The fight is going on fiercely.

"It's the guy. I said he looks a little familiar." Lengyi looked at the big man in the middle of the field and whispered.

"What did you say?" Li Tienan hears Leng Yi's muttering and asks in doubt.

"Oh, nothing." Leng Yi shook his head.

"It's mysterious. It's certainly not good." With that, Li Tienan didn't follow up, concentrating on the fierce competition in the field, cheering loudly from time to time.

On the field, sukhba beast a punch in the past, the opponent immediately dodged, followed by a foot swept sukhba beast's legs. Sukhba beast in danger, a leap, volley a leg kick to the opponent, the speed is very fast, the opponent had no time to resist, was sukhba beast kick in the chest, the whole person fly out, fell to the ground.

"Sukhba beast, your strength is more and more powerful, I admit defeat." People on the ground got up and said with a bitter smile.

"Yes." Sukhba said with a smile.

"That's great. Won. Isn't that big guy good? He's my master. I've been trained by him before. " Li Tienan waved excitedly to show off.

"Well, it's very powerful. Your master's strength is good." Cold Yi nods to say.

"Of course, like your small body, my master can easily pick up dozens, even if I can pick up more than ten of you, so you should exercise well." Li Tienan looked at lengyi's body and said with disdain.

"I don't want to be despised." Leng Yi has a bitter smile on her face.

He thought to himself: "if you know your master's strength, I can pick up dozens of them. I don't know what your expression will be?"

"Look, the final is coming soon. My master is sure to win the championship in this fighting competition. Five years ago, my master won the championship three times in a row. Now he's out again. The champion is not easy to catch." Li Tienan said excitedly.

"Well, your master is sure to win the championship." Cold Yi says with a smile.

For these soldiers participating in the competition, their strength can be seen from lengyi. Sukhba beast has the strongest strength, and it is not difficult to win the championship.

"Of course, you have a good eye." Li Tienan raised his head and said.

The final started, two people's strength is very strong, the fist comes the foot to go, hits like a raging fire.

Sukhba beast caught each other's arm with one hand and pulled. The man's center of gravity was unstable and his body tilted to sukhba beast. Then the sukhba raised his arm and hit his elbow on his opponent's chest.

The other side reacted very quickly. Seeing the elbow of sukhba, they put their hands in front of their chest to block the elbow of sukhba‘ With a bang, the two sides collided. Sukhba stepped back, while the man stepped back two or three steps. The strength of the two sides was obviously different.

"Beast, your strength is more abnormal. My arm is almost unconscious." The man steadied himself, shook his arm and said with a bitter smile.

"You're good, and my arm's not good." Sukhba said with a smile.

"Don't talk nonsense. The first world war will be the winner." The opponent put on an attack posture, and his momentum kept rising.

"Well, have a good time. It's the first World War. It's the first World War." Sukhba laughed.

The momentum of the body soared, the whole person like a human monster rushed to the man, two people's fists met, issued a continuous impact.

The man flew up and kicked sukhba's chest. Sukhba didn't evade. He directly took the attack with his chest. Then he grabbed each other's neck with one hand, lifted each other up and threw them to the ground. With a bang, the man fell to the ground. He was directly kicked in the chest by sukhba beast, and he didn't have the strength to get up.

"Beast, you will not be merciful. You have scattered my body." Lying on the ground, the man complained.

"Well, I don't know your strength. This little injury won't defeat you." With that, sukhba pulled up the man on the ground.

Sukhba won the championship of the fight.

"See, Shifu won the championship of the fighting competition." Li Tienan stood up happily, waved his hands and said.

"See, your master is really good." Cold Yi says with a smile.

"Master's strength has been improved again. We must learn some powerful moves this time." Li Tienan said in a low voice.

"I didn't think that this woman was a violent woman!" Cold Yi see Li Tie Nan that excited appearance, mutter of say.

"It's over here. Let's watch the sniper game quickly. I heard that a black horse appeared this time." Li Tienan said excitedly, because he was too happy, he didn't pay attention to lengyi's words.

