More than a dozen cross-country military vehicles surround Lao Li, Qi Qingtian and the vehicles. Looking at the bloodthirsty look of the soldiers around, Qi Qingtian is very scared. He can't help leaning over like Lao Li. However, he finds that Lao Li's body is shaking and his face is full of fear.

Xiong Yi can't help but feel disappointed. He thought that the person to be arrested had some skills, but he didn't expect that it was the old man and the woman.

"Get them and take them back." Male a mouth says, have no the slightest affection, cold.

This place is located in the border area of Anlu. It's a sensitive area. Xiongyi doesn't want anything unexpected to happen. He'd better leave this land of right and wrong as soon as possible. As for these two people, take them back and torture them in any way. They are not in a hurry.

Lao Li and Qi Qingtian are just like two little sheep. They are picked up by several fierce soldiers and are ready to be captured. At this time, a roaring sound came from the border line of Anlu. From low to high, the earth shook. All the soldiers on the scene changed their faces greatly. They were soldiers who had been in the battlefield for a long time. Naturally, they knew what the sound was.

The other side of the border monument belongs to the area of Anlu, the terrain is relatively low, so Xiong Yi and others did not find anything at the beginning. Now the huge roaring sound makes them panic.

I saw a torrent of black steel rolling in. Although xiongyi and others were far away, the murderous air from the shop made everyone gasp.

"Commander, it's the Armored Regiment of the Legion." The adjutant put down his telescope and said in fear, his face at a loss. Looking at the stone tablet that the iron and steel torrent has crossed the border, the dust rises all over the sky behind the iron and steel torrent.

"What the hell do these guys want? Are they going to start a war? " Xiong Yi said angrily, just like a girl who is about to be raped, his face full of fear.

"Commander, let's get out of here. If it's too late, we won't be able to escape." Said the adjutant, trembling all over.

Xingtian Legion and Baqi are mortal enemies. If they fall into the hands of Xingtian Legion this time, they will be disabled even if they are immortal.

"It's no use. We can't escape. They have that." Xiong Yi pointed to the sky in despair and said that his face was no longer as cruel as before.

"Armed helicopters, they even sent out armed helicopters. Do they really want to go to war?" The adjutant said in horror.

The black spots in the sky can show the original appearance, and the most advanced armed helicopters roar.

"Chief, what shall we do?" The adjutant said in horror.

"You ask me, who do I ask?" This sentence is just a cry in Xiong Yi's heart. After all, as the supreme commander at this time, we must come up with an idea.

"Put away your weapons. No shooting is allowed without my order. Call headquarters for help immediately." Xiong Yi said heavily.

As a leader of the eight division army, Xiong Yi was more and more afraid of death. He didn't have the original spirit of not dying. At this time, he just wanted to save his own life.

After hearing this, all the soldiers of the eight division army were relieved. They knew that even if they really resisted, it would be useless. Although they were armed to the teeth, they did not have the slightest strength to fight back against each other's armored vehicles and tanks. The other side can send all these people to hell with only one shell.

A neat row of tanks and armored vehicles stood in front of Xiong Yi and others. All the soldiers of the eight division army were a little bitter at this time. Just now, they swaggered and brazenly surrounded others in the middle. In the twinkling of an eye, they were surrounded and couldn't run away. What a retribution. Looking at the murderous guns, heavy machine guns and other sharp weapons, the eight division army and others are as pitiful as lambs to be slaughtered.

"How dare you cross the border so openly and boldly? Are you not afraid of causing war?" The male a drum up courage, some lust is fierce inside an EBA of say.

For xiongyi's question, the mercenary soldiers on the chariot didn't have the slightest expression. They just coldly held the weapons in their hands and monitored xiongyi and others all the time.

Xiongyi felt that his dignity was so ignored. He became angry and ashamed. He said in a loud voice, "ask your person in charge to come out. I'd like to see if he wants to fight regardless of everything."

"I said, who is so angry? It turned out to be the first male commander, but it's not surprising that only the first male commander would be so ignorant, arrogant and arrogant. He would die soon and still be so arrogant. " There was a thunderous sound. Then in the middle of the armored car came an off-road vehicle, on which stood a rough man, full of murderous spirit, with a disdainful expression on his face.

"Xing Hu!" Seeing the person coming, Xiong suddenly shrinks his neck. A trace of fear flashed in his eyes. The expression on his face is also very unnatural. Xiongyi and Xinghu, as officers of two mercenaries, also faced each other for several years in the border area. Naturally, they were very familiar with each other.

Xinghu, the leader of the fierce tiger regiment, is absolutely a murderer. The soldiers of the eight division army don't know how many people died in his hands. The fierce tiger regiment is also an Armored Regiment that can be counted by the mercenaries of the fierce tiger regiment. Its combat effectiveness is absolutely amazing. The regiment led by Xiong Yi was beaten by the fierce tiger regiment in several battles and fled in confusion.

In xiongyi's mind, the deterrent power of Xinghu is even stronger than that of Wufeng. However, at this time, xiongyi, as the head of Baqi legion, can't show weakness.

"Xing Hu, you are too unscrupulous. This is the territory of lakis country. What do you want to do when you drive your chariot into the defense land of lakis? Do you want to start a war? If there is a real war between two countries, can you afford the responsibility? " Xiong Yi asked in a loud voice.

However, I can't help but feel uneasy. I just hope that Xing Hu will have more scruples and dare not fight wantonly. Otherwise, today will be their death day. The hatred between Xing Tian Legion and Baqi is as deep as the sea, and both sides will never die. Once Xinghu has no scruples, xiongyi and others will surely explain it here.

"Xiong Yi, are you stuck in the door? Your eye saw us invade lakis? " Xing Hu laughs sarcastically.

"Xing Hu, do you want to sophistry? Don't you stand on the land of lakis now? " Xiongyi said angrily.

"The land of lakis?" Xing Hu frowned and carefully observed the land below.

"Don't you see that this is the land of lakis? Do you see that? " Xing Hu asked the soldiers next to him.

"No All the soldiers said loudly.

"You hear, it's not that I don't want to admit it, but what evidence do you have to prove that this is the territory of lakis?" Xing Hu spread his hands and said.

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