Old fox is old fox. As soon as the incident of Baijiang wharf was exposed, Deng shanfa knew that something would happen sooner or later. In the past, they were sheltered by the forces behind them, and they could be suppressed when something happened. But this time, they are not good at it. The other side has already targeted the forces behind them.

Deng shanfa knows that he is just a pawn. Once the forces behind him are in crisis, he will immediately throw himself out as a shield. The most likely thing is to kill people. Therefore, Deng shanfa has always been on guard carefully and always pays attention to the development of the situation.

Soon, Deng shanfa got the news from the inside, the other side has the exact evidence, is planning to start.

Deng shanfa hasn't been married in recent years. There are many women and adopted sons, but those are not important. The most important thing is his own life. He is ready to run away. Deng shanfa immediately took two of his strongest bodyguards and fled from Jiangshi quickly and secretly.

Looking at the dimly lit city of Jiangshi, Deng shanfa didn't have a trace of nostalgia. He made enough money these years. He could live a carefree life anywhere in his later life.

"Guild leader, we are going out of Jiangshi." Said the bodyguard on the co pilot.

"Come on, there's nothing to miss in this place." Deng shanfa said lightly.

The speeding car suddenly braked, skidded for a distance on the ground and stopped.

"What's the matter?" Deng shanfa tries to straighten his body and asks angrily.

"Guild leader, someone is standing in the middle of the road and blocking the way." Said the bodyguard.

In the middle of the road ahead, Deng shanfa saw a slender man in a black windbreaker with sunglasses on his face. He could not see clearly.

"Run over. If he doesn't get out of the way, he'll be killed." Deng shanfa felt uneasy and said coldly.

"Yes, leader." The bodyguard stepped on the gas pedal and rushed to the man in black windbreaker.

Leng Yi knows that a ruthless hero like Deng shanfa will not give up and run away. So when Deng shanfa fled, lengyi had been waiting on the escape road ahead of time.

Looking at the fast coming car, lengyi strides forward, and the whole person flies in the air, just like a black eagle falling on the top of the car.

The bodyguard on the copilot immediately took out his pistol and fired several shots at the roof, but all of them were dodged by lengyi.

Leng Yi half kneels on the car, punches through the roof of the car and hits the bodyguard on the front passenger's head. With a click, the bodyguard's head breaks, struggles several times and loses his life.

The bodyguard immediately hit the steering wheel several times, and the car shook violently on both sides, trying to throw lengyi out of the roof. However, the cooling feet are like the suction cup installed, the position does not move, firmly standing in place.

"Stop the car." Deng shanfa said immediately.

The bodyguard immediately stepped on the brake to stop, and lengyi fell in front of the car with a somersault in the air under the huge inertia.

"Brother, you're just asking for money. There are two million dollars here. As long as you let me go, it's all yours." Deng Shan gave the car, opened a suitcase and revealed dozens of dollars.

"Two million dollars, really a lot. You need to smuggle a lot of human organs to earn it. Are you really willing to give it to me?" Cold Yi said with a sneer.

"If you don't think it's enough, brother, this card still has 10 million yuan. You can give it all to you." Deng shanfa took out another bank card.

"It seems that you have made a lot of money these years, but you don't have enough chips. Do you think your own life is worth it?" Lengyi shook his head and sneered.

"Brother, people can't be too greedy, or they don't even know how to die. The money is enough for you to live a comfortable life." Deng Shan said coldly.

"In fact, we have no grudge, but do you know why I have to kill you? To be great, scum like you has done so many evil things, killing you is revenge for those innocent people, but the real idea in my heart is that you are not happy, so you must die. " Cold Yi overbearing said. Looking at Deng shanfa is like looking at a dead man.

”Brother, there are still five million euros in this card. As long as you let me go, these are all you. These may not be earned in your life. " Deng shanfa was cruel and increased his chips.

Deng shanfa knew that no matter how much money he had, if he didn't spend his life, everything would be in vain. At present, the most important thing is to keep his own life.

"U.S. dollar, RMB, euro, it seems that you are well prepared. It's no problem to live in any country." Cold Yi said with a sneer.

"I've been a gangster in Jiangshi for more than ten years. If I don't even think about this, I think I'll be a pile of loess now." Deng shanfa said complacently.

Before lengyi had time to reply, a sudden change happened. A sharp knife pierced Deng shanfa's back and penetrated the whole heart.

"Why? Although you are one of my bodyguards, you are also my most important adopted son. Why betray me? " Deng shanfa stares at the bodyguards around him.

"Adopted son? If I don't have the ability, I'm afraid I'm not as good as a dog. Do you know how much I suffered when you sent me to that place? I nearly died many times, but I finally stuck with it

"All you have done is to give me the strength to protect you, so I swear I will kill you one day. This is a good opportunity. There are people who die for money and birds for food. Don't blame me. As you said, the money is enough for me to spend my whole life comfortably. " With a cruel smile on his face, the bodyguard drew out his knife.

Deng shanfa fell to the ground, convulsed a few times, and his soul returned to the earth. His eyes were wide open, and he seemed to die. He didn't expect that he would be killed by the person he trusted most.

"This seems a little too dramatic?" Leng Yi Leng for a moment, murmured.

"Boy, although you are very powerful, I am not a vegetarian. As long as I kill you, no one will suspect that I killed Deng shanfa. Then I can go anywhere with the money and live happily." The bodyguard gave a cruel smile.

I saw the bodyguard a cold drink, the body suddenly expanded, burst the suit on the body. The whole body exudes the murderous gas of terror.

"It seems that I am familiar with the momentum of this body?" Lengyi frowned and thought.

At this time, the bodyguard gave a loud shout and quickly hit lengyi in front of him. His huge fist with the sound of breaking the air hit lengyi's head.

Between lightning and flint, lengyi dodges the opponent's fist, and then hits the bodyguard's chest with a flat fist. The bodyguard wants to hide, but he can't hide. The fist seems slow, but it's very fast. It hits his chest instantly and blows his heart.

The bodyguard flies out backwards and lies several meters away. The blood in his mouth is constantly gushing out and he can't move, but his eyes are staring at lengyi fiercely.

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