In the middle of the night, Qi Yuyan has fallen asleep, but Leng Yi tosses and turns, and it's hard to fall asleep. During the day, Zifeng and others are attacked. Leng Yi's mind is always churning. The other party is aiming at Wuyou, which means that the other party has seen Wuyou, at least seen Wuyou's photos, and knows Wuyou. Moreover, these people must have a lot to do with Wuyou's grandfather.

As for the relationship, Leng Yi is hard to understand for a while, but Leng Yi knows that Leng Wuyou's grandfather is not an ordinary person. It's very mysterious, and the origin is not simple. At the beginning, the old man said he couldn't see Leng Yi, and Leng Yi couldn't see each other either.

Bai Qi once said that peeping at the sky is a very mysterious profession, which can see through a person's fate. Although the cold and carefree grandfather has not reached the realm of peeping at the sky, he is infinitely close.

Similarly, Wuyou inherits this spiritual power, and is destined to become a peeper in the future, but this is not a good thing. Just like the mud Bodhisattva in the storm, he is forced to reveal countless secrets all his life, and the end is very miserable.

This time, those people must have come to worry free grandfather. Worry free may have been discovered by the other party unintentionally. If the other party's purpose is about peeping at the sky, then worry free situation is even more dangerous.

Thinking of this, Leng Yi's heart is even more uneasy. If Leng Yi stays with his family all the time, with Leng Yi's strength, he has no fear and confidence to protect them, but everyone can't be together all the time.

The origin of the other side is very mysterious, and the strength is also very strong. I'm afraid it's difficult to resist the other side just by Zifeng and others. Thinking of this, lengyi decided to transfer a group of people from the Xingtian army.

When lengyi is sitting in her heart, the sound of worry free fear comes from her room. Although the sound insulation of the room is very good, lengyi's hearing is even more amazing.

So lengyi quickly ran to lengwuyou's room, turned on the lighting system, and saw Wuyou shrink in the corner, holding his legs in fear.

"Worry free, what's the matter? Did you have a nightmare? With Dad, don't be afraid. " Lengyi holds worry free in her arms and comforts her quietly.

"Dad, I'm so scared." Worry free suddenly cried out.

"Don't be afraid. No one dares to hurt you with dad." Leng Yi said in a low voice.

Wuyou slowly stopped crying, calmed down and said: "Dad, I had a terrible dream just now. I dreamed that my grandfather was covered with blood and escaped from a place. Later, he lay in a dark hut and was dying. I wanted to hold his hand, but I couldn't get close to him. Later, I woke up."

"Worry free, don't be afraid. It's just a dream. Maybe you miss your grandfather so much during the day that you dream at night." Cold Yi comforts to say.

"But during the day, the old man told me that his grandfather was in Beijing. When he asked me if I had seen him, I said no. they didn't believe that his grandfather was really in Beijing." Carefree said in a hurry.

"In the capital?" Leng Yi immediately frowned.

"Yes, I just dreamt that my grandfather was not far away from us. He was somewhere to the east of the capital." Wuyou pointed to the East with his finger and said.

"Worry free, don't worry about grandfather. Grandfather is very powerful. There won't be anything wrong. Dad promised you that he would take you to find grandfather tomorrow, OK?" Leng Yi said in a hurry.

"Yes, but when will it be found? Wu you would like to see your grandfather soon. " No worry said with a smile.

"OK, no problem. Why don't we have an early rest today and get up in the morning and look for it? " Cold Yi comforts a way.

"Good, Dad." Leng Wuyou nodded and agreed.

"Well, good boy, go to bed early." Lengyi said with a smile.

"But I'm afraid." Maybe Wuyou was scared by the dream just now, so he didn't dare to sleep in bed.

"With dad here with you, you can sleep in peace." Said Leng Yi.

Leng Wuyou was only five years old after all. He didn't have so much energy and limited memory, so he soon entered the dream.

"Xiaoyi, I'm afraid what you said is true. I'm afraid that the little girl's ability of peeping at the sky has begun to awaken. The old man's hiding method on the little girl has gradually failed. Coupled with the missing of the old man, the little girl has already had the basic ability of prediction and expressed it through dreams, so the old man should be in the capital, hiding somewhere, And I got hurt. " Bai Qi suddenly appeared and said.

"Master, you are knowledgeable and have the ability to see the sky without worry. Do you have any way to help you hide it?" Lengyi asked anxiously.

After all, once the identity of the carefree sky peeper is exposed, there must be many enemies who will come to carefree. Leng Yi is not afraid. The key is to be afraid that carefree will be disturbed.

