Looking at lengyi's domineering face, Qi Yuyan was obsessed and said softly, "OK, Feng Tong is a double-edged sword. You should grasp it well."

"Don't worry. I have a good idea. Please tell me more about Feng Tong." Leng Yi said with a smile on her face.

"In fact, there is nothing to say. The girl Feng Tong likes is Ou bi'er of the Ou family. Although the Ou family is not a powerful family, its strength is pretty good. She is at the same level as the Qi family. She is very beautiful." Qi Yuyan said slowly.

Lengyi suddenly said, "beautiful? Is it comparable to you? "

"What do you say?" Qi Yuyan mercilessly white Yi one eye.

"I don't think so." Cold Yi flatters of say.

"Just know. Don't interrupt." Qi Yuyan a pair of you know each other very much of say.

"This obi'er is engaged to Yang Xiaofeng of the Yang family in the capital. You know very well what virtue Yang Xiaofeng is. Obi'er doesn't like it at all, but does the marriage of the family mean that it will be revoked if it is revoked?"

"For this reason, Feng Tong and Ou bi'er wanted to elope, but they didn't succeed. How can the Yang family bear this kind of insult? Under a series of actions of the Yang family, Feng Tong's company went bankrupt, and Feng Tong was driven out of the Feng family. Otherwise, the Feng family would also have bad luck. Although the marriage was not settled. "

"But how can the Yang family give up? Because of the mediation of other families, the Yang family let go of the Ou family and the Feng family, and Ou bi'er finally had to go abroad. As for where to go? No one knows. Neither of them will ever be together. Once the two are together, the two families are bound to suffer fierce revenge. The reason why Feng Tong is mixed with Huafeng is that Huafeng's family is not from the Yang camp. " Qi Yuyan sighed and said.

At the same time, Qi Yuyan thinks that oubi'er's experience is very similar to her own, but oubi'er is not so lucky to meet such a powerful person as lengyi. Otherwise, my fate will not be better than obi'er.

"Stick to the mandarin duck? These families have nothing to think about Leng Yi said scornfully.

"In fact, there are still many such things, but many women or men have accepted their fate and married someone they don't love all their life to live together. As for the relationship after marriage, is it so easy to cultivate? It's like a stranger between husband and wife. What's the feeling Qi Yuyan said sentimentally.

"For the children of our family, marriage is never decided by themselves. For the sake of the development of the family, marriage is just a kind of joint bond. Maybe if we are lucky, they like each other and the family agrees, but it is a minority after all." Qi Yuyan then looked out of the window lonely.

"Well, wife, don't be sentimental. You still have me, don't you?" Cold Yi comforts of say.

"I don't feel sad for myself. I just sympathize with those women who are facing political marriage. I'm lucky because I met you." Qi Yuyan affectionate looking at the cold Yi said, looking at Qi Yuyan that affectionate, cold Yi can't help but kiss in Qi YuYan's face.

"I hate it. Concentrate on driving. It's on the highway." Qi Yuyan blushed and said.

"Oucheng, is there any news about Dayu Jiuding recently?" Lengyi takes the phone and asks anxiously.

"I'm sorry, God of war, we haven't found any information about Dayu Jiuding at present." Ou Cheng replied with a bitter smile.

"Forget it, the nine cauldrons of Dayu can't be found by looking for them." Said Leng Yi with a sigh.

Hung up the phone, lengyi lying on the sofa, said with a bitter smile: "master, I'm afraid you don't know when it will be finished. The world is so big, you will never let the apprentice turn every inch of the land."

"Dayu's nine cauldrons, where are the remaining cauldrons hidden?" Leng Yi rubs his forehead and scolds.

At this time, the voice of the phone wakes lengyi in his meditation.

"Wife, what's the matter?" Cold Yi says with a smile.

"Husband, Feng Tong is here. He doesn't know how to contact you, so he came directly to my company to find me." Qi Yuyan said with a smile.

"I didn't expect that this guy's patience is really not good. He came here so soon. I thought he would think about it for a few days." Cold Yi says with a smile.

"Cut the crap, you don't want to be cheap. How do you deal with Feng Tong?" Qi Yuyan continued.

"I see. It seems that his hatred is really strong. If you ask him to wait in your company for a while, I'm bored at home anyway. I'll go to your company for a walk." Leng Yi thought about it and said.

"Well, when you don't come, bring my lunch by the way." Qi Yuyan finished and hung up.

"Full time housewife." Leng Yi hung up and sighed.

Now people in Qi YuYan's company all know that lengyi is Qi YuYan's husband, so lengyi comes to Qi YuYan's office easily without being stopped by anyone.

"Wife, your lunch." Cold Yi looking at is busy Qi Yuyan said.

