that man your brother-in-law

Qi Xiaowei looks at Li Jian in disgust. This time, it's all his fault. Otherwise, he would have left long ago and would not have been scolded. But for the sake of money, Qi Xiaowei would have endured it. After all, Li Jian was filial this time.

"Don't pry. Don't know if you shouldn't, or it won't do you any good. Hurry to take these two guys to the hospital, so as not to be shameful. You'll pay for the medicine this time. " Qi Xiaowei turned and left.

Li Jian stood there alone in front of the two comatose people, just like a clown.

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