Lengyi and others have been walking in the woods for four or five hours. The sky has turned a little white, and the woods are no longer so dark. They can vaguely see things ten meters away.

"It's about an hour before dawn, and the people who keep poisonous insects are hiding so deep in the mountains." Leng Yi scolded. Although this jungle journey is not a matter at all for Leng Yi, no one will be happy after walking in the jungle for a long time.

"God of war, how long will it take us to find that man?" Zifeng can't wait to ask. Similarly, the march in the jungle is nothing for the soldiers who have undergone severe training. Zifeng and others are eager to get revenge, so they are very anxious.

"The target should not be more than 20 kilometers away from us when we look at the degree of the insect's irritability." Lengyi looked at the crazy insects in the air and said.

Although the insect is like an earthworm, it has a pair of transparent wings and can fly in the air. At this time, the insect does not suck blood and eat all night. It seems extremely irritable and makes a sharp low sound. It struggles and flies in the air, but it can't keep away from lengyi and is always controlled by lengyi.

An hour later, the sun has risen, the forest has become much brighter, and the insects are more irritable. Lengyi knows that the people who keep the insects are very close.

There was a smell of putrefaction in the air, and the more it went forward, the heavier it was. In the sunshine, a thin mist seemed to rise in the forest. Smelling the white smoke, Zifeng and others gradually feel dizzy, and feel that their heads are not sober, while lengyi doesn't respond at all.

"Stop, it's miasma." Leng Yi looks at the appearance of purple Phoenix and others, eyebrow a wrinkly, say immediately.

"What? Miasma? Damn it, we forgot to bring the mask. " Purple Phoenix hate curse way.

As excellent special combat fighters, Zifeng and others naturally understand the horror of miasma. In fact, the poison of miasma itself is not strong. There is nothing wrong with inhaling it into the body. However, after staying in the miasma for a long time, people will soon feel dizzy, confused, even hallucinating, comatose and even die.

Under normal circumstances, miasma can't be generated in a small area, or even in a large area for hundreds of miles, so walking into a miasma area is no different from walking into a dead zone.

"Warlord, what shall we do now?" Asked Zifeng.

If Leng Yi is alone, he is not afraid of it. Leng Yi's strength has reached the level of inviolability to all kinds of poisons. Even if there is poison in his body, Leng Yi can also use Qi to eliminate it. However, Zifeng and others are not so powerful. There is no way to deal with miasma without a mask.

"I have a way." Leng Yi finished, looking carefully in the surrounding grass. Soon found a few black grass.

"Warlord, what is this?" A special operations team member asked curiously.

"Miasma grass." Cold escape road.

"Miasma grass? What's the use? " Purple Phoenix doubts to ask a way.

"In fact, nature is very magical. Many things complement each other. For example, many poisons have detoxification around them. This miasma herb can control miasma." Said Leng Yi.

Then Leng Yi gave each one a piece of miasma grass and said, "put the miasma grass in your mouth so that you can prevent the damage caused by miasma. But it won't last long. We must pass through the miasma jungle as soon as possible.

Looking at the terrible miasma in front of her, Zifeng and others did not dare to neglect. One by one, they frowned and put the black and ugly grass into their mouth. Then a strong bitter smell spread all over their mouth and rushed straight to their heads. They suddenly woke up a lot.

"It's hard." A special operations team member, twisted face, sobbed said.

"Good medicine tastes bitter. Besides, this bitter taste is nothing to you. If miasma herb doesn't have this bitter taste, its function will be reduced by half. This bitter taste can keep your brain awake all the time, just like mint." Leng Yi said with a smile. With that, put a miasma grass in your mouth. Although you can't use it, it's always right to put it in your mouth.

"And you can take out a piece of cloth, put water on it and tie it to your nose, which can greatly reduce the smell of miasma and putrefaction." With that, Leng Yi takes the lead in miasma.

Zifeng and others didn't do that. Although they were women, they were all soldiers with high strength after cruel training. They spent the night in the dead. They didn't pay attention to the smell of putrefaction.

As for poisonous insects, they are extremely poisonous. These miasma have no effect on him at all. On the contrary, after entering the miasma, it is like a fish in the water, and the situation of irritability is reduced a lot.

Among the decaying leaves and grass, there are light white smoke rising continuously. The more we go forward, the thicker the fog is. It's better to cover the whole forest in it. Under the sunlight, these white smoke are shining with some colorful brilliance.

However, behind this gorgeous phenomenon, there is a thick murderer. If a person accidentally absorbs this kind of fog into his body, he will be dizzy immediately. Lengyi and others keep their heads clear because of the miasma grass in their mouths, but the pungent smell makes them frown and endure the desire to vomit.

Leng Yi and others walk quickly in the jungle full of miasma. Leng Yi looks up at the sky covered with leaves, and his face is dignified. He didn't expect that the miasma here would be so severe.

The miasma is originally due to the accumulation of toxic gases in the ground, such as rotten leaves and other animal corpses. With the sun's irradiation, the more hot the temperature is, the faster the emission will be. However, the forest is very thick and airtight, and the temperature is high. It will accumulate more and more strongly. Soon, it will be like a steamer, and it will be full of concentrated miasma everywhere. At that time, the toxicity will be more intense, Even miasma has no way to curb its toxicity.

Although lengyi won't have anything, Zifeng and others can't hold on.

"Now it seems that we must go through the miasma jungle as soon as possible." Leng Yi thought to himself: "everyone speed up and get through this miasma jungle as soon as possible."

Because of the existence of miasma grass, although Zifeng and others are a little dizzy, they can still insist on it. So they speed up again and walk quickly for a while. At this time, some people can't support it. They look confused and confused.

Fortunately, lengyi picked a lot of miasma grass all the way and gave it to everyone. So some people immediately took out a miasma grass and put it into their mouth. Their spirit improved a lot in an instant. They continued to move forward and could not stop. Otherwise, they would die.

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