In the headquarters base, lengyi sits in a comfortable chair and looks at the documents in his hand. I just called back to Beijing, everything is OK, so now I'm in a good mood. Hearing the knock, Leng Yi said, "come in."

"God of war, Amman, the president of Anru, is here. Would you like to see him?" At this time, Wu Feng opened the door and came in.

"The president of Anru, amanra, how did he come?" Lengyi frowned and said.

"This time he wants to come and see you. I don't know much about anything, but he can be the president. It's our full support." Wu Feng said with a smile.

"Let him come in. Shenji used to be in charge, but he didn't deal with him. I don't know how he is?" Lengyi asked.

Wu Feng naturally understood what Leng Yi meant, so he thought about it and said, "amanra is really a talent in managing the country, and he is very aware of current affairs, so it's good to cooperate with Shenji, otherwise he would have been ousted by us."

"Well, meeting this person may surprise me." Cold Yi nods to say.

After a while, Wu Feng came in with a black man who was nearly 50 years old. The black man was short, but he was very energetic, full of energy and dignity.

"Welcome, President amanra. Nice to meet you." Lengyi stood up and said with a smile.

"Hello, Ares. It's my pleasure to meet you. It's so famous. It's better to meet you." Amanra quickly said with a smile, and immediately stretched out his hand tightly and cold Yi's hand together.

"President amanra, please take a seat." Cold Yi says with a smile.

"Thank you." Amanra said respectfully.

"Mr. amanra, the development of Anru in recent years is really good. The people's life has become stable and the level is good. It all depends on your efforts." Lengyi said with a smile, and then poured a cup of tea for Oman.

"The development of Anlu depends on the Legion. With the Legion to maintain Anlu, stability can be achieved. Only stability can make Anlu develop. I believe no country has developed in the chaos of war. Only a stable environment can promote social development and people's life can be stable. " Amanra said modestly.

"You're right, but if Anlu didn't have you, it would not have achieved today. So your contribution to the people of Anlu is very great. I think the people of Anlu will never forget you." Cold Yi praises to say.

"Thank you for the praise of the God of war. I'm a native of Anlu. I'm a child of a poor family. I've been living in the chaos of war since I was a child. I'm so scared that I can't even guarantee food and clothing. I'm in danger of losing my life at any time."

"At that time, there was a lot of gunfire in Anlu. One was the government troops attacking the rebels, the other was the rebels overthrowing the government. No matter who was in charge of Anlu, the people had no good life. There were more than a dozen of my brothers and sisters, some died of starvation, some died of illness, and some were killed by bombs. At that time, I swore that I would change the status quo of Anlu, so I studied hard to change Anlu, so that Anlu could develop steadily. But I was too naive to think that I would master the country through politics and peace. So I wasted more than 20 years, and in the end I did nothing. " Amanra said with a sigh.

"Have a cup of tea." Lengyi saw amanra's emotion was a little excited, so she added a cup of tea and said.

"Thank you. It wasn't until later that I realized that there were wars everywhere in Anlu, and that peaceful means simply couldn't work. In the words of a great man in your country, that is, power comes out of the barrel of a gun, but when I understood, it was too late."

"So I'm depressed. I'm addicted to alcohol all day and I have no fighting spirit. Later, I was lucky to meet Mr. Shenji. He said that he could help me, but he had to pay my life. At that time, I said that as long as the people of Anlu could live a stable and happy life, I would not hesitate to pay my life. Now that my dream has finally come true, I would like to thank Mr. Shenji and the brothers of the Legion Amanra said with emotion.

"Anlu's stable life is hard won, so you and I don't want to destroy the hard won life. But I think you should know that Anlu is not very peaceful recently. All the soldiers of the Legion have taken action, and the war will break out at any time. " Lengyi drank a cup of tea and said with a smile.

"God of war, I understand what you mean. The stable life of Anlu is not easy, so we people of Anlu will not let those enemies destroy our stable life. As the national defense force of Anlu, the Legion has the responsibility and obligation to protect the people of Anlu. As the president of Anlu, I also have the responsibility and obligation to cooperate with all actions of the Anlu national defense force. " Amanra said firmly.

