"Boss, dark thirteen is coming towards us. It's coming soon. Dark received dark thirteen report said.

"I know. Tell the boy to run faster. Now I'll give a gift to the little devils so that he won't receive it too." Lengyi said with a smile and pressed the button of the black box in his hand.

Inside the cave, the people of the eight division army have arrived, but more than a dozen people have been injured because of the whirlpool, but they are not dead. At this time, they all look at the nearly 100 iron boxes in front of them, and they will care about their own injuries.

"Gentlemen, ahead of us is the treasure we have found. What are you waiting for? Why don't you open the box?" Yamada exclaimed excitedly.

The people of the eight division army rushed forward like wolves.

Soon a box was opened, but let all the people of the eight division army are disappointed, in front of the box there is no gold jewelry, there is just a box of ordinary stones.

"Baga, how could it be like this?"

"Baga, how could it be like this?"

"Baga, how could it be like this?"

All the people were shocked to see the stones in the box, and said with disbelief.

"Damn it, open the other boxes for me." Looking at the situation in front of him, Ichiro Yamada roared wildly.

Several soldiers of the eight division army quickly cut open several boxes, but there was no gold or jewelry in the box, and there were still boxes of broken stones lying there quietly.

Ichiro Yamada crazily picked up the stone in the box and looked at it, then fell to the ground: "Damn, these are just ordinary stones."

Suddenly, Ichiro Yamada shivered and said, "no, these stones are new. They don't look like they have been buried for decades. No, we've been tricked. Let's get out of here. "

After hearing Ichiro Yamada's words, all of them were ready to rush out, but at this moment, only a dull explosion was heard. The whole cave began to shake and tilt, and the rocks kept falling, hurting the soldiers of the eight division army. There were rocks everywhere, and there was no place to hide. Then the sea surged in, and the whole cave was submerged in an instant.

Huludao on the sea continued to sink until it disappeared on the sea, and then a huge vortex was set up at the place where the island sank, sucking in all the ships berthed by the Baqi Legion.

Escaping from afar, looking at the spectacular scene behind, he couldn't help feeling the cold sweat on his head: "fortunately, I can run fast, otherwise I won't feed the fish with those little devils?"

Everyone was stunned: "what's the situation? How can a small island sink like this? A small island of this size can only be destroyed by missiles, and no other weapons can achieve this effect? "

"Boss, what's the matter with this island? How can it sink suddenly?" Dark swallow saliva, shocked ask a way.

"Guess." Cold Yi looking at the remote sunken Island Light said.

"Is it the underwater pressure bomb?" Dark back to God to doubt said.

"Smart, it's the bomb that sank this island." Cold Yi says with a smile.

"No, I know the power of that bomb. It's powerful, but it's not so terrible. It sank the whole island?" Dark doubt said.

The rest of the people are also puzzled, looking at lengyi, all want to know why such an ordinary bomb can cause so much power, blow up the whole island.

"Of course, that bomb is not so powerful, but it's easy to create this effect with geographical conditions." Said Leng Yi.

"Boss, please tell us the situation in detail." Dark hastily said.

"When I went down to explore at the beginning, I found that the shape of the island was very strange. What leaked out of the sea level was the shape of a gourd. After coming out of the hole, I made a curious downward investigation and found that the part of the island in the sea was thinner and thinner, the thinnest in nearly 100 meters, and it gradually became thicker, The smallest part has been impacted and washed by the return of sea water for many years. It is estimated that as long as a few years or a big storm, the island will break and sink. "

"It's better to let it sink as soon as possible than to sink naturally, so I thought that we could use the geographical conditions of this island to destroy the people of the Baqi legion, so that we can completely annihilate the people of the Baqi Legion without any effort." Leng Yi said.

"High, high, boss, you are too high. I said that how do you want me to let those little devils find the cave under the island? It was to lure them into the cave and catch them all." At this time, dark thirteen has boarded the fishing boat, heard the explanation of Leng Yi, said admiringly.

"Boss, these little devils are not ordinary soldiers. They are absolutely elite soldiers. Everyone's strength is good. If we really want to fight, we'll have to work hard to eliminate these guys. Now it's great to wipe out these powerful little devils without a single shot. At least we can lose a lot less. " Dark continued.

