Hong Kong, the full name of the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region of the people's Republic of China, is a special administrative region under the jurisdiction of the people's Republic of China.

Hong Kong is a city full of temptations. It is one of the richest, most developed and the highest living standards in the world. It is one of the international financial and trade centers and one of the world's metropolises. It exudes the smell of money

Hong Kong is known as a "shopper's paradise". This name is not in vain. Walking on the busy streets of Hong Kong, you can deeply feel the prosperity here. Here, you can connect with the international brands of any country, and you can buy any commodity you want.

At this time, lengyi is having a first meeting with almost all the well-known women's brands in the international front line, and reluctantly embracing them. Qi Yuyan is strolling in front with high spirits, while Leng Yi is following behind helplessly.

"Husband, are you going to hurry up? Dawdle, where are all your Kung Fu. At your speed, when can we finish this street today? " Qi Yuyan looks at Leng Yi's tortoise like speed, and suddenly becomes coquettish and angry.

"Wife, you see I'm carrying big and small bags on my back. How can I walk fast?" Cold Yi said with a bitter smile.

"Just give it to me. I don't know your strength. The weight of this little thing doesn't matter to you at all. Besides, there are some clothes in it." Qi Yuyan roars discontentedly.

"Wife, now I know why you came so early. You have impure motives, not only for parties, but also for shopping." Cold Yi says with a smile.

"You're smart, but no matter how smart you are, you'll have to listen to me now. This is your promise, man. Do you want to go back on it?" Qi Yuyan a pair of schadenfreude said.

"Of course not. Who am I Leng Yi? How can I repent? Let's go on. Today, I will tell you all about it." Cold Yi gnashes teeth of say.

Qi Yuyan is like a proud peacock walking in front, lengyi is like a small Quail in the back listless follow.

"Wife, don't just be busy shopping, your friend's birthday will be the day after, when you rush to choose gifts?" Lengyi looks at Qi YuYan's leibusishu shopping in one famous brand clothing store after another, and can't help reminding her.

Leng Yi's reminder reminds Qi Yuyan that she came to Hong Kong to attend a friend's party instead of shopping crazily. The most important thing now is to choose a gift that her friend likes. As for the next shopping, she has plenty of time after her friend's birthday. Thinking about it, she finds that it's getting late, and now she doesn't even choose a birthday gift, What a shame.

Then Qi Yuyan went shopping one after another, but this time she didn't buy clothes, but chose gifts. But for such a long time, no satisfactory gift has been transferred.

"Wife, forget it. I have a piece of jewelry there. Then you can give it to your friends. Can we stop shopping?" Leng Yi really can't stand it.

Leng Yi doesn't understand why when a woman mentions shopping, it's as if she's possessed by the devil.

"Really?" Qi Yuyan asked in surprise.

"Of course, that's a good baby. You'll be absolutely satisfied with it." Cold Yi says in a hurry.

"Well, I believe you once. I'm hungry at this late hour. Let's go to dinner." Qi Yuyan looked at the sky and said.

At this time, lengyi has an impulse to cry. Finally, she can get rid of the misery without going shopping.

Hong Kong is home to all kinds of delicious food from all over the world. There are all kinds of restaurants. The busier the streets are, the more places there are, such as Mong Kok, Causeway Bay, East Tsim Sha Tsui and Kowloon City. Some streets are full of restaurants. Similarly, Hong Kong has not abandoned its own special food because of the prosperity of the city and the rapid economic development.

Under the leadership of Qi Yuyan, lengyi almost enjoys the delicious food of various countries.

"Husband, these things used to feel good, but this time they didn't have the original delicious feeling. These things can be eaten occasionally, just for novelty. These things are still not as delicious as your husband's cooking." Qi Yuyan no image of lying in bed, stroking the round tummy.

"What do you think of this gift?" Lengyi takes out a necklace from the bag. All the diamonds on the necklace are inlaid with colorful diamonds. Under the indoor light, it is glittering, calculating the five colors of light.

"Wow, it's so beautiful, honey. Where did you get this diamond necklace?" Qi Yuyan asks curiously with her eyes full of stars.

"I've got a lot of treasures before, and I'll take one easily. Otherwise, I'm afraid you'll have to worry about the gift." Cold Yi says with a smile.

"Honey, it's very kind of you." Qi Yuyan said happily, now that the gift has been solved, she finally put down one thing in her heart. This necklace, including the size and color of diamonds, is not as good as the one Wu Feng sent. Qi Yuyan naturally doesn't care. Besides, if it's for your best friend, it's natural for you to take the gift.

"How are you going to reward me?" Cold Yi slanders the smile way of the face hey hey.

"Dead, I'll wait for you." With that, Qi Yuyan throws a wink, shakes her graceful figure and goes into the bathroom. Lengyi follows her in. It's not necessary to say more about what's going on below. It's the boundless spring.

Hong Kong is a city that never sleeps with bright lights at night.

"Honey, let's go to the seaside and have a breeze." Qi Yuyan gently nestles in lengyi's arms and says softly.

"It's so late, how can I think of going to the seaside?" Leng Yi said.

"It's a habit I've developed before. I've been in Hong Kong for some time. You know, in order to get rid of the shackles of my family, I work hard to decide my own destiny. But this wish is too hard. Sometimes I can't bear it. I want to let go and listen to the family's arrangement."

"Once upon a time in Hong Kong, I was very depressed. I went to the seaside by myself unconsciously, sitting on the beach, blowing the sea breeze and looking at the brightly lit Hong Kong. A small island in Hong Kong has become today's Asian financial center and an international metropolis. How many hardships have it experienced before it has today's glory. It's Hong Kong that gives me encouragement and reinvigorates my fighting spirit. Whenever I have time to come to Hong Kong, I will sit by the sea, blowing the sea breeze and feeling the inner charm of Hong Kong. " Qi Yuyan said quietly.

”Wife, I'll be with you in the future. I'll shelter you from the wind and rain. You just need to be a happy little woman Leng Yi said tenderly, hiding love and affection from his eyes.

"Thank you, honey." Qi Yuyan was moved and sent a sweet kiss. For the arrival of the kiss, lengyi nature is to accept all who come.

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