Five years ago, Leng Yi stopped the lean monkey from hunting wild animals in the mountain. He was beaten by the lean monkey and was found by Wu Feng, the fighting instructor of the ice training camp. In order to revive Leng Yi, Wu Feng takes Leng Yi to the ice training camp base.

After the injury, lengyi stayed in the ice training camp, because he didn't want to be called a fool by others, didn't want to be beaten, had no power to fight back, and didn't want to be a weak man. Leng Yi vowed to be a strong man, a strong man who will not be bullied.

With the training beyond the limit, unremitting efforts and countless hesitations on the edge of life and death, lengyi is finally realizing her vow to become a powerful fighter and surpass Wufeng.

With only three moves, Leng Yi killed Ivanov, the most powerful, brutal and despised Chinese demon king in the ice training camp at that time. He won the throne and became the youngest and most powerful demon king in the ice training camp history.

"Lengyi, congratulations on becoming the new demon of ice training camp." Wu Feng looks at the young man who exudes terror in front of him with emotion. It took only two years for the cowardly boy to surpass him and become a powerful iron soldier.

"Instructor, I want to go home." With endless yearning in her eyes, Leng Yi looks at the direction of home.

"Home? You're still fit to go home. " Wu Feng shook his head and said.

"Why?" Lengyi asked calmly. Two years of life and death training, has let him face anything will do honor and disgrace not surprised.

"The murderous spirit in your eyes and the terrible momentum in your body are like a fierce spirit. It's not suitable to return to the society where ordinary people live. "

"If you want to go back, first of all, you have to learn to restrain your terror and return to the ordinary, just like an ordinary person. You are now like a peerless sword. You have to build a scabbard for yourself to cover all the edges. "

"Instructor, what should I do?" Lengyi asked respectfully.

"Go out and have a look. The world is big. You still have a lot to learn. You may find your scabbard soon." Wu Feng said with a smile.

After listening to Wu Feng's words, Leng Yi left the ice training camp and took away a group of admirers. In the next few years, lengyi traveled all over the world, fighting, killing, missing and thinking throughout all his life.

Now Leng Yi finally finds her scabbard to cover her edge. Like an ordinary person, she enjoys a quiet life and long lost family love.

Leng Yi, who has been missing for five years, comes back and makes waves in the village. Although Leng Yi is not a jade tree in the wind, he is romantic. But still tall and handsome, full of a man's temperament, so that many girls in the village soul ripple.

"Dad, I've seen mom's mystery recently. What are you doing? And those three aunts and six aunts and six aunts look at me differently. They always feel that they have become commodities and are valued by them. " Leng Yi looks at Leng Zhentao suspiciously.

"Well, you are 20 years old. You can get married and have children here at this age, so your mother is busy helping you to find a good girl." Leng Zhentao hesitated and finally said with a bitter smile.

"Dad, won't you?" Leng Yi covers his forehead with a bitter smile, and his powerful head is completely in disorder.

”Well, your mother is also kind-hearted. Although we don't know what you've experienced outside in recent years, I can see that you have changed and become mysterious. We can't understand you any more, and we know that you won't stay in this place all the time. " Said Leng Zhentao.

Leng Yi frowned and didn't speak. Indeed, in recent years, he has gone through most of the world and seen countless things. His vision has widened and his heart has become bigger. He can't stay in this ordinary place forever. The world is his final stage.

"Don't blame your mother. She also sees your change, so she is afraid that you will leave here again and want to keep you by marrying and having children." Leng Zhentao continued.

"Dad, do you and mom have such sharp eyes?" Lengyi had no choice but to smile bitterly.

"Of course, I retired as a scout. I still have this vision. As for your mother, she is not an ordinary rural woman. She has seen a lot of things in the world. If it wasn't for that incident, we would not have come back here. Forget it, it's all gone so long. " Leng Zhentao stopped the topic in time.

When Leng Yi comes back, he finds that his parents have some secrets, but Leng Zhentao swallows them in the middle of what he says. He obviously doesn't want to talk about their past. Lengyi naturally will not be forced, as long as they are happy now, why recall those unhappy things.

"Xiaoyi, now that we're talking, we'll have a good talk. I know you won't stay here all the time, so I want to hear what you think about the future?" Leng Zhentao road.

"Dad, I want to go to Jiangshi to have a look. I haven't had a good contact with this society in recent years. I feel that I have been derailed with this society." Leng Yi thought for a moment and said.

Leng Yi is telling the truth. Although he has been to many places in the world these years, they are all fighting and killing, and they don't enjoy the life of ordinary people. So lengyi decided to take advantage of this opportunity to enjoy the life of ordinary people, while to realize his promise, looking for those ethereal things.

"That's a good idea. I support you. I have a comrade in arms, Lin Yuanwei, who has set up a company in Jiangshi, like Yuanwei logistics group. You can go to him to study and adapt to the society. " Leng Zhentao thought for a moment and said.

Lengyi doesn't want to refuse Leng Zhentao's painstaking efforts, so she nods and agrees.

"I have nothing to do with your going out, you know? You know your mother's temper. If she knows that I'm involved in this matter, my end will be miserable. " Leng Zhentao threatened.

"Dad, don't worry, I won't betray you, but I really feel sad for you. You are a typical hen pecked, henpecked, and a bit disgraced." Leng Yi laughs.

"Gunduzi, I'm not afraid of my wife, but I love my wife. When you get married and start a family in the future, you will understand my feelings." Leng Zhentao became angry and scolded.

"If you want to face death and live to suffer, why bother?" Leng Yi sighed and turned to leave.

"You little son of a bitch, you come back to me and see how I can deal with you," Leng Zhentao said angrily. It's a pity that Leng Yi has gone far.

Signing a lot of unequal treaties, while Li Xiulan is in tears, Leng Yi sets foot on the road to Jiangshi with her simple luggage.

"Did you encourage Xiaoyi to go to Jiangshi?" Back home, Li Xiulan looks at Leng Zhentao with a murderous face.

"What does it have to do with me? It's the boy who is upset and wants to go out and have a look." Leng Zhentao quickly explained.

"Of course I know what Xiaoyi thinks. Do you think I'm a rural woman who doesn't know anything? Xiaoyi's heart is bigger. The eagle will always soar in the sky, and the tiger will be proud of the roaring forest. " Li Xiulan murmured.

Li Xiulan's face is full of worry. Understanding comes to understanding. Her children travel thousands of miles and her mother is worried. This is the common mentality of every mother.

"Xiulan, since you understand, it means that this matter has nothing to do with me." Leng Zhentao takes this opportunity to get rid of himself.

"There's no silver here. I'll take care of you later." Li Xiulan gave a cold hum.

"By the way, Xiaoyi's illness, did you ask what happened?" Leng Zhentao immediately changed the subject.

"Yes, he said it was his benefactor who cured him. He didn't make it clear about the specific situation." Li Xiulan said.

"When my son is old, he has his own secret. Let's not interfere. After all, it's a great joy." Leng Zhentao said happily.

"I hope his illness is completely cured, and all my worries over the years can be put down." Li Xiulan is still worried.

"Children and grandchildren have their own good fortune. Don't worry, everything will develop in a good direction." Leng Zhentao comforted.

"You are kind-hearted. Your wound is very sharp, so you can cook today." Li Xiulan gave a cold hum and turned to leave, leaving a sad face of Leng Zhentao.

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