"President amanra, thank you for your support." Wu Feng said thank you.

"Instructor, you are too polite. We are a family. The Legion is Anru's national defense force, and Anru is a staunch supporter of the Legion. " Amanra said.

"President amanra, war is about to start. I hope you can pacify the people of Anlu. We don't want the people of Anlu in the rear to oppose us during the war in the front." Wu Feng continued.

"You can rest assured that I will pacify the people of Anlu, and the people of Anlu will stand behind the Legion unconditionally." Amanra assured.

"President amanra, you are a talent. You should have a broader stage for you to display your talent and ambition." Leng Yi said with a smile.

"Really?" Amanra said in surprise. As a very talented and ambitious person, amanra naturally hopes to have a broader stage.

"Of course, your ideals and aspirations will come true soon." Wu Feng affirmed.

This time Leng Yi, Wu Feng and amanra had a very pleasant talk, which also laid the foundation for the development direction of Anlu.

A burst of mobile phone ring interrupted Leng Yi's thinking, Leng Yi frowned and picked up the phone, above a strange number, do not know who.

"Hello, who's calling, please?" Lengyi answers the phone and says.

But there was no sound on the phone.

"Who are you?" Lengyi said impatiently. After all, thinking is disturbed, so that lengyi's mood is not very good.

But there was no response on the phone“ If you don't, I'll hang up. " Lengyi said impatiently.

"Is that Leng Yi?" A voice finally rang out on the phone. It was a woman's voice. It seemed that she hesitated for a long time before she said.

"I am. Who are you?" Leng Yi asked suspiciously.

Suddenly lengyi feels that this number is a little familiar. It's Qi Qingtian's number, a bright and generous girl she met on the plane.

"Are you Qi Qingtian?" Leng Yi asked.

"I didn't expect you to remember my number. I thought you had forgotten it?" Some of the people on the phone said happily.

"Why? It's rare to see a compatriot abroad. " Cold Yi says with a smile.

"Are you still in Anru?" Qi Qingtian then asked.

"Still, of course." Leng Yi answered with some doubts that this character is not like Qi Qingtian's. what happened?

"Leng Yi, are we good friends?" Qi Qingtian seemed determined to ask.

"Ha ha, of course we are friends. What's the matter? Did something happen? " Leng Yi asked suspiciously.

"Nothing happened, I'm fine." Qi Qingtian on the phone said hesitantly.

"It's good to be a friend, Leng Yi. If you can, you should remember me." Qi Qingtian said bitterly on the phone.

"Sunny day, what happened?" Leng Yi has a kind of uneasy feeling in his heart. Although he has only one-sided relationship with sunny day, he is deeply impressed by the sunshine, brightness and enthusiasm of sunny day.

"It's OK“ Sunny said quickly, and then the phone has hung up.

But on the phone, Leng Yi vaguely heard a person's voice: "sunny day, there is no time to come, they are coming, we run away."

Leng Yi's face is very gloomy. On a sunny day, he is just an ordinary passer-by, but he has a deep impression on Leng Yi. Even if it doesn't matter, if a Chinese asks Leng Yi for help, Leng Yi won't be indifferent.

At this time, Wu Feng suddenly came in and said, "God of war, there are some changes in the eight mercenaries of lakis."

"What's the matter? Did the mercenaries of Baqi find out our action? " Lengyi frowned and said.

"At first, I thought it was our information leakage. Later, according to the intelligence information, it was not our information leakage, but the son of a regimental leader of Baqi mercenary was abandoned, and the man who started it was a woman. It was estimated that this boy wanted to do something bad to women, but he was accidentally kicked down, and the whole man was cut off, It's retribution. As a result, the girl ran away. Now Xiong Yi is very angry and sends soldiers everywhere to find the murderer. He is such a precious son, but now he is a eunuch. How can he give up? " Wu Fenghui reports.

"Women, hit people, run away." Lengyi thought of Qi Qingtian's phone call just now, and suddenly said in a big surprise: "is it a sunny day?"

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