When they went to the "Hutong family", Leng Yi obviously felt that his subordinates were more respectful to him. Although he didn't know why, at least it was not a bad thing.

"Hutong family" is on the street next door. A few people will arrive soon. In the eye, there is a big plaque hanging right above the gate. It is inlaid with four gold-plated characters "Hutong family". It shows the style of the family and has its own momentum.

From the outside, you can see that the "Hutong family" adopts a retro style of decoration. It is antique and has a strong Beijing culture. If you look from the outside, you will not associate the "Hutong family" with a hotel. On the contrary, you will feel that it is an ancient cultural heritage. It seems that the decorators must have paid a lot of attention.

"Does the environment look good here?" Cold Yi says with a smile.

"Manager Leng and" Hutong family "are very famous in the whole capital. The people who can come here for dinner are either the billionaires or the powerful. Naturally, the environment is very good." Zhao de said quickly.

"But doesn't it look like there are many guests?" Leng Yi asked suspiciously.

"Manager Leng, it's not time for dinner at this time. After a while, there will be more guests. By that time, this place will be full of luxury cars. Generally, cars won't park in this place. It's a loss of points." Zhao de replied.

"It seems that we came here in the morning. We'll eat early. Let's go in." Cold Yi doesn't care.

"Do you have an appointment?" A waiter in a Chinese jacket came up and asked with a smile, humble but not flattering.

"Yes, Hutong Pavilion." Hua Yan said quickly.

"Hutong pavilion? Are you kidding? " The waiter looked surprised and then said with a wry smile.

"It's hutongge. What's the problem?" Hua Yan asked suspiciously.

The waiter was embarrassed and didn't know how to answer.

At this time, a middle-aged man in a white mandarin jacket rushed over and said respectfully, "lady, you're here. Are these people with you?"

"Yes, these people are my colleagues." Hua Yan nodded.

"Go ahead, I'll take care of the guests." The white jacket said to the waiter.

"Some guests, please come to me. I'll take you to Hutong Pavilion." The white mandarin jacket finished and led the way.

Hutong Pavilion is on the top floor of "Hutong family". Although the spacious hall is not decorated magnificently, it is full of antique flavor. There are many ancient wood furniture in the house price. These are real ancient wood, many of which are sandalwood. All of them are handmade. The workmanship is very fine, revealing a faint fragrance. At first glance, they are valuable.

"Dear guests, we have our menu on the table. You can have a look first. I'll go down and ask the waiter to bring some snacks." With that, he left Hutong Pavilion.

"This place gives me a feeling that it's like going back to ancient times." Hua Yan said excitedly.

"This place is really good. The person who decorates the room is absolutely an old-fashioned master. Eating in this place really defiles the atmosphere here. Zhao de said with emotion.

"No matter how good it is, it's still a place to eat. The decorators have a good heart and want to enjoy both refined and popular tastes. It's a pity that when we meet a few of us, it's a waste of effort“ Leng Yi said with a smile.

Soon in my heart, every kind of dim sum is packed in exquisite porcelain plate, colorful, exquisite, people are reluctant to eat.

"Dim sum is dim sum after all. It's a waste to watch it like this. Let's eat it quickly." Cold Yi helplessly shakes head to say, a few people have no manners of eat. Worry free image is more unbearable, with a snack in one hand and one in the mouth.

Soon all the dishes came up, and the aroma filled the room. Each dish was very exquisite, and the color matching complemented each other. It can be said that it was full of color, fragrance and mouth watering.

"We didn't seem to order, did we?" Hua Yan asked suspiciously.

"Those who can enter Hutong pavilion are the most distinguished guests of our" Hutong family ". Of course, what we need to taste is our" Hutong family "signature dishes. Of course, you can order anything you want except the signature dishes. We'll send them to you as soon as possible. " White jacket respectfully said.

"These dishes are not from our shop. If you bring them, we won't pay for them." Hua Yan said with courage.

"Ma'am, you're kidding. These dishes are free of charge, and all your consumption today is free of charge." Said the white jacket.

"What? Everything is free. Are you kidding? " Hua Yan asked in shock.

"No kidding, of course." The white jacket said seriously.

"Why?" Huayan asked everyone's voice.

"Because you have the most top-level expensive soldier card of our" Hutong family ". With this card, you can have everything in the" Hutong family "free of charge. You can eat as much as you want." Said the white jacket.

"All free? Manager Leng, this card is yours. Where did you get it? " Huayan immediately takes out your soldier card from the bag and hands it to lengyi.

"I don't know if a friend's gift will have such a great deterrent. Since all the dishes are coming up, we'd better eat them quickly. If they're cold, they won't taste good, and we can't live up to other people's good intentions." Cold Yi says with a smile.

Now that Leng Yi has opened his mouth, everyone is no longer hypocritical and starts eating immediately.

White jacket came to Hutong Pavilion outside, immediately dialed the phone, respectfully said: "old man, that top expensive soldier card is a young man's, as for whether it is the person you said, I don't know."

"I'm in the capital. I'll be there in half an hour." An old voice came, full of Zhongqi, with a trace of excitement. With this sentence, the other party immediately hung up.

White jacket staring at the phone, heart turbulent, at the beginning, the top expensive soldier card appeared, white jacket is also very shocked. But for the old man, a top expensive soldier card doesn't seem to be a big deal to him.

Since the old man handed over the "Hutong family" to his son two years ago, he went back to his hometown to provide for the aged, and seldom asked about the "Hutong family". I didn't expect that the old man came from his hometown because of this kind of top expensive soldier card. In the past, there were also people who came to eat with top class expensive soldier cards, and they were not so excited to see the old man.

Although I don't know why, white jacket knows that the person who owns this top expensive soldier card is definitely not a simple person, otherwise the old man will not come from his hometown. It seems that all the mysteries can only be solved when the old master arrives.

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