Looking at the simple and heavy blue stone gate in front of him, Tuotai was full of excitement, expectation and bitterness.

Thirty years of search is about to come true, but there is still the most difficult hurdle ahead. Once passed, the gold badge is within reach, and the gold family will have the opportunity to rise again, and it will live up to the wisdom of its ancestors.

But if it passes, there is only one choice for Tuotai, that is to follow the footsteps of his ancestors and bury them in the imperial city of Jinhai state. Looking for 30 years, tired, tired, also don't want to wait for 10 years.

"Don't think too much. We can make it." Leng Yi looks at Tuotai and his expression changes constantly. He naturally understands the other party's complicated mood.

"Thank you. If I can get the gold badge of my family this time, all my wishes have been fulfilled. In the future, I will be driven by brother Leng." Tuotai said gratefully.

This time, the imperial city of Jinhai kingdom is no better than the previous times. Maybe Tuotai came to jitiantai by chance a few times ago, but this time, he hit this place with his real strength. If there was no lengyi, Tuotai and daiqin might be annihilated at the aimless snake level.

"No, without your guidance, I may not be able to enter the underground imperial city of Jinhai state, so we don't owe each other." Leng Yi shook his head and said.

"No, brother Leng, as a child of the gold family, en is en. Nothing is more important than life. So if I survive this disaster, I swear by the honor of the ancestors of the gold family that I will follow brother Leng to the death. If I have two hearts, I will kill the devil and never live beyond my life." Tuotai covered his chest with one hand and said solemnly.

"Are you all so stubborn? Whatever you want. " Leng Yi said with a bitter smile.

"Brother Leng, there are four strong guard souls behind the gate of Qingshi. They are very powerful and good at spiritual attack. This time, I will take the lead. If I die, please take my three nephews and leave the imperial city of Jinhai state." Tuotai said solemnly.

"If you die, just now you swear that you are not white hair, so I'll come to this level. I still have some precautions against the attack of the soul." Cold Yi says with a smile.

With that, without waiting for the platform to stop, the figure flashed to the front of the bluestone gate. He stretched out his hand and pressed it on the bluestone gate. A huge force came from his arm. The bluestone gate as thick as half a meter slowly opened, and the dust fell on the door.

After the dust has fallen, lengyi and others are now faced with a spacious passage. The passage is not long, and it is not dark. Some stones are inlaid on the wall of the passage. These stones emit weak light, which makes the passage bright.

There are also some murals on the wall of the passage. Some people kneel on the ground and pray to heaven.

"These murals should be the scenes where the people of Jinhai offer sacrifices to heaven and earth, similar to those of our golden family." Daiqin looked at the mural and said.

"The development of every race and country has its own civilization, and sacrifice to heaven and earth is the most common one." Tuotai looked at the mural and said piously.

"The stones on these walls are not night pearls, but they don't seem to be very similar to our family's?" Barthel asked curiously, fiddling with the stones on the wall.

"I haven't seen these strange stones. They should be unique to Jinhai country." Said today.

"Don't study these things. Let's go to the sacrificial platform." Leng Yi took the lead.

"Brother Leng, there seems to be something wrong. When I opened the bluestone gate, I was attacked by my spirit. Why is there nothing wrong now? Is there a trap, or are those damned souls evolving? " Tuotai asked with a worried face.

"I don't know why, but just go in and have a look." Leng Yi replied.

Soon through the passage, I came to a wide hall, where countless luminous stones were inlaid, and the light gathered together. The whole hall was also very bright, and everything in the hall could be clearly seen.

In the north of the hall, there are rows of stone steps, on which row after row of holy places are worshipped. In front of the stone steps, there is a big tripod, and in front of the big tripod, there are four stone carvings of soldiers in armor.

"This is the Tiantai of Jinhai national sacrifice. It's too simple. It's no better than our golden family." Batu said in surprise.

"Sacrifice is just a form, as long as the heart is sincere." Said today.

Although lengyi saw the tripod, he didn't feel any joy. Instead, he looked at the four soldiers' stone carvings with a dignified face. There was a strong danger from the stone carvings. It was no less dangerous or even more powerful than the danger brought by the bat king, the rat king and the snake king.

At this time, the stone suddenly moved, and the dust slowly fell down. Lengyi a few people suddenly startled, looking at the four slow moving stone carvings with an alert look.

"Boy, get rid of the four stone carvings. Once they come to their senses, you will be in trouble." Bai Qi's voice rang out in lengyi's mind.

Leng Yi immediately waved with one hand, and the four fierce and domineering forces flew to the four stone carving soldiers like lightning. They immediately passed through the body of the four stone carving guards, leaving a hole. However, the stone carving guards did not seem to be affected, but continued to walk towards Leng Yi and others.

"Boy, do you think they are human? They are carved out of stone, and then the soul enters and controls the statue. They can't be killed at all. As long as you break their bodies and force their soul out, it's much easier to deal with them. " Bai Qi said with a smile.

"Master, you didn't say that earlier." Leng Yi's voice fell, and he had already reached one of the stone sculptures. His fists and feet came out together. Every attack had a powerful force. It was easy to open the stele and crack the stone. So soon, four slowly moving stone sculptures were torn down by Leng Yi and turned into a pool of gravel.

"Master, it's done. Isn't it as terrible as you said?" Lengyi looked at the four piles of gravel at the foot and said with disdain.

"You are crazy. With your God level strength, if you can't even deal with these stone carvings, you are still a god level master. If you don't do it, I promise that those four people will definitely die, and it's not sure that one will survive." Bai Qi said with a cold hum.

"What's more, you really think these stone carvings are dead. Don't forget that they are just souls attached to the stone carvings. Now the stone carvings are broken by you, but their souls are still there. You can play with those souls slowly." Bai Qi said with some schadenfreude.

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