See worry some fear, hiding behind their own, dare not show up, lengyi can't help but some heartache.

"Worry free, good, come out, dad is here, don't be afraid, dad will protect you, if it's your fault, give each other an apology, if it's not your fault, dad is here." Leng Yi said gently.

"Yes." Worry free nodded and summoned up courage to walk out from behind Leng Yi.

"Mom, she hit me." Although the whole face of the little fat man was so fat that there was only a gap left, he was very thief. He saw worry free from a distance and immediately looked at worry free with hostile eyes.

"Little wild seed, it's still you. You beat my son last time. I didn't care with you. I didn't expect that you would dare to beat my son again. I really have no education at all." Fat women directly ignore the existence of Leng Yi, with the momentum of keeping people away from ghosts, they quickly come to worry free and curse.

"I'm not a wild seed. I have a father and a mother." Worry free tightly hold cold Yi's hand, although afraid, but still hot stubborn looking at the fierce woman in front of me.

"Little wild seed, you dare to talk back. There is no tutor at all." The woman said angrily.

"It's not up to you to teach me whether my daughter is educated or not. On the contrary, I think your parents' daughter is very uneducated." Cold Yi disdains to satirize a way.

"Fart, how do you know my parents' daughter is uneducated?" The woman said angrily.

"Seeing you like this, I know that your parents certainly didn't educate you well." Cold Yi despises to look at the other side one eye, light say.

"Who is he, little savage? It's not the wild man your mother got, is it The woman sneered.

"In front of children, you still have some virtue in your mouth. If your mouth stinks, I don't mind beating you. You can't speak. Such a big man doesn't even have any education. It seems that your parents really didn't teach you how to be a man." Leng Yi frowned and spoke coldly.

"What are you to teach me?" The woman looks at Leng Yi brutally, and doesn't pay any attention to Leng Yi. She seems to be arrogant and domineering.

"I don't think I'm disgusted enough to teach you such a rude thing?" Said coldly.

Leng Yi is the same person who advocates using force to solve problems. He will never use his mouth. It seems too boring, but he can't today. First, the other party is a woman. Although the woman doesn't smoke, it's not good to beat a woman. Second, it's not good to use violence in front of children.

Therefore, Leng Yi has always been reluctant to fight, but it doesn't mean that Leng Yi's mouth is not sharp. Among the more than 100000 troops of the Xingtian legion, there are always a few who are particularly short of mouth. To deal with these people, we can't rely on force, we can only rely on mouth.

"Who do you say is ill bred? You're not cultivated. You're not cultivated, you're certainly not cultivated The woman's shrill voice seemed to tear the whole kindergarten apart.

"If I hear the word" wild seed "from you again, although I don't like women, I don't mind beating women. You'd better not force me to do it." Lengyi coldly looked at the woman in front of her, and a murderous air came out of her.

This murderous woman has no influence on others for this kind of unruly, arrogant and domineering woman.

I didn't expect that this woman was really close to ghosts and gods. Even the effect of murderous spirit seemed to be invalid. This woman was not generally arrogant and domineering: "if you want to hit me, you dare to touch my hair, I will let you disappear from the world."

"I've seen a lot of bullish people in the capital. I haven't seen many people disappear like you, who are so arrogant and don't agree with each other. I'd like to report my family. Which family are you from in the capital?" Cold Yi some funny ask a way.

"The Hu family, the Hu family in the capital, the owner of the Hu family is my cousin. I don't think you've heard of it The woman said with a proud face.

"The Hu family in Beijing, which Hu family?" Leng Yi asked in amazement.

"Sure enough, they don't even know about the Hu family in the capital." The woman laughed.

Leng Yi didn't care about the woman. She said to the young teacher, "I'm a carefree father. I've been busy with my work and neglected carefree work. I don't know what it is because of this time."

"In fact, it's not a big deal. It's just that carefree pushed the child a little and then rubbed his skin. But if the parents of the child don't give up, we can't help it." The teacher said with a bitter smile.

"I know. Wuyou is my daughter, so I don't want to hear him called wild seed any more." Although Leng Yi's words are very plain, people around her can feel the inviolable dignity of Leng Yi.

"Worry free, let's go into the classroom. Dad will come later." Leng Yi gently stroked the carefree forehead.

"All right." No worry nodded into the teacher.

Seeing that Wuyou left, the woman immediately took out her mobile phone, pressed a number, and yelled: "husband, I was bullied in my son's kindergarten. That's to call our son's parents. Come here quickly."

Finish saying don't wait for the other party to answer to hang up the phone, continue to domineering looking at lengyi.

Leng Yi frowns and looks at each other. The Hu family in the capital should be the most important family. In the past, although the Hu family was strong in the capital, it was only a second-class force. In the capital, a place full of high officials, it was not a powerful family.

However, the Hu family gave full support to Leng Yi's several major moves in the capital. Later, Leng Yi naturally would not forget the Hu family. In addition, the country's high-level officials wanted to have a good relationship with Leng Yi and began to support the Hu family. Therefore, the Hu family's influence in the capital continued to develop. Although it was not as good as the top family, its influence was also growing.

"Since you are a member of the Hu family, I'll let you go this time for Hu Weizhong's face. I'll go back and tell Hu Weizhong to take good care of the Hu family's reserve, so as not to damage the reputation of the Hu family and bring disaster." Lengyileng hums and turns to the carefree office.

Although a woman is arrogant and domineering, a woman born in a big family will always learn something about her ability to observe what she says. Now when she hears Leng Yi name Hu Weizhong, she has no fear or respect.

The woman knows that Leng Yi is not afraid of the Hu family at all, and she doesn't pay attention to the Hu family. Thinking of this, she can't help but be afraid. She relies on this signboard of the Hu family. If she provokes a powerful enemy and brings disaster to the Hu family, it can be predicted that her fate will be absolutely bad. There are too many forces in the capital that the Hu family can't afford. The woman looks at lengyi's back in fear and disappears.

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