At midnight, Leng Yi, lying on the bed, suddenly opened his eyes. Outside the yard, he felt a murderous spirit. He frowned and thought to himself, "is there anyone who wants to kill himself, but few people know about his return to China. The enemy can't find out so quickly. Even if they find out, they don't have the courage to deal with themselves?"

Leng Yi, like a ghost, leaves his room and lies quietly on the top of the house. With the faint moonlight, Leng Yi sees a dark place about 100 meters ahead, where two figures are sneaking. This distance, with cool listening, the other side's voice can also be heard clearly.

"Black snake, why didn't you shoot that old guy last time, so that now it's freezing and snowy, and we have to run again." A big man complained to a thin man.

”Panghu, don't you know my shooting method? One shot hit the old guy in the head, but I didn't expect that the old guy's life was so big that he didn't die, but this time he was not so lucky. " There was a flash of killing in the eyes of the man named black snake.

"Black snake, why do you think the boss has to kill that old guy?" Panghu asked in doubt.

”That old guy arrested many of our brothers and ruined our business many times. Don't you know the character of the boss? Those who stand in our way will never let go. The boss has another meaning, that is, to set an example to others. " Said the black snake.

"The boss is the boss. That's a brilliant idea." Chubby tiger laughs.

"You're the only fool who thinks it's a good idea." The black snake looked down at the fat tiger.

"In that case, let's get rid of the old guy and go to the mountain to join the boss. The boss is catching a Siberian tiger. I can help him." Panghu said anxiously.

"I'm in a hurry. I'm waiting." The black snake exclaimed.

”It's so cold that I should finish my work early and go back early to have a big sleep with a woman. But when it comes to women, that chick was really good last time. If the boss didn't say that the other party was in a hurry to buy goods, I would really like to play a few more times. " The chubby smile on panghu's face.

"Shut up, your voice is too loud, be careful to be found." The black snake said coldly.

"I'm afraid it's twelve o'clock. If anyone else comes out, I'll kill the old man." Panghu and others are a little impatient.

"Shut up, when to act, listen to me." Said the black snake impatiently.

"If you don't go to heaven, there's no way to hell. I'm going to find you, but I didn't expect you to show up. It saves me a lot of effort." The cold Yi low voice says, the corner of the mouth peeps out a silk to kill an idea.

The black snake suddenly felt a burst of danger. Before he had time to respond, he felt numb and had no strength at all. His gun fell to the ground, and the whole person was pinched from behind.

A cold, cold voice came: "where is your boss? Take me to him

"You are still dead. I won't say that." Black snake cold hum a, very hard gas of say.

"Good. Your mouth is hard enough. I don't know if your bones are so hard?" Leng Yi sneered, and there was a trace of killing in the corner of his mouth.

With the sound of "click" and "bone cracking", the black snake suddenly curled up with a twisted face, sweat streaming down, and a roar in his mouth, in great pain.

”After several struggles, the black snake could not bear the huge pain, just like thousands of ants gnawing at its own bones and flesh.

"If you don't see the coffin, why don't you cry?" Lengyi disdains and shakes his head.

The black snake gasped heavily and turned around with great difficulty. Suddenly, he was extremely scared and his heart and liver were split. Because panghu has died, and the death is very miserable, a branch inserted from the back of the brain, in front of the forehead also exposed a branch.

Seeing that the fat tiger died so miserably, the black snake kept shivering and almost stood unsteadily. The black snake had the psychology of resisting and escaping, but it had disappeared.

"Your name is black snake, isn't it? You've seen the end of the fat tiger, so you'd better be honest and don't play tricks. Otherwise, I promise your end will be more miserable than that of the fat tiger. Take me to your boss. " With that, lengyi took one in his hand and ran to the place that the black snake said with lightning speed.

The black snake saw lengyi carrying them, as if nothing. The speed was like lightning, running fast on the steep, snowy hillside. Completely stunned, such a powerful strength and shocking means of killing can not be dealt with by his boss and others, black snake completely cut off the idea of escape.

There are three people hidden in a layer of withered grass on the mountain, a middle-aged man with a pointed mouth, a big man with a beard and a short and thin young man. These three people are skinny monkey, big beard and Xiao Liu, the boss of poaching group.

"Xiao Liu, it's so late. Why hasn't the Siberian tiger appeared yet?" The thin monkey looks at the time on his watch and asks anxiously.

"Boss, don't worry. I've been investigating the traces around these days. I can be sure that the Amur tiger has been active in this area. If I estimate correctly, the Amur tiger will appear soon." Six small voice said.

"Boss, we are very curious. Who is going to spend millions on a tiger whip? Who is such a loser? I want to cut off my little brother and give him money. " Big beard said in a voice.

"Although your size is amazing, you are big and kidney deficient. Do you want to strengthen other people's Yang? You'd better save it. " Xiao Liu said with disdain.

"Do you believe that I'll beat you into a pig head six now?" The big beard shakes the fist that shakes casserole to threaten a way.

"Shut up, everyone. This time, a big man asked for it himself. If we fail, we can't explain it. We don't want to hang out in this place in the future." The thin monkey murmured.

"Boss, what kind of big man is spending millions on this?" Xiao Liu and big beard are more curious.

"A big brother of GangShi gangster, so we must succeed, otherwise our future business will be ruined, understand?" The thin monkey said seriously.

"Boss, I didn't expect that elder brother Jiang's underworld had kidney deficiency? It's definitely big news to get out. " Big beard said with a smile.

"If you don't want to die, cut it off. I don't know whether he has kidney deficiency or not, but I know that people who spend millions to buy this kind of things are generally not for their own enjoyment. People who can eat these expensive things don't need to spend money to buy them. " The thin monkey said with a cold hum.

"Isn't it a fool to spend so much money and not enjoy it?" Small six one face doubts to ask a way.

"It's not stupid. It's investment. There will be ten times and a hundred times returns in the future. Do you understand? " Said the thin monkey.

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