"Husband, you're here. I'll leave lunch first. I'll eat after I've finished processing the documents in my hand. Worry free, my little baby, come to my mother quickly." Qi Yuyan is very happy to see Wuyou.

"Mom, eat quickly, or it's bad for your health." Carefree milk said.

"Worry free is so good. Mom will eat now." Qi Yuyan pushes the file, opens the lunch box and prepares to eat.

"You haven't told me where Feng is?" Cold Yi dissatisfied said.

"In the next conference room, he's been waiting for a long time." Qi Yuyan waved and said impatiently.

"Hello, lengshao." Seeing Leng Yi come in, Feng Tong stands up and says respectfully.

"Don't be so polite. Sit down." Leng Yi waved his hand with a smile.

Leng Yi didn't speak. Feng Tong was uneasy and didn't know how to speak. The atmosphere in the meeting room was a little strange. After a while, Leng Yi spoke first and said, "do you think about it?"

Hearing Leng Yi's question, Feng Tong quickly replied, "Leng Shao, I've already considered that only you can help me. As long as you help me, I'll be an ox and a horse for you all my life." With a firm face.

"You don't need to be an ox or a horse. I won't help you. You can only rely on yourself, but I can provide you with a broad platform. As long as you have that confidence, you can naturally get what you want. Maybe this process will be very difficult, but I guarantee that as long as you can persist, you will succeed." Leng Yi answers with a smile.

Feng Tong is also a smart man. There is no free lunch in this world. You have to pay for everything you get.

”Thank you lengshao. I will obey lengshao's arrangement. Go up to the bottom of the mountain and die“ Feng Tong said firmly.

”It's not as serious as you said. If you die, how can you realize your wish? If the road is given to you, it depends on whether you can go on“ Cold Yi light says.

”You are a business genius. You can't waste your talent. Every industry, when you do the best, you can influence the world. In this way, we can deal with the affairs in the capital, go to Africa to find this person, and act as an assistant for him. If you can get anything from him, then you can move forward formally on the road of realizing your ideal. " Leng Yi looks at Feng Tong and says.

"Cold little, I know. I won't let you down. " Feng Tong took an address and did not ask any questions.

"Well done, all on their own, I look after you." Lengyi stood up and patted Feng Tong on the shoulder and said in praise.

"Thank you, little cold." Feng Tong said respectfully.

"Well, that's it. Remember, if you want anything, you have to work hard by yourself." Lengyi turns and leaves the conference room.

Feng Tong looks at Leng Yi's back. His heart is undulating. He is so excited that he can't control himself. He knows that his life will be different after today. As long as he works hard, he will have a chance to stand in front of her again.

In Qi YuYan's luxurious and spacious office, Qi Yuyan is eating the lunch brought by lengyi, and at the same time, she is teasing worry free.

"How was the conversation?" Qi Yuyan put down her chopsticks and asked.

"It's not bad. I'm not wrong. As long as he is willing to work hard, he will make great achievements in the future." Cold Yi says with a smile.

"Don't be so old-fashioned. Listen to you, you're like an old man in his sixties or seventies?" Qi Yuyan said with ridicule.

"No way, your husband is such a person, 20-year-old appearance, 60 year-old heart." Cold Yi says with a smile.

"You're fat and you're panting." Qi Yuyan rolled her eyes and said.

Leng Yi giggles and doesn't speak. It's not the old man's body, but the mentality of an old man who sees through the vicissitudes of the world.

"What are you going to do with Feng Tong?" Qi Yuyan continued.

"I'll send them to Africa and have a good exercise." Lengyi opens his mouth.

"That's a good idea. Feng Tong's talent is absolutely amazing. I don't think so. In Africa, his strength can be brought into full play. " Qi Yuyan nods to approve lengyi's proposal.

Looking at the documents all over the table, Leng Yi said with concern: "wife, don't be too tired, just let the people under you do some things."

"I know, but I don't feel at ease when the company is developing. Husband, you don't have to worry. I can deal with it. Besides, the company will be on the right track soon, and I won't be too busy at that time." Qi Yuyan explained with a smile.

"OK, whatever you want." Lengyi knows that Qi Yuyan is a workaholic, and she can't be convinced for a while.

"It seems that she can find a way to let her work down and have a good rest." Leng Yi looks at Qi Yuyan, who is working hard again, and says secretly in her heart.

"Wife, I'm going. Remember to come back early for dinner in the evening. " Leng Yi wants to leave with no worries.

"I see, honey." With that, Qi Yuyan kisses Wu you and Leng Yi on their faces.

"It seems that we have come up with a way." Lengyi left Qi YuYan's company helplessly.

PS: sorry, chapter auto update error yesterday.

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