The king of goshawk is worthy of being the king of Goshawk. The claws are absolutely strong and powerful. Lengyi drives the SUV and drives it fast on the grassland. Its speed has reached more than 200 yards, but the goshawk still firmly grasps the top of the SUV, facing the strong wind, motionless and majestic.

In less than a day, lengyi left the prairie and began to enter the city.

Domineering off-road vehicles, plus off-road vehicles above a fierce eagle, let passers-by have sidelights.

Looking at the passers-by's shocked and curious eyes, lengyi can't help but show a bitter smile. The car is a military version of the off-road vehicle, which is quite conspicuous. Now the goshawk really likes to show off. He stands directly on the roof of the car and lets him enter the car. If he doesn't want to, he is willing to stay outside to blow. It's even more curious.

The SUV stops at the gate of a small restaurant. It has been eating compressed food for so many days. It's cold and has no appetite at all. I plan to have a rest and have a good meal. The reason why I choose this restaurant is that a smell of food floats out of the small restaurant, which is very attractive.

"Goshawk, let's go in and have something to eat." Leng Yi got off the SUV and said to the eagle on the roof.

Although the hawk is rebellious, it still feels a little uncomfortable when it enters the human city, so it shouts and shakes its head to refuse.

Goshawk is used to freedom. It's hard to avoid getting used to it when it comes to human cities. Lengyi doesn't want to be reluctant. After all, everything has a process of adaptation.

"Are you the owner of this shop?" Lengyi walked into the hotel and asked a middle-aged man who was a little short, but fat and kind-hearted.

"I'm the owner of this shop. Would you like to have dinner?" The boss asked with a smile.

"For dinner, but do you have raw beef?" Lengyi asked.

"Yes, I just bought a batch today. It's very fresh and not frozen." Although the boss was puzzled, he said in a hurry.

"Please give me a few catties of raw beef to the eagle in waiman's car." Said Leng Yi.

"OK, no problem." The boss took a look at the door and readily agreed.

Soon, several fried dishes came to the table. Although the restaurant was not big, the dishes were well prepared, which were better than those of other people in Hutong.

"Boss, your food is good." Cold Yi while eating, while full of praise said.

"Thank you. Our shop is an old one. It has been open for decades. If customers like it, they can come often." The boss said with a smile.

"That's nature." Cold Yi nods a way.

"Guest, is that eagle in the car outside your own?" Asked the boss curiously.

"Yes, what's the matter?" Cold Yi some doubts ask a way.

"I've never seen such a beautiful eagle. When I gave him raw beef just now, my cold eyes made me shudder." The boss said with a bitter smile.

"Hehe, I'm sorry. He's very alert to strangers." Said Leng Yi.

At this time, an arrogant voice rang out: "boss, where did people die?"

Leng Yi looked up and saw six people coming in, very arrogant and domineering. Take the lead of a burly man, a face fierce domineering, with five people behind, a look is not a good man.

"Coming, coming." The boss said quickly.

"Boss, it seems that your business is good?" The big man took a look at the hotel and said with a smile.

"Brother Xiong, I have paid the protection fee this month." The boss said quickly.

"I know, but the boss is having a wedding this month, so pay the protection fee again." Brother Xiong said.

"Brother Xiong, I'm just a small business. I have to support my family. My children go to school and my wife is ill. If I'm paying the protection fee, I'm afraid I can't even pay my salary this month." The boss said with a bitter smile.

"Boss, I don't think you want to open this shop. Do you believe that I set fire to your shop?" The bear sneered and threatened fiercely.

"Brother Xiong, please calm down. This money is not a fraction. You can give me a few days' grace. I'll think of a way." The boss said helplessly.

"I'll give you three days. If you don't hand it in, don't blame me for not being polite. It's still a question whether you can open this shop, you know?" Although brother Xiong's words are plain, the threat is self-evident.

"Brother Xiong, don't worry, I will make it up." The boss full face sad, helpless said, appears to be so weak and pitiful.

This kind of little gangster can be seen everywhere, and this kind of thing happens every day. Lengyi just can't manage it. So I'm not going to get involved.

"Very good. I like smart people. Boss, I saw a goshawk in the car outside your hotel. I like it very much. Whose is that goshawk?" Brother Xiong then asked.

"Brother Bear, the goshawk belongs to a passing guest." The boss said in embarrassment.

"I naturally know that you can still have such a beautiful eagle. Who is it?" Brother Xiong snorted coldly.

"It's the guest's." The boss helplessly pointed to cold Yi to say.

"Brother, your goshawk is good. I like it very much. How about selling it to me?" Brother Xiong sits in front of lengyi with a strong face and asks.

"Oh, how much are you going to pay?" Leng Yi asked with interest.

"How about a hundred dollars?" Brother Xiong smilingly took out a red ticket from his body.

"A hundred dollars?" Cold Yi light smile way.

"Why, I don't think it's enough. I'm very sincere. A hundred yuan is quite a lot." Brother Xiong's face became cold gradually.

"Not enough, but too much. My goshawk is not worth the price." Leng Yi waved his hand and said.

"Very good, very good. It's rare to meet someone who is knowledgeable. I'm very happy. I don't want to take advantage of you. You can take 100 yuan. You're welcome." Brother Xiong is very generous and puts 100 yuan in front of lengyi.

"I really don't need to pay. My goshawk is in the car. As long as you can take it, you can take it." Cold Yi doesn't care.

"Well, that's what you said. Don't go back then." Brother Xiong said happily.

"Even if I go back, is it useful? Will brother Xiong give back the goshawk to me? " Lengyi asked with a smile.

"Of course not. In this area, I can't get what brother bear likes." Brother Xiong said grimly.

"I'm a new comer here, so I don't want to cause any more trouble. So, as long as you can take the goshawk, you can take it." Said Leng Yi.

"Well, it's interesting. If everyone is as sensible as you are, we don't have to worry about it." With that, brother Xiong gave the boss a cold look.

The boss immediately shrunk his body and showed a flattering smile on his face.

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