When Leng Yi and Li Tienan arrived at the sniper game, the final of the game was already in progress.

"That short man is this year's black horse, all the way through, into the final, this year's sniper champion should be him." Li Tienan pointed to the short soldier and said.

"It's good, but he can't win." Leng Yi shook his head and said with a smile.

At this time, the match on the field has already been in half, and the results of both sides are almost the same.

"How do you know? Their results are similar. How can you be sure that he won't win? There are a lot of people looking after him. " Li Tienan asked suspiciously.

"The strength of the two men is similar, but the other one is much more calm than the short man. It's useless for a sniper to have confidence and ability only. The key is to be calm and calm, otherwise no matter how high his strength is, he can't give full play to it."

"One more thing, the short man has never seen blood and killed people. Although the strength training is good, they will never become a real soldier without fighting for life and death. If these two people meet on the battlefield, unless a miracle happens, it will be the short man who will die. "

"Do you see that their results are almost the same, but the closer to the end of the game, the shorter the man's results fluctuate greatly, but the man has always kept calm and his results are very stable. It can be seen that the man's heart has been very hard, and the results of this competition can not affect him at all“ Cold escape analysis.

”Will you die if you don't brag? You're not a soldier. What do you know“ Li Tienan said contemptuously.

Leng Yi smiles and doesn't argue, because the final result will prove that Leng Yi is right.

The performance on the field, as Leng Yi said, the short man is more and more unstable, and the performance is worse and worse. In the final project, when playing the 1000 meter moving target, the performance is in a mess. Don't look down on it. It's doomed to failure and can only be ranked second.

"Don't you think you have some ability?" Li Tienan snorted coldly.

”No, I'm just good at seeing and observing“ Leng Yi said with a shrug.

”Good vision is also a skill. I've heard my father say that the champion is a famous sniper. There are dozens of bandits who died in his hands“ Li Tienan said with a smile.

”Thank you. I'm flattered to hear you praise me for the first time. " Cold Yi pretends to be surprised to say.

"Do you have to clean up?" Li Tienan said, shaking his fist.

"No, I'm wrong. Let's go and meet Uncle Li." Leng Yi said in a hurry, and then quickly turned to leave.

"Tianfang, is the strength and quality of those soldiers in our military region who take part in fighting and sniping fair?" Li zhantian said with a smile.

"Uncle Li, their foundation is very solid and their strength is good." Leng Yi said with flattery.

"In that case, I don't think it's hard for you to give me some advice? How are you thinking about the matter I told you about, Uncle Li? I'm very concerned about it Li zhantian continued.

"Uncle Li, this is my army. It's very difficult for me. But Uncle Li, since you have spoken, if I still refuse, it's too wrong. So I promise you, but the position of drillmaster is still up. I don't want to show off too much. I can give them something when I have time. As for how much they can learn, It depends on their own talents and efforts. " Leng Yi said.

"Good boy, I know you won't let me down. Uncle Li has this matter in mind. Uncle Li thanks first. When are you going to start training them?" Li zhantian asked anxiously.

"Uncle Li, you are too anxious. I have no time recently. There are many things waiting for me to deal with in Beijing. In this way, when I come back from the capital for the Chinese new year, I will stay in the military region for a while. Do you think that's ok? " Leng Yi said.

"So?" Li zhantian hesitated for a moment, then said: "no problem, I know you have a lot of things to deal with in the capital, I will not disturb you, but at the end of the year, you must come to the military region."

"Uncle Li, I won't watch the game tomorrow. Yuyan and I plan to go back to the capital tomorrow." Leng Yi continued.

"Why did you go back so soon? Is something going on in the capital? " Li zhantian said suspiciously.

"There's nothing wrong with it. YuYan's company has a good momentum of development recently. We've been out for some time. Now there are several projects that she needs to make up her mind in person, so we have to rush back." Leng Yi explained.

"That's so. I won't detain you. The military region is now in a military competition. My division commander still has many things to deal with, so I can't see you off tomorrow. You should drive carefully." Li zhantian said with concern.

"Well, we'll pay attention." Cold Yi respectfully said.

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