Night, lane, dim light.

"Sir, a bowl of wonton." Lengyi sits down beside the wonton stall.

"Little brother, take a seat first, and you'll be ready in a minute." The old man who sold wonton said with a smile.

"Sir, how come I haven't seen you these days?" Leng Yi asked with a smile.

"There are some things to deal with at home, which are delayed for a few days." The old man responded with a smile.

Soon, the delicious wonton was served by the old man.

"Well, it's delicious, sir. You're a great wonton." Cold Yi said greedily.

"Family craft, little brother, do you drink? The old man took out a jar from under the stall and looked at its appearance. I'm afraid it has been for many years.

"Delicious wonton, with a little good wine, complement each other." Lengyi said excitedly.

When the old man opened the wine jar, a strong aroma of wine floated out of the jar.

"Good wine, the aroma is extraordinary." Lengyi smelled the aroma of wine and was deeply intoxicated.

"Come on, taste it." The old man handed a bowl of wine to lengyi.

Crystal clear, full-bodied fragrance, cold Yi gently sipped, intoxicated, can not help but sigh: "good wine, good wine,,, aging wine, this jar of daughter red is probably 30 years old, hard to buy, thank you."

"It seems that my little brother is also a man who knows how to drink. There are only a thousand cups of wine for every confidant. How about we finish it tonight?" The old man laughed.

"It's rare to meet such a good wine. Naturally, I'll have a good time." Leng Yi said impolitely.

"Cheery, dry." The old man raised the wine bowl.

"I'm afraid it's rare to see my daughter Hong for 30 years. It's really a memorable experience." Leng Yikan and the last bowl of wine said with emotion.

"It's very rare. This is the only bottle I have at present, but I know there is a place where there are several jars. If I have a chance, I'll give you all of them." The old man some drunk eyes hazy said.

"Thank you, old man. I had the cheek to accept such a red daughter ahead of time." Cold escape road.

"I can't be daughter red any more, or it's more appropriate to use another name, Huadiao, Huadiao of 30 years." The old man said with a sad face.

It is said that there is a custom in China that if a woman is born in the family, a jar of wine will be brewed. When her daughter is to be married, it will be used to entertain guests. This jar of mellow wine is called "daughter red"; However, the weather is unpredictable, and people have misfortunes and blessings all the time. If Yun Ying dies early, then on the day of mourning, share the wine with relatives and friends to commemorate the early withering flowers. This jar of bitter wine is called "Huadiao".

"I'm sorry, sir, to mention your sadness." Lengyi said with regret.

"Nothing. It's all in the past. The dead are gone, and the living have to continue to live." The old man waved his hand and said that he seemed to be looking very open, but deep in his eyes was still full of deep sadness.

"Little brother, I have something to ask you for help." The old man was silent for a long time, his face was uncertain, and finally he made up his mind to say.

"Sir, you can help me if you have anything. I will help you if you can." Cold Yi says heartily.

"I have some things to deal with recently, but it's inconvenient to take my five-year-old granddaughter with me, so I want to entrust her to you for a period of time, OK?" The old man looked at the little girl who was sleeping on the simple floor beside the stall, and couldn't bear to say.

"Old man, you and I just met by chance. You don't know me. Don't you trust me to give your granddaughter to this stranger. If I were a bad person, wouldn't you trust me to harm your granddaughter? " Leng Yi said in dismay.

"I don't have any other skills in my life. I have such bright eyes. I seldom see people wrong. You are not an ordinary person." The old man said confidently.

"Well, what kind of person am I?" Lengyi asks curiously.

"I don't know." The old man shook his head and said.

"I don't know?" Leng Yi looks at the other side in consternation. Originally, he planned to listen to the other side's opinions. He didn't get such a sentence.

"Yes, I don't know." The old man affirmed again.

"Don't you say that you have a pair of very bright eyes, and seldom see the wrong person?" Cold Yi full face black line, depressed ask a way.

"I can't see the wrong person, but it doesn't mean I can see anyone clearly. There are some people in the world I can't see through, such as you. But there are few people I can't see through. You are one of them. So I plan to entrust my granddaughter to you for a few days. I hope you won't refuse. " The old man said with a bitter smile.

"Sir, your heart is really big. You dare to trust those who can't see through." Leng Yi shakes his head and says, as if he doesn't understand why the other party's thinking is so contrary to common sense.

"I can't help being forced by the times, little brother. Can you agree to my request?" The old man asked with a hopeful face.

"Sir, half a jar of wine brings back an unknown trouble. Do you think I will agree? Do you think I'm such a fool? " Lengyi smiles at the other side and asks.

Leng Yi has seen through it. The old man has already made plans and is setting up a set for himself. However, it's up to him whether he jumps or not. It's not up to him.

"You will, because you are not an ordinary person. Besides, if you are a fool, there is no intelligent person in this world." The old man said confidently.

"I hate to owe others. Even if it's a bowl of water, I promise to take care of your little granddaughter for the time being, but you must come back as soon as possible. I don't want to be a nanny all the time." Lengyi or choose to jump into this trap, such a day is too boring, a little accident, maybe good.

"I will. I'll come back and pick up my granddaughter as soon as I've dealt with everything." The old man nodded and said gratefully.

"I knew that there would be no free lunch in the world, and I would have to pay for it." Lengyi shook his head helplessly.

"Grandfather, I'm hungry." A five - or six-year-old girl climbed out of the quilt beside the stall car and said sleepily.

The little girl is not tall, looks a little thin, although the clothes are very simple, but very clean, wearing two sheep horn braids, white face inlaid with a pair of clear, innocent eyes.

The old man picked up the little girl, took out a bag from his pocket, handed it to the little girl and said, "Yaya, this is your favorite pastry. Eat it quickly.

"Thank you, Grandpa." The little girl said happily.

"Hello, uncle." The little girl is very curious about Leng Yi, but she is very sensible and says hello to Leng Yi.

"Well, hello." The response of lengyi's smile.

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