"Thunderbolt poison storm thunder" is a kind of concealed weapon developed by Tangmen in Sichuan. It is an improved version of thunderbolt bullet. However, there is a big difference between its power and thunderbolt bullet. They are not in the same level at all.

As the name suggests, "Thunderbolt poison storm thunder" means that after the internal force is shaken, it will explode. It's equivalent to a grenade. The power of explosion is similar to that of a grenade. But the difference is that "Thunderbolt poison storm thunder" after the explosion, the poisonous gas inside and the ox hair needle stained with poison will explode, and the poison gas and ox hair needle will immediately cover the area of 100 meters, As long as it's contaminated with poison gas or hit by cattle hair needle, it will immediately poison and die.

The unique poison of Tangmen is unique in the world. Few people can solve it except Tangmen people, so ordinary people dare not provoke Tangmen.

Seeing that Junshen and Qin long are brave and fearless of death, he can't help but be afraid: "the other side looks at death as if they are at home. Dayi lingran is not afraid of death, but he hasn't lived enough. He doesn't want to die."

Thinking of this, a trace of cunning flashed in his eyes. Then he pretended to be cruel and desperate and said, "then everyone will die together." With that, takebu Bancang threw "Thunderbolt poison thunder" at Qin long and Junshen, and then immediately backed away with all his strength.

Seeing the "Thunderbolt and poison storm thunder" detonated by the half Tibet of the Ministry of clothing, the military God immediately pulled Qin long back. There was a "bang". After a flash of light, there was a burst of white smoke on the ground, and immediately the smoke filled the air.

In the confusion, I saw that the figure of takebu banzang was 100 meters away, and the figure was getting smaller and smaller.

"Damn, I've been cheated. It's just a ninja trick. We can't let this guy escape." Military God hate hate said, at this time feel very depressed, and was the devil played.

"Warlord, we should be careful. Takebu Bancang is the" Thunderbolt, poison and thunder "in his hand. It's true. I see the unique mark of Tangmen on it. I've seen this mark before, but most people can't copy it." Qin long reminds a way.

"I know, but this little devil is more afraid of death than us. He won't easily detonate" Thunderbolt poison thunder. " The army God said with a smile, and the figure had caught up with him.

After a short rest just now, Qin Long's true Qi has recovered a lot, and his strength has also recovered a part. Seeing that the military God is chasing Bancang, Qin long is following him.

It's also bad luck for the Ministry of clothing to hide. It's not easy to escape from that place, but to escape to the direction of lengyi's hiding.

The strength of the military God is very strong, but the defect of the military God is that the speed is not good. Qin Long's speed is good, but he is injured. Fortunately, Shibu banzang also suffered a lot of injuries, so they could follow him from a distance.

When the two men were trying to catch up with him, they suddenly saw that he was flying back like a shell, faster than when he was running away. After flying dozens of meters, he fell to the ground and stirred up a piece of dust.

Qin long and the military God rushed to the front of Fu Bancang and found that Fu Bancang was lying on the ground, spitting blood constantly, and his face was gray. It seemed that he had suffered a serious internal injury, but his eyes were fixed on the big tree in front of him. Following Fu Bancang's eyes, the military God and Qin long saw a figure standing on the big tree in front of him. The whole person floated gently with the top of the tree, just like an immortal.

"Thank you for your help." The military God said.

Although I don't know who is on the tree, the military God obviously feels the terror of the other party's strength. It's not anyone who can do it. The military God asks himself that he doesn't have such strength.

The people on the treetop, looking from a distance, are very vague and ordinary. They don't know how old they are. They stand there quietly, but their momentum makes the army God and others very scared.

"Even the elder of Shaolin doesn't have the momentum of the mysterious master. The elder of Shaolin is the first master in China, and his strength has reached the king level. Is the mysterious man on the treetop also a king level master? However, in this world, heaven level masters are rare. As for the king level masters who surpass heaven level, the military God has not seen many of them in nearly a hundred years. They should not be king level masters. Maybe they are practicing some special skills. " The military God thought secretly.

"I didn't mean to help you. It's just that this guy is not lucky. If he doesn't run anywhere else, he just runs to me." Cold Yi light mouth says.

"Anyway, thank you for your help to stop this little devil." Qin long then said.

"Yes, if it wasn't for your hand, this guy would run away. At that time, this little devil will recover. With this sword, I'm afraid it will bring great disaster to the Chinese Wulin." The army God continued.

"Whatever you want." Leng Yi doesn't want to argue on this issue. After all, he stopped Shibu Bancang for his sword.

Then, Leng Yi reaches out with one hand, a burst of suction comes out, and the sword around him is taken by Leng Yi.

"Is it the legendary dragon sucking power?" Qin long said in shock.

"I don't know. We haven't seen the real dragon sucking power, but it seems different from the legendary dragon sucking power?" The army God continued.

"It's not" dragon sucking. ". What would that be? You can easily suck things into your hands from tens of meters away? " Qin long doubts of say.

"Is it the imperial object across the sky, the legendary imperial object across the sky?" Military god suddenly shocked said.

"What's the thing that stands in the air?" Qin long saw that the military God had changed his face and said in doubt. Qin long, who has known the military God for decades, has never been so shocked.

"Specifically, I don't know what an object is. I've seen such an introduction in a martial arts secret book. In many people's eyes, the heaven level martial arts is the highest level of martial arts. In fact, only people at our level can understand that the level of martial arts is not only heaven level, but also higher than heaven level. We heaven level masters can attach Qi to weapons, That is to say, true Qi can be released to protect the body. But a king level master who surpasses the sky level should be able to use Qi to resist things, punch like Gang, and hurt people through the air. " The God of war explained slowly.

"Warlord, are you kidding me? Which meeting has surpassed the sky level? To tell you the truth, I've lived for so many years, and I've only seen a few people who surpass the sky level. Although this man is wearing a mask, he looks very young. Will he be a master who surpasses the sky level? " Qin long said in disbelief.

"In fact, I'm not sure. If it's true, is it really incredible? It's a good thing for Huaxia Tianda to be such a young master who surpasses Tianji. " The military God said with joy in shock.

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