Although it's late at night in the capital of China, the streets are still brightly lit, and the business is prosperous. Cars come and go in an endless stream.

Xiangshan villa, mentioned in the capital, no one will not know. This place is also a place that anyone yearns for and strives for all his life to live in, because it is a place where the power is concentrated and represents power.

Everyone who lives in it has great power, and every decision they make can affect the direction of the country, because there are a group of leaders at the top of the country and their families.

It's already midnight, and one of the villas is still brightly lit. In order to have enough energy to deal with national affairs tomorrow, ordinary state leaders have fixed work and rest time, but today's villa is very unusual.

There are a group of people sitting in the living room of the villa, and the atmosphere is very depressing and dignified. An old man was sitting in the main seat with his brow locked and his eyes closed, leaning on the sofa. Although the spirit of the elderly is not very good, but no one dare to ignore the power of the elderly and the upper breath.

"Laosan, what did Dean Hao of the General Hospital of the military region say?" The old man's deep voice floated in the room, but he still closed his eyes.

"Father, Dean Hao has nothing to do now. After all, there is no good way for leukaemia besides changing bone marrow?" That is called "old three" more than 40 years old middle-aged man said with a sad face.

Next to the man sat a woman about 40 years old. She had a good appearance and a lot of temperament, but her eyes were full of tears and she wanted to cry.

"Did you find the right bone marrow?" When the old man opened his eyes, the light in his eyes flashed by. It was very sharp, and there was no turbidity that the old man should have.

"Not yet. The bone marrow with successful matching is like looking for a needle in a haystack. Director Hao has also sent the test report. We don't have a suitable one." Said the man, who was called the third.

"There is not a suitable one?" The old man sighed with deep sadness on his face.

"Father, the Xiaoying family also went to test, and there is no suitable one." The middle-aged man looked at the old man and finally said it.

The old man snorted coldly and didn't speak. He didn't seem to want to mention the man named Xiaoying.

"Father, I plan to take Shaofeng to foreign countries for treatment. The medical technology abroad is higher than that at home." Said the forty year old woman.

"In women's opinion, the medical technology of the General Hospital of the military region is no worse than that of foreign countries. It's top in the world. You can cure leukemia by taking a little wind abroad." Said the old man.

"Father, sister-in-law are also anxious children's diseases. Brother and sister, I think the most important thing at present is to mobilize our forces to find the right bone marrow. Shaofeng's body is very weak and can't stand the long-distance turbulence, so he should have a good rest in the General Hospital of the military region. " Next to the old man, a man in his fifties said.

This man has an angular face and is full of fortitude. He has his own momentum. At first glance, he knows that he is a man of great power.

"But where can I find the right bone marrow now?" The woman's tears came down. The man called the third man comforted him.

"When something happened at home, you all kept it from me, didn't you think I didn't exist?" At this time, there is an old lady standing upstairs, supported by a middle-aged woman. It seems to be a nanny.

At this time, the old lady looked at the people in the living room downstairs, with anger and sadness in her voice.

"Old lady, you are not in good health recently. People are worried about you. They don't mean to hide you." The dignified old man said with a bitter smile.

The rest of the people in the living room stood up quickly, careful, afraid that the old lady would get angry again.

"I'm old enough to die." The old lady sat next to the old man with the help of the nurse.

"I heard what you said. Shaofeng, my good grandson, how could he get this disease?" The old lady cried with tears.

"Old lady, we're all trying to figure out how to deal with Shaofeng's illness, and we'll soon get better. Don't worry us when Shaofeng's illness is cured, but yours is not. " The old man comforted.

"It's going to be better soon? Leukaemia, do you think my old woman knows nothing? " The old lady scolded.

"As long as you find the right bone marrow, Shaofeng will be OK." The old man said quickly.

"The right bone marrow? You are related by blood, and none of you matched successfully, let alone other people? It's not something that can be done with influence. It depends on the will of heaven. " The old lady said sadly.

"Alas," the old man sighed and said nothing.

At this time the living room is very quiet, obviously we are not willing to speak, do not know how to speak.

"We still have a glimmer of hope." The old lady suddenly opened her mouth with a complicated look on her face.

"What can you do, mother?" The woman asked anxiously.

"Do you remember Shaoyun?" Said the old lady with a sigh.

The young people in the living room all have confused looks, only a few old people have unnatural faces. The man, who was called the third, bowed his head deeply and didn't know what he was thinking. The woman in her forties had a tangled expression on her face and a faint fear.

"He is a glimmer of hope for Shaofeng now. As long as his bone marrow matches Shaofeng, Shaofeng will be saved." Said the old lady.

The young people didn't understand, so they looked puzzled. The people of the previous generation didn't know what they were thinking, and no one spoke.

Seeing that everyone didn't speak, the old lady continued to say, "you all made a decision in those years. Because of the overall situation, I didn't say anything? But over the years that little guy's figure has been wandering in front of me, my heart is full of guilt and regret. Take this opportunity to get him back, even if it's for Shaofeng's sake. No matter what the result, I'm going to keep him by my side. I don't want to regret when I die. Don't you have any opinions? "

The house was silent for a long time, no one spoke, and the old lady looked at the people quietly.

"Xiao Wang, go and get that child back." The old man was silent for a long time and said.

"Yes, chief." A middle-aged man next to the old man bowed his head and said respectfully.

"Is that all for today? It's late at night. Go back and have a rest. We'll wait until we find the child. " The old man said with a tired wave.

"Don't worry, old lady. I'll get that child back and we'll make it up to him." After everyone left, the old man looked at the old lady and said.

"I hope he's had a good time these years." Said the old lady, wiping her tears.

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