The reason why today was so angry was to a large extent his feelings about what happened to him. At the same time, he didn't want his son and nephew to repeat his old way. I wasted my whole life in this desert and found nothing in the end.

"Uncle Totai, we have no choice. We can only gamble for the continuation of the golden family." Batu said with a bitter smile.

"Uncle doesn't want you to be in danger, so you're a little excited. Don't worry about it." He said with a sigh.

"Uncle Totai, we have already figured out that the gold badge is just an item, which has symbolic significance and can't play a role in the family crisis. If we can't find the gold badge this time, we will rush back and try our best to save the gold family, which will surely make the reputation of the gold family resound again. Uncle Totai, you can come back with us this time. " Daiqin said quickly.

"It's no use. If it was useful to go back, I would have gone back long ago. Now all the departments of the gold family are ready to move. The reason why there is no rebellion is that they are still afraid of it. However, once their desire expands too much, they will not worry about taking risks for their interests." Said today.

"Uncle Tuotai, several powerful branches have been so arrogant all the time. Are they still afraid?" Barthel obviously didn't believe it.

"There are some things you don't know. In fact, the gold badge is not as simple as you think," he said. Tuotai stopped and looked up at lengyi.

The meaning of Tuotai, lengyi naturally understand, the following words are family secrets, outsiders can't listen, so witty said: "I'll get some water, you chat slowly."

Then Leng Yi turns around and leaves without any dissatisfaction. These people are obviously in trouble. Leng Yi doesn't want to get involved. It's too troublesome. So it's best not to hear.

"Uncle Tuotai, brother Leng is our Savior. Isn't that good?" Daiqin looks at Leng Yi's back and says with some guilt.

"The following information is too important. You don't know the secret of the family. Besides, he is an outsider. It's not good to know." Said today.

"I see, uncle Totai, you say it." Daiqin said.

"Listen carefully. In fact, the gold family is not only a token of the family, but also a token that can command the secret power of the gold family, canglangwei." Said today.

"The order is" canglangwei " Daiqin asked suspiciously.

"Yes‘ Canglangwei is the patron saint of our golden family. It has existed since the establishment of the golden family. Their task is to protect the golden family from extinction. At the same time, canglangwei and the golden family are two independent systems. The golden family does not participate in the personnel selection and training of canglangwei, so canglangwei has always maintained its independence. They only recognize gold badges, they don't recognize anyone. "

"If you want to order them to do something, you must have a gold badge as a proof. The gold badge is positive and negative. The gold family holds the positive and the" canglangwei "holds the negative. The" canglangwei "will accept the order only when the positive and negative are combined. At the same time, those who hold the gold badge must have the blood of the gold family." Tuotai said in memory.

"But why have we never heard that the family has the power of" canglangwei " Daiqin asked with a puzzled face.

"You are too young. Maybe many people know the existence of canglangwei, but only the clan leader knows where canglangwei is. The reason why I know it is because I used to be the clan leader of the golden family, and your father took over my position as the clan leader." Said today.

"What, our father is your successor?" The three daiqin brothers asked in shock.

"Yes, I used to be the patriarch of the golden family, appointed by your grandfather, but I was not interested in the position of patriarch. Instead, I focused on practicing martial arts. Later, when I found out the tricks of those branches, I planned to play dead, so that I could get rid of the patriarch's position and look for the gold badge secretly. Only your father knows the whole plan. " Totai road.

"But I didn't expect that the gold badge would be so hard to find. I've been in the desert for 30 years, but I still haven't found it. I'm really not willing to go back. " Today continued.

"I didn't expect that there were so many things hidden in it. Uncle Tuotai, if we can't find the gold badge and move the "Canglang guard", can we just wait for the gradual demise of our gold family? " Daiqin asked with a worried face.

"Don't worry, although there is no gold badge, we can't mobilize the" canglangwei ", but the" canglangwei "won't let the gold family perish, at least some fire will be left. When the Yuan Dynasty perished, our gold family didn't have gold badge at all, but the" canglangwei "helped. The war was earth shaking, The "canglangwei" army was almost destroyed, and the gold family of Caibao retreated into the grassland smoothly. " Said today.

"Uncle Tuotai, I have one thing to confirm, because I think brother Leng's words are very reasonable. The gold badge is just a token, and it has no binding force. Why does the" canglangwei "listen to us. We have experienced too many betrayals. What if canglangwei betrays us? We don't control the "Canglang guard" at all, and we don't have any binding force on the "Canglang guard." Daiqin expressed his worries.

"Daiqin, if you can think of this, it means that you see the whole problem and are not so blindly optimistic. I asked this question at the beginning. Your grandfather only told me that the reason why canglangwei is not mixed with the golden family is that canglangwei is the last barrier for the survival of the golden family and exists in order to continue the blood of the golden family, It's not to strengthen the gold family. "

"As for whether the" canglangwei "will betray or not, I don't understand. It's estimated that many clan leaders don't understand either. Maybe only Genghis Khan, who finally created the" canglangwei ", will understand."

"Before your grandfather died, he took me to meet the leader of the canglangwei. When I saw the leader of the canglangwei," it seems that the canglangwei is really mysterious. We didn't expect that our golden family has such a mysterious power in the dark. " Daiqin said with emotion.

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