The next morning, a group of people came to the Badaling Great Wall. There were about 20 people, most of them were big men in black. They were all strong and powerful. From the breath, they were all experts. The rest of the people are relatively thin, it seems that they should be technical talents.

Today's weather is not very good, and this time is not the season for tourism, so there are not many tourists on the Great Wall, which is in line with the intention of FUBU Bancang. Too many people will affect their search. If things are exposed, it will be more troublesome. Although FUBU Bancang is a top-notch expert, But he is not so arrogant that he can face the Chinese warrior alone.

Looking at the Great Wall from a distance, I can see that the Great Wall is like a serpentine dragon flying in the mountains, which is magnificent and shocking.

"The Great Wall is one of the wonders of the world." With a shocked expression on his face, he exclaimed.

Yamato is not worthy of such a miracle, only with our great * * nation. One of them said enthusiastically.

Takebu banzang frowned and looked around. He found that no one heard what the man in Black said, so he said coldly: "stupid pig, you'd better control your mouth. This is Huaxia. What to say and what not to say? You should understand in your heart that the situation is very important this time. I don't want to cause anything else. If you can't control yourself, I'll cut off your tongue or just screw off your head, you know? "

"I'm sorry, Mr. service department. I promise I won't talk nonsense in the future." The big man in black, full of big men, said with fear.

"Ono, how are you going to find it?" Asked Hattori, looking at a middle-aged man with eyes.

"My Lord, this is our latest sonar, which can detect about 50 meters underground. Through this instrument, we can easily find some conditions under the ground, such as voids, metals and so on The middle-aged man with glasses, Ono said respectfully.

"Well, I hope you won't let me down this time. If you find what I want, you will be greatly rewarded. If you don't find it, don't lose heart. I believe you can come up with a better plan." Hattori said with a smile.

"Thank you, belly. We won't let belly down." Little yedun said excitedly.

Takebu banzang is an old man who has lived for nearly a hundred years. To know whether he can find the secret this time, he needs to rely on these people to a great extent, so he adopts some gentle policies.

"But before I act, I have one thing to tell you. You should remember that this is the territory of China, so stop your behavior and don't cause unnecessary trouble, otherwise I don't mind sending him to hell. Do you understand what I mean?" The clothing department half hides to say coldly.

"Yes, Mr. Obuchi." Everyone said respectfully, with fear on their faces.

They don't think that Fabu Bancang is just bluffing them. There are too many people who died in Fabu Bancang's hands. Just a few days ago, a man disobeyed the meaning of Fabu Bancang and was twisted off his head by Fabu Bancang on the spot. The method was very cruel and terrifying.

A group of people are looking around with special sonar. This kind of sonar is very small and has the size of two palms. Generally, no one will doubt it if they hold it in their hands. At this time, there are no people on the Great Wall, so these people have no scruples.

But he didn't move. He just stood there quietly, looking at the great wall and lost his mind. He didn't know what he was thinking.

Two thousand years ago, after years of changes in the place where the treasure was buried, I'm afraid I don't know where the entrance is. So although he was worried, he still kept a rational and calm attitude.

In the afternoon, a man in black came to the service department and said in a low voice, "service department, we still have no clue."

"When we go back, it's already dark. If we continue to search, I'm afraid it will arouse other people's suspicion. We'll come back tomorrow." His mood is very calm.

This result has already been predicted by Hattori Bancang. After all, it is 2000 years old. If it is easy to find, you don't have to think about it.

Besides, after all, Shibu Bancang is a heaven level master. Naturally, every heaven level master has a firm mind and great courage. Otherwise, you can't expect to achieve much in the road of martial arts, let alone become a heaven level master.

This night, the clothing department half Tibet did not rest, but sat there, has been stroking the hands of the bronze.

The next day, takebu banzang and others came to the Great Wall again. Although there were more tourists, takebu banzang and others did it secretly and did not attract the attention of the people around them.

"My Lord, we found a beacon tower which is very strange." Ono reported happily.

"Did you find anything?" Takebu banzang was surprised and said happily.

"Mr. service department, we detected a hole more than ten meters below the beacon tower at the highest place." Ono said respectfully.

"Are you sure?" Hattori is surprised with disbelief.

"Mr. Hattori, I'm sure that according to the detection results, the hole is about one meter in diameter." Ono said quickly.

"Now we go back. There are too many people at this time for further exploration. We'll come here at night." Takebu banzang held back his excitement and made a decision immediately.

"Yes, Mr. Obuchi." Ono said respectfully.

"In the past 60 years, I have finally found you. For you, my master has died. Fortunately, I am very lucky. I hope you don't let me down." He stroked the bronze piece in his hand and murmured with excitement on his face.

He resisted his desire to find the entrance of the cave and began to walk down the Great Wall. After all, he had been waiting for 60 years and didn't care about this day.

"How long do you think it will take to get through that passage?" Hattori asked, looking at Ono in front of him.

"With advanced digging tools, we can dig a big hole in at least five hours." Ono thought about it and said.

"You go to prepare, I will let them fully cooperate with you, complete the task, I will give you great benefits, I hope you don't let me down." Takebu said faintly.

Ono heard the plain tone of the clothing department half hidden, immediately sweating, quickly said: "clothing department adult, I will complete the task."

Ono knew that there was only one result: "death."

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