After the earth shaking crash, the red and white light burst, and two invisible people appeared.

Leng Yi's face is excited, and his eyes are full of fighting spirit. At the moment, the long sword in his hand is restless, and the strength of the sword is wantonly distributed. However, the old ancestor of the Liu family, who is standing opposite him, is red. A wisp of blood overflows from the corner of his mouth, and then the rudeness disappears. A pale color emerges, and his body is staggering, and he relies on the Chixiao sword.

"It's so powerful without your strength. Let's continue to fight." Liu's grandfather gave a bitter smile, wiped the blood from the corners of his mouth, and tried to stand up straight.

As the voice of Liu's father fell, his face turned red, and his whole body was full of a hot breath, which echoed the Chixiao sword from afar. An extremely powerful force surged out, and his body was filled with endless explosive energy. The hot force was running in Liu's body muscles, with the momentum of destroying the sky and the earth.

Leng Yi sighs, knowing that Liu's ancestors are completely desperate to burn their lives in exchange for powerful power. Even if they win Leng Yi, they will lose their lives.

In the face of Liu's dignified and soaring momentum, Leng Yi resolutely took the lead. He pushed on the green slate with both feet and turned himself into smoke. He held up his long sword, which was as powerful as thunder, as fast as lightning, and rampant with fierce murderous spirit. The only branches of a hundred year old tree were tumbling in the wind; Liu's ancestor's eyes narrowed and his blade like eyes came out. With a low drink, he wielded his Chixiao sword to hold up the tyrannical sword. The sword was so fierce that the turbulent air was pounding the whole yard. Everything around him was broken, and the whole yard was a mess.

They rose up in the sky, fighting fiercely in the air, full of the whole space. Then they only heard a violent drink at the same time. Leng Yi attacked with the most fierce and swift sword, and Liu's ancestors waved the most fierce sword, and they both died together.

Like a landslide and tsunami, the two men were swept by the hurricane air generated by the explosion and turned in opposite directions. After a fierce fight, lengyi was a little tired, but his eyes were still sharp as swords.

But Liu's father was more miserable. His body was covered with more than a dozen long and narrow wounds, slowly flowing out a little bit of blood, his face with an abnormal flush, his forehead covered with honey beads, and his sword holding hand was constantly shaking. His breath was a little disordered, but his momentum was still rising and gathering, and he was extremely powerful.

Leng Yi's eyes flashed a little surprise. Liu's ancestors were so hurt that they still had such powerful momentum. It seems that burning life has made him improve a lot. However, Leng Yi is not a soft hearted man. His figure flies up and the long sword is wielded again. It's like a hundred rivers returning to the sea, gathering into a sharp and dazzling light, which seems to be raised slowly and quickly, Form a huge long knife in the air, straight to the sky.

With lengyi's momentum rising to the highest point, his eyes burst out with a group of pure light. At the same time, the knife turned into a thunderbolt, and the thunder roared. A flash of lightning split the void, and with the power of terror, he shot at Liu's ancestors.

Liu's ancestors know that this sword is unavoidable. He has been locked by lengyi's momentum. There is no other way but to fight hard. Liu's ancestors bow down and roar, full of domineering. Chixiao sword turns into endless sword shadow, and faces lengyi's long sword with domineering momentum.

Almost in a flash of light and shadow, the sword has been hard hit together, "Bang --" A hurricane like shock wave with two people as the center, rolled up the broken leaves and gravel on the ground, violently rolled away in all directions.

With the shock wave, a large clean area was swept around them; Liu's father's body was hit and flew out, flying backwards for more than ten meters. Finally, he bumped into the ancient tree with a bang, stopping his backward body.

Liu's grandfather is pale and lifeless. The blood in his mouth keeps flowing out. The Chixiao sword has fallen on the ground and he can't hold it. He won't fall with his back against the big tree. Liu's grandfather's chest has been scratched with a foot long scar. At this moment, the whole dress has been dyed blood and is falling from the corner of his clothes.

"As expected, he is worthy of being the God of war. He is really powerful." Liu's grandfather took a deep breath. His tone was cold and serious. It seemed that every word came out with a very depressing emotion.

Leng Yi said: "you are not weak, with the power of emperor level, you can fight with me to this point, and you will die without shaking."

Liu's ancestor looked at Leng Yi and said, "I'm really dead and unshakable. Leng Yi, the future must be your world. I can't live for a few minutes now. If I'm not wrong, you're here for Dayu Jiuding."

Leng Yi nodded, did not deny, Dayu Jiuding must get, even if destroyed the whole Liu family.

"Dayu Jiuding Yanzhou Ding is in our Liu's ancestral temple. Please follow me." As soon as he said this, Liu's ancestor tried to pick up the Chixiao sword. Then he took a step and walked step by step from lengyi to the back of the yard.

Leng Yi looks at his background. He is exhausted and can't live for a few minutes. He sighs and goes with him.

When they came to the ancestral temple of Liu royal family, they were not very gorgeous. The ancestral temple was full of spiritual tablets. The first one was the founding emperor of Han Dynasty. Lengyi knew several spiritual tablets, but the rest had no impression. There was a bronze tripod in the center of all the spiritual tablets.

Liu's ancestors came to the temple, knelt down on the front of a futon, carved a head heavily, and then sat down cross legged. Chixiao sword was placed in front of him, closed his eyes and said slowly, "this is the Dayu Jiuding Yanzhou Ding, which was secretly sent to this place by our ancestors when the Han Dynasty perished. It has always existed here, Being worshipped by our royal family of Liu family has brought us nearly a thousand years of glory. Even in the most difficult times, our Liu family has always maintained its continuity. It's time for us to enjoy the fortune of Dayu Jiuding for a thousand years. "

"Yanzhou tripod, you can take it away. I hope you can take it with mercy in the future and leave a little incense for Liu's royal family." Liu said.

"It depends on your Liu family's choice. If they want to die, I won't be lenient. I won't do anything about letting the tiger go back to the mountain." Lengyi coldly shook his head and refused.

"It's up to you." Liu's grandfather sighed, slowly closed his eyes and lost the breath of life.

Lengyi looks at Liu's ancestor, bows gently, turns around and leaves. Tianfu dideng picks up Yanzhou Ding and leaves.

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