"These little devils are really pathetic. They managed to find the treasure, but we didn't expect to get there first, leaving boxes of rotten stones for them. In the end, they didn't see any of the treasure, so they left all their lives in the sea to feed the fish." Next to a team member said with emotion.

"Haha, they deserve it. The treasure plundered by their ancestors in China at that time always belongs to China. Their death is just a confession for the heinous crimes committed by their ancestors in China." Dark sneer said.

"Well, it's time for us to go back. The news just now is a little big. It's estimated that the Chinese coast guard has received the news. It's better not to meet them." Said Leng Yi.

"Yes, boss, but will the eight mercenaries in the cave escape?" He asked anxiously.

After all, these treasures are very secret. If someone escapes and is caught by the Chinese coast guard, according to the clues, it is possible to find out that the treasures have been in the warehouse, which will certainly cause a lot of trouble.

"Don't worry, no one has escaped. They have all sunk into the bottom of the sea and will soon become food for fish and shrimp." Leng Yi affirms.

Just now, when the island sank into the sea, lengyi's mental strength was close to the island's sinking, and no one was found running out of the cave. Even if he escaped from the hundreds of meters deep sea, he could not survive. The pressure of the sea could instantly crush people's internal organs and make people die. After all, no one had lengyi's abnormal strength.

The whirlpool on the sea has disappeared, and all the boats have sunk into the sea. At this time, the sea is so calm that it can't be seen that there used to be a gourd shaped island in this place. There was no trace of the dead.

"I'm afraid no one can find out how these guys disappeared mysteriously. I'm afraid that old boy Yamamoto will go crazy this time. Ichiro Yamada, his right general, mysteriously disappeared with a group of elite soldiers for no reason, leaving no clue. Do you think that old boy Yamamoto will doubt that Ichiro Yamamoto and the elite team have absconded with the treasure? " Dark exclaimed.

"Does Yamamoto doubt Ichiro Yamada? It has nothing to do with us, but he suspects that Ichiro Yamada's absconding with treasure is the best. Let him suffer slowly in depression and anger. " Leng Yi said with a smile.

When the sea is so calm, the sea breeze blows gently, no one will know that in this place, the body of nearly 100 elite soldiers sank under the sea.

Leng Yi and others disguised as ordinary fishing boats did not receive the attention of the coast police, and returned to the shore smoothly.

"Boss, the ship will arrive at Shanghai this evening. How about the quantity of these treasures?" On the phone, Shenji said with a smile.

"When you get the treasure, you'll know. It's a big surprise." Lengyi said mysteriously.

"If you can be favored by the boss, then these treasures are absolutely amazing. I'll be ready to wait and see." Shenji said expectantly.

"After receiving the treasure, all the gold will be reserved for storage. Those gemstones, agates and diamonds will be disposed of secretly and all will be replaced with gold to prepare for future plans. As for those national treasures such as antiques, calligraphy and paintings, they must be strictly preserved and must not be damaged. They are all treasures of the Chinese nation. If there is a chance, they must be displayed in front of the world. " Cold Yi asks of say.

"Don't worry, boss. I will take good care of them." Shenji promised.

"How about the plan now?" Lengyi then asked.

"Boss, don't worry. Everything is under control. The plan goes very smoothly." Shenji said with a smile.

"That's good, but don't be careless. This plan can't be lost, otherwise it will be a big blow to our Legion." Leng Yi said seriously.

"Don't worry, boss. I'll keep an eye on the progress of the plan." Shenji nodded.

"That's good. If you have anything, please contact me immediately." Cold escape road.

After a day's patrol, the Chinese coast guard found nothing suspicious. As for the sinking of the island, it was not found by the coast guard. After all, the waters around China are very vast, and there are many islands on the sea. Few people care about Huludao. As for the explosion, the coast guard thinks it may be the sound of a small tsunami caused by a small earthquake on the sea floor.

At night, an ordinary freighter on the shore, carrying a batch of amazing treasures, quietly left.

Cold iron box and Bodhisattva of the Ming Dynasty were taken back by Leng Yi. Leng Yi is still useful.

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