The rain is falling more and more, there is a flash of lightning and thunder in the sky, and the flying lightning makes the night shine like day. In the dark moment of the sky, lengyi sees more than ten black figures in the rainstorm suddenly appear like ghosts, rushing into the factory with unparalleled speed.

Standing on the top of the tree, lengyi is integrated with the world and the rainstorm. Looking at the impending killing without sorrow or joy.

Those ghostly figures quickly crossed the factory wall and moved forward relying on the hidden dark place. The patrolmen on the road felt that a shadow flashed in the dark place before they recovered. Then they felt that the silver light flashed in front of their eyes, blood spattered from their necks, and the arteries and trachea were cut off instantly. They were sure to kill with one blow. The patrolmen didn't even have the chance to resist and make a sound. Their bodies were gently held up, and they were put in a hiding place quickly and without any sound.

The night patrol personnel are not incompetent. On the contrary, they have strong strength, but now they are killed silently without the opportunity to resist. It can be seen how powerful these ghosts are.

Although the strength of these people is not in the eye of Leng Yi, these ghosts are skilled in killing people, even Leng Yi laments that they are not as good as Leng Yi. It seems that the strength of shadow killing has made rapid progress in recent years.

Yes, these ghosts are the killers of shadow killing organizations, and they are all elite killers. Their hidden assassins are very strong.

The members of the shadow killing organization are very disciplined and cooperate with each other very well.

The operation was very smooth. After clearing the patrols on the ground, yingsha quickly opened the door of the underground base. However, an underground base member happened to see yingsha. Suddenly surprised, drink: "you are,," the following words have not finished, between the knife light flash, this man's neck with a dagger, the rest of the words immediately speechless. Cover the neck that gushes blood ceaselessly slowly fall down, lost the breath of life.

Although the trouble was dealt with in time, the noise before the man died still alerted the personnel in the base.

Several shadow killing members looked at each other and immediately nodded. Now that they had been exposed, it was impossible to assassinate them, so they immediately changed their strategies and prepared to fight head-on. Before the base members could react, they made a sudden attack. Several shadow killing members suddenly disappeared in the same place like a gust of wind, and then they heard continuous screams, Some of the base members didn't understand what was going on and were directly cut off their necks.

There are many members of the base. As the secret force of the Li family, these people are also very powerful. After a short period of confusion, the members of the base began to fight back sporadically, and then the gunfire started slowly.

Gunshots and screams are intertwined. The lighting system in the base has been destroyed by shadow killing. In this case, it is very powerful for the members of shadow killing. Constantly, there are members of the base screaming and falling down. Everyone is killed with one shot. Either his neck is cut off or his heart is pierced. As long as he is injured, he will lose his life.

In the dark, the members of the base are like blind people. They can't see anything clearly and shoot indiscriminately. Many people are injured by their own people.

The storm outside, lightning and thunder cover up the sound of gunfire and scream. In the eyes of outsiders, it's so calm here that they can't imagine that a killing is going on under such a factory.

A quarter of an hour later, the members of yingsha came out of the factory. Lengyi saw that some of them were shaking. It seemed that they were seriously injured. It can be seen that the strength of the people in the Li family's secret base is not weak. If it wasn't for the destruction of the lighting system and the members of the shadow killing were in a favorable position, I'm afraid there would be casualties this time.

Those injured shadow killing members are the experts with high strength in the base. Their actual strength is no less than that of the elite, and even better than them. Finally, shadow killing fought for injuries and finally killed each other.

Lengyi watched the members of yingsha leave quickly, and finally it ended. Fortunately, there were no casualties. This secret base is the most powerful one of the Li family, and it will be easier to destroy the other bases.

Since yingsha retreated, there was no one alive in the base. So lengyi also jumped down from the tree, looking at the car coming in the distance, Li's reinforcements arrived.

Lengyi leaps and disappears into the forest. The rainstorm continued, but even so, you can still smell a faint smell of blood in the air. Lengyi left the scene of the killing and went home quietly. The rainstorm outside continued, and there was no sign that it was getting smaller. Instead, it was getting bigger and bigger, which seemed to dilute the killing tonight.

"The storm won't stop so easily." Cold Yi background of looking out of the window, murmur said.

After a while, Leng Yi's mobile phone rang "shadow, have things been handled?" Leng Yi answers the phone and asks.

"God of war, you can rest assured that all the elites dispatched this time are shadow killing elites. All of them have been done, and no one has missed the net." The shadow says lightly.

"Are there many casualties?" Leng Yi asked.

"The strength of those people in the Li family is not bad. Some of the killers who went to carry out the task this time have been killed, but fortunately they are not fatal injuries. After a period of cultivation, there will be nothing wrong." The shadow says hastily.

"That's good. You've worked hard. This time, half of the secret power of the Li family has been destroyed, and the rest will come slowly." Cold Yi nods to say.

Naturally, the secret forces of the Li family can not be all in the base, and many of them are outside. Therefore, what has been eliminated this time is only half of the secret forces of the Li family, and Li still has some residual forces.

"Boss warlord, do you want to destroy all the others?" Shadow then asked.

"Don't use it for the time being. The Li family has suffered such a big loss. There won't be any big action at present. They will definitely check it out before they take action. The people of the Li family must be terrified now. They will call in people to strengthen their defense. There is no need to let the brothers take risks. " Leng Yi shook his head.

"I see, warlord." Shadow way.

Li family, Li Huakai sitting in the study, frowning, do not know what is thinking.

The spacious study is full of people, who are the main members of the Li family, including Li Rufeng. As the leader of the three generations of the Li family, Li Rufeng naturally has this qualification.

At this time, their eyes are all looking at sitting at the desk, where there is the Li family's owner, the mainstay of the family, but that usually full of dignity face, at this moment, it is in a trance state, there are a few strands of fear.

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