The auction continues. The auction items in the second half are much better than those in the first half. Some of them are rare treasures. People in the VIP area on the second floor have already started bidding. Basically, as long as people on the second floor speak, they will be bought by people on the second floor. This is the difference in strength.

At this time, a man on the second floor stood up from his seat and said to Mrs. Flower God, "Lady Flower God, when the auction is going on to this extent, it's time for you to take out your final auction items. Don't waste your time. We know that the most valuable things in your flower god palace are not these antiques, jewelry, natural materials and local treasures."

"Similarly, you are also very clear about our intention, that is, for the sake of the goddess of Huashen palace. We can't wait to know when the three goddesses of Huashen palace will be auctioned. One of the four goddesses of Huashen palace has gone, but I am determined to get the other three."

When the man finished, the rest of the people echoed, "that is, lady Flower God. We're here tonight for the three goddesses, but I don't care if you send us with these auction items, so let the three goddesses come out as soon as possible. "

Mrs. Flower God immediately said to the man with a smile: "Mr. Lawrence, ladies and gentlemen, don't worry. The three goddesses are the treasures of our flower palace. Your purpose is also the three goddesses. If they are shown at the beginning, it is estimated that the auction can't continue. Do you think the best things need time to wait?"

"The lady of the goddess of flowers is worthy of being the helmsman of the palace of the goddess of flowers. It's comforting to say that the best things need to wait when they need to. This means is really amazing," said Lawrence with emotion.

"It's no match for Mr. Lawrence. I heard that your family has found a large diamond mine in South America. Congratulations." The goddess of flowers complimented.

"Mrs. Flower God is really well informed." Lawrence's face was a little smug. After all, this kind of thing from their own mouth, than from other people's mouth to say a shock.

"No, no, it's just a mess." Lady Huashen said modestly.

"I said, can you two stop flattering each other? I'm still waiting to see the three goddesses in the flower palace. Don't waste your time." A few people complained.

Most of the people present did not dare to provoke Lawrence, but a few of them were no less powerful than Lawrence, so they were not afraid of Lawrence, so they did not hesitate to sarcasm.

"This man named Lawrence looks familiar?" Qi Yuyan some doubts said.

"Do you know him?" Lengyi asked unexpectedly.

"Oh, come to think of it, this man named Lawrence was speaking in a university in the United States. At that time, I happened to study in that university, so I met him once." Qi Yuyan thought of it and said.

"Speaking at university? There's no mistake. According to our information, although Lawrence is the first in line successor of the Lawrence family, he is a dandy and a straw bag. He doesn't know what else to do except to have fun with girls. " Leng Yi said in surprise.

"I've heard so many speeches, and that speech is the most interesting. It's specious that the donkey's head is not the horse's mouth. So we have a deep memory, probably because of the sponsorship. " Qi Yuyan said with a smile.

"The Lawrence family is not simple. It started with diamonds. Now it is a famous diamond tycoon in the United States. Now the head of the Lawrence family is the father of this guy, a very ambitious old fox." Said Leng Yi.

"Honey, have you ever had a conflict with the Lawrence family?" Qi Yuyan doubts to ask a way.

"One thing, when we found a diamond mine in Africa, the people of the Lawrence family wanted to buy it at a low price, but we refused, so we hired some mercenaries to rob it, and finally we taught them a lesson."

"Then the armed forces of the Lawrence family in Africa were almost destroyed by us. Later, the head of the Lawrence family came forward in person and paid a great price to settle the matter."

"According to the original meaning, it was to destroy the power of the Lawrence family in Africa, but later it was considered that the Legion needed the diamond sales channels of the Lawrence family."

"At that time, the Lawrence family monopolized almost 50% of the diamond trade in the United States. We had several diamond mines under the name of the Legion. Unfortunately, there was no mature sales channel. The Lawrence family was the best partner. So far, the Lawrence family and the Legion have been working together Said Leng Yi.

"And this Mr. Lawrence knows you?" Qi Yuyan asked.

"He didn't know me, even his father didn't know me. All the cooperation was negotiated by Shenji. I didn't show up at all." Leng Yi continued.

At this time, Mrs. Huashen stood on the auction table and said in a charming voice, "distinguished guests, the cruise ship Huashen will officially enter the exciting moment. Next, let's invite the goddess of Huashen palace to cherish flowers!"

After hearing the word "cherish flowers", the atmosphere at the scene was warm. A woman standing backstage could not help shivering after hearing the name. At last, she breathed out a breath as if she knew her life. She was going to walk to the auction table with a cold face.

"Don't blame us for cherishing flowers. Now the flower palace and wanhualou are in a precarious situation, and they may be destroyed at any time. The flower palace needs you to save it. Burying flowers is the best example." You snow elder sighed a breath to open mouth to say.

"I don't dare to cherish flowers. The flower god palace is very kind to cherish flowers. I have been prepared for this day." Xihua said calmly.

Elder Youxue knows that although he is willing to repay his kindness, no one will be happy to be sold as a commodity.

Mrs. Huashen introduced some basic information about Xihua. As the voice just fell, people at the scene opened their eyes and stared at the auction table. See cherish flower slowly walk to auction table.

The lotus step moves gently, looks forward to the beauty, a head of black hair flies with the movement, the crescent moon like Phoenix eyebrow, a pair of beautiful eyes, crystal clear and bright, delicate Yao nose, peach cheeks slightly red, cherry lips, flower like face, crystal clear skin like snow, delicate posture, is a natural beauty.

The whole person who cherishes flowers looks small and weak, worthy of the name of cherishing flowers. Among the four goddesses in Huashen palace, Xihua is the most gentle and the most rebellious. Although he is unwilling, he still smiles at the people around the auction table.

Maybe this sentence is a bit exaggerated. It's true that beauty has such power at this time. At least the men in the auction hall are obsessed with it, and even women can't be jealous.

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