"Only the sky peeper knows how to hide his ability. It's passed down from generation to generation, so it's urgent for you to find the old man quickly, which can not only save the old man, but also help carefree to hide his ability and live an ordinary childhood." Bai Qi said.

"Thank you, master. I know what to do?" Cold Yi nods a way.

After Leng Wuyou fell asleep, lengyi left the room and went back to her room. She found that Qi Yuyan had woken up and said, "you're awake."

"What happened?" Qi Yuyan worried asked.

"Worry free nightmare, so some fear, just coax her to sleep, don't worry about it." Cold Yi comforts to say.

"Husband, worry free is always dreaming recently, but the spirit is not good, worry free is really sick, do you want to go to the hospital tomorrow?" Qi Yuyan said.

"Don't worry, it's all right." Leng Yi shook his head and said.

Worry free this situation is the ability to wake up, the hospital simply look bad, but lengyi dare not tell Qi Yuyan, afraid she is worried.

"Husband, are you hiding something from me?" Qi Yuyan frowned and asked.

"Ah? What can I hide from you? " Leng Yi asked in dismay.

"Worry free things, worry free should not be an ordinary child, seems to have some special skills, once worry free even said to me, let me be careful tomorrow, the company's ground is a bit slippery, let me not fall. At that time, I felt that Wuyou was talking and playing, so I didn't care. As a result, in the company, the cleaner had just cleaned it, and the ground was a bit slippery. If I hadn't remembered Wuyou, I would have slipped if I had been careful. " Qi Yuyan said.

"Worry free is just talking and playing, and you should keep it in mind." Leng Yi said evasively.

"This has happened more than once, several times. I feel shocked. Wuyou seems to have the ability to predict the future. And through your evasive performance just now, I know that you must have something full of me. It's about Wuyou's ability." Qi Yuyan said.

"You're really smart, but it's not that I want to hide it from you, it's that it's a bit too incredible for you." Leng Yi said with a bitter smile.

"Can worry free really predict the future?" Qi Yuyan asked in shock. After all, guessing is one thing. After confirmation, it's hard not to be shocked.

"It's true that worry free can predict some things in the future. This ability has just awakened, so worry free can't control itself. It often predicts some things, usually in dreams, because in sleep, sometimes people's brain activity will be more frequent. Once worry free controls this ability, it can predict some things that will happen in the future." Leng Yi said without a trace of concealment.

"No, there are still such incredible things in the world?" Qi Yuyan asked in shock.

"Of course, there are many strange people and strange things in the world, and prediction is only one of them, but the ability to predict is not necessarily a good thing." Leng Yi shook his head and sighed.

"Is this predictive power harmful to worry free?" Qi Yuyan a face worries of ask a way.

"To predict the future is to let the cat out of the bag. It doesn't matter for some small things, but for some important things, they have to be punished. The most obvious thing is the consumption of vitality. If you have the ability to predict the future, you are making fun of your own life." Said Leng Yi.

"Husband, what should we do? Worry free has been predicting the future, vitality has been lost, I'm afraid in the future, "Qi YuYan's eyes full of tears, choking said.

"So Wuyou should learn to control his own ability. The heaven peeper has his own cultivation system. As long as you find Wuyou's grandfather and let him teach Wuyou's cultivation, Wuyou should not predict anything in the future. Wuyou will not only lose its vitality, but also become very powerful." Said Leng Yi.

"Husband, don't you hurry to find your grandfather. The old man is too irresponsible. He knows that there will be such a thing in Wuyou, and he is missing. He entrusts you with Wuyou." Qi Yuyan said angrily.

"Indeed, the old man is not reliable at all. I'll send someone to look for him tomorrow. When I find him, you should scold him well." Leng Yi said with a smile.

"It's time to scold." Qi Yuyan said angrily.

"Well, wife, don't be angry. You've been tired all day today. Take a rest and go to work tomorrow." Said Leng Yi.

"Worry free is like this. I'm not in the mood to go to work." Qi Yuyan shook her head and said.

"I'll take Wuyou to her grandfather tomorrow. It seems that Wuyou can sense where her grandfather is." Said Leng Yi.

"You still let Wuyou abuse her ability?" Qi Yuyan stares at Leng Yi.

"This is the quickest way to find worry free grandfather." Leng Yi said with a bitter smile.

"I'll go with you." Qi Yuyan said.

"No, if there is any danger, I will not have any problem with worry, but with you, I'm afraid it's a little dangerous." Lengyi shook his head and refused.

"Well, I'll take Wushuang at home tomorrow. Take Zifeng with them. It's safer." Qi Yuyan said understanding.

"Good." Leng Yi nodded.

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