Looking at lengyi slowly into the meeting room, Huaqing gang bosses unconsciously shrunk. There was no arrogance and arrogance on his face, but deep fear and despair.

In the main position of the conference table, Hua Tianhu sits uneasily, holding the pistol tightly in secret, and the bodyguards on both sides hold the guns and face lengyi nervously; Leng Yi glanced at the hall faintly. The main figures of Huaqing Gang recorded in the investigation materials were all here. He said with a smile: "very good. All the people are here. It saves me trouble."

The voice sounds so bland, without a trace of lethality, but it makes everyone chilly and cool on the back.

"Leng Yi, what do you want?" Hua Tianhu had to speak. He caused this, and he is also the boss. He can't show weakness.

Leng Yi said with a sneer, "I don't need to say more about what I want. You should understand very well?"

"I'm sorry, I don't know Taishan. This time I'm huatianhu." Huatianhu body slightly trembling said.

"Do you think I'll let you go if you say that?" Leng Yi sneered.

"I'm not so naive. I just want to know who you are? Although I have offended the wrong people, I hope I will be a muddleheaded ghost even if I die. " Hua Tianhua said slowly.

Lengyi is surprised to see huatianhu. This huatianhu really deserves to be the leader of Hong Kong's powerful mafia. He is still so strong at the end of his life.

"I'm just a nobody. In the future, when you meet my former enemies in hell, you will know who I am." Cold Yi light says.

"Leng Yi, if you are willing to let us go this time, you can not only cancel the previous enmity between the two sides, but also mention any conditions you have. In the future, once there is a drive, we Huaqing gang will do our best! How about it? " Hua Tianhu said.

Hua Tianhu used to be a master who dares to fight and kill. Now he is in power. His life of calling the wind and the rain makes him deeply addicted. He is even more afraid of death and losing his life. He strives to live, even if there is a glimmer of hope.

Leng Yi sneered and shook his head: "it's impossible, my woman can't be bullied by anyone. If you make a mistake, you have to pay the price. Huaqing Gang is doomed to become history."

Seeing lengyi's determination, Huatian tiger eye suddenly became fierce and yelled: "do you really think our Huaqing Gang is a soft persimmon? Open fire on me and kill him!"

At the command, there was a fierce gunshot in the hall, and the shells splashed down like rain.

Looking at countless yellow bullets flying to her, Leng Yi has a disdainful smile on her face. When Leng Yi drinks it gently, countless air waves come out of Leng Yi's body. All the bullets are blocked back. The sharp knife gas rolls forward fiercely like the surging waves, and instantly devours the whole hall.

After a gust of wind, the whole conference room was full of knife marks everywhere. There were cracks on the wall. Tables and chairs were cut to pieces all over the floor. None of them were intact. Except for lengyi, there was no breath of life in the whole conference room. Every body was full of scars, as if it had been slashed by a random knife.

As for huatianhu, it's even worse. The whole head is almost cut off, only a layer of skin is linked to the body. It's drooping there, and its eyes are so big that it seems that it can't close its eyes.

Huadong, who was hiding behind him, was also dead. Originally, he would not come today, but huatianhu hoped that he could learn more about some things in the gang, so he gave a dead order to let him attend the quarterly meeting. When he saw lengyi calling in, Huadong immediately shrank in the corner for fear that lengyi would find him and kill him. He didn't think that he would eventually lose his life.

Although the people at the scene died a little tragically, their hands were stained with blood, and they all deserved to die. Lengyi knows that his hands are covered with blood, but he has a clear conscience. There is no turning back on this road, full of killing everywhere, only to go on until the moment when we stand on the altar.

After the death of all the core members of the Huaqing Gang, the rest of the gangs will not miss the chance to beat the water dogs. They will certainly erode the power of the Huaqing gang. From now on, there will be no more Huaqing gang in Hong Kong. Lengyi comes to the rooftop, soars in the air, and disappears into the sky.

At the moment, there is chaos under the huaqingbang building. Although the building is relatively closed, the fierce gunfire and explosion just now have alerted the people around and called the police. A large number of police cars came from all directions.

Ordinary people may not know about this building and only regard it as an ordinary commercial building, but the police almost all know that this building is the headquarters of the Huaqing Gang, so they rushed to the police as soon as they received the alarm.

In the early morning of the next day, several newspapers in all the newspaper sales locations on the street made headlines about the Hong Kong Mafia fighting last night, and the number of injuries and deaths was temporarily unknown due to the blockade of the police.

For the ordinary people of Hong Kong who can only pay attention to the news in the newspapers. It's a good thing that gangsters fight. Many ordinary people are bullied more or less by gangsters. Naturally, they hope that the more people die, the better.

Lengyi, a cruel man, subverts the whole pattern of Hong Kong's underworld. He made the Hong Kong starry sky full of blood last night, and made a powerful underworld gang disappear in one night, but it was only because of a woman.

The more energetic families have already begun to investigate this back scene called lengyi through their relationship. No matter who it is, they don't want to have such an enemy. They are super capable, bloodthirsty and reckless. In many people's eyes, lengyi is just a madman, which can be seen from last night's action.

So all the big families give internal instructions. All the family members should not provoke this young man, especially his woman, for the time being. Before they have a thorough understanding of Leng Yi's identity, they should try their best to get to know each other. Even if they can't get to know each other, they should not get into a feud. This is the bottom line.

Overnight, lengyi's ruthlessness and cruelty became famous among the rich and powerful families in Hong Kong. Whether it was the banquet of the Huang family or the killing of the headquarters of the Huaqing Gang last night, the rich and powerful families in Hong Kong knew a message that lengyi was a dragon, and a powerful and fierce dragon.

Shangri la hotel is the same room that Leng Yi and Qi Yuyan opened. Everything in the room is the same. Huaqing gang members are not afraid of Leng Yi's room, but have some scruples. People who can open a luxury hotel like Shangri La in Hong Kong will not be afraid of Huaqing gang. So Huaqing Gang learned that lengyi didn't go back to the hotel and left wisely, without too much entanglement.

Last night, lengyi and Qi Yuyan stayed in this room again in the surprised eyes of the hotel staff.

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