Northeast military region, tiger division.

"Wang Feng, we haven't seen each other for a long time." Tiger division commander Li zhantian said happily.

"I haven't seen you for a year. The last time I met you was when you went to the capital to meet the old chief." Wang Feng said with emotion.

"How is the old chief now?" Li zhantian asked.

"The old chief is in good health, but there are too many things to deal with. When he's old, he can't help it." Wang Feng said.

"The old chief has been busy all his life. It's impossible for him to take a day off. If you don't get drunk tonight, let me see if you are good at drinking." Li zhantian said with a smile.

"No, I have something to do with you this time. Drink next time." Wang Feng shook his head and refused.

"I know you are not a good bird. You think of me when you have something to do. Come on, what's the matter?" Li zhantian said with a smile.

"It's the old chief's family business. If I don't come to you for help, it's not the old chief's meaning, it's my own meaning." Wang Feng said hesitantly.

"I'll help you with the old chief's business." Li zhantian urged.

"The old chief asked me to go to Mr. and Mrs. Leng Zhentao and bring the child back. I know you have a good relationship with Leng Zhentao, and I still have contacts, so I want to ask you for help." Wang Feng thought for a moment and said.

"Fifteen years have passed. Why did the old chief bring back the child? Is the old chief planning to take the child back to the capital to take care of him? " Li zhantian asked.

"Yes, it is not." Wang Feng showed a trace of helplessness, this job is really hard to do.

Li zhantian looked at Wang Feng and solemnly said, "Wang Feng, we all know the old leader's character. Once he makes a decision, it's hard to change it."

"Fifteen years have passed. You and I know what happened in those years. Old leaders don't want to get that child back for no reason. What happened? "

"I'll wait until I see Mr. and Mrs. Leng Zhentao." Wang Feng said with a bitter smile.

"Wang Feng, we have been friends for many years. You know my character. If you don't make it clear, I won't help you. The old couple have paid more. I don't want them to be hurt. Of course, if you convey the orders of the old chief, I will certainly comply with them. " Li zhantian said in a deep voice.

Seeing the resolute expression on Li zhantian's face, Wang Feng hesitated.

"If you don't tell me, I won't help you." Li zhantian snorted coldly.

"You are forcing me." Wang Feng said with a bitter smile.

"I don't care whether you say it or not." Li zhantian said directly.

"Well, I've really convinced you, big old man." Wang Feng once again said with a bitter smile.

"In fact, it's not that I can't say it. I just don't know how to say it. This time I came to find Leng Zhentao because his half brother had leukemia and needed bone marrow matching. But all the relatives have been examined, but there is no suitable one, and the bone marrow in the society can't be found for a while. "

"So I thought of my half brother and a glimmer of hope. I want to bring that child back to the capital for bone marrow matching. " Wang Feng said to Li zhantian with a bitter smile.

"It turns out that I have never cared about the child for 15 years. Now I suddenly take it back. I thought I wanted to take the child back to the capital to take care of him, but I didn't think it was to cure the dandy."

"How can the old chief do things like this? In those days, he wanted to abandon the child because he hated that the child was mentally retarded. If the old couple didn't give up their future, what would happen to the child now?"

"What are you going to do? If the match is not suitable, continue to abandon, or if it is suitable, do surgery, and then abandon. What's the use of that scum to save him? Do you want him to continue to do evil? " Li zhantian said loudly, clapping the table.

"Lao Li, don't talk nonsense. Your temper hasn't changed. We are all promoted by the old chief." Wang Feng said seriously.

"So what? The old chief is the person I respect most. I don't want to say anything. But I don't believe that the old chief didn't know what those people did to the child. How could he take the child back? "

"What did you say? What happened that year? " Wang Feng asked in shock.

"Don't tell me you don't know. You were protecting the old chief." Li zhantian snorted coldly and said discontentedly.

"The intelligence system of that year was always in the hands of Leng Zhentao. When the child had a car accident, Lao Leng just said it was an accident. At that time, the old chief was busy with other things and didn't care too much. Is there any secret in it? " Wang Feng asked in shock.

"After seeing Lao Leng hide all the things that happened in those years, it's really a good intention, even abandoning his future." Li zhantian was silent for a long time and said with a sigh.

"What happened that year? Was that car accident a conspiracy Wang Feng asked with a puzzled face.

"Now that everything has been said, there's nothing to hide. At that time, someone specially targeted the child in the car accident. Originally, he wanted the child's life, but the child was so lucky that he survived, but in the end, the other party basically achieved his wish." Li zhantian said with a sneer on his face.

"Li zhantian, you can't talk nonsense about this." Wang Feng said heavily.

"Do you think I'll talk nonsense? In those days, Lao Leng was so powerful in mastering the intelligence system that it was easy to find out about it, but he chose to hide it and give up his future. It wasn't until he was drunk that he said it Li zhantian said coldly.

"I'll tell the old chief about this. We must find out." Wang Feng said in a deep voice.

"No, Wang Feng, you have been around the old chief for so many years, and you are still so naive. The old chief may not be unaware of what happened in those years, but it has already happened and is a foregone conclusion. Only when there is compromise between politics can trade become the most important thing. " Li zhantian said lightly.

Wang Feng was stunned for a while, sighed and did not speak.

"Who planned it?" Wang Feng asked.

"Lao Leng didn't say it, but he understood it, didn't he?" Li zhantian said sarcastically.

"Well, anyway, I have to take that child back. This is a glimmer of hope for Shaofeng to live." Wang Feng sighed and said.

"If this kind of person doesn't save the best, it will save other people's troubles. Look at the grandsons of the old chief. They are either dandy and evil, or they only play with smart people all day long, so that there is no one who can take the things that can't be put on the table by calculating with small means."

"The old leaders dote on them too much. They dote on them so lawlessly that no one can do anything." Li Zhan said angrily.

"After all, they are the grandsons of the old chief. We can't say anything." Wang Feng sighed and said.

"Wang Feng, you shouldn't have come. It's not a task, it's a matter of emotion." Li zhantian said.

"I know, but no one came, so I came instead of the old chief. The old chief asked me to bring a letter to Mr. and Mrs. Leng Zhentao. Everything is in the letter." Wang Feng said helplessly.

Li zhantian was silent for a long time and said, "Wang Feng, I'm sorry. I can't help you with this."

"I know that before I come here, I will be ready. If you help me, you will not be the Li zhantian I know." Wang Feng does not care about the smile.

"I'll let two soldiers take you to Lao Leng's home. That's all I can do." Li zhantian patted Wang Feng on the shoulder and said.

"It's enough. Thank you very much. If you have time, you can't get drunk." Wang Feng nodded.

"Let me give you a piece of advice. Lao Leng is easy to deal with. As long as you say something nice, there should be no problem. But Sister Li can't. He put all his mind on that child. When that child was lost five years ago, he almost killed Sister Li. This time, she won't answer you and take that child away?" Li zhantian advised.

"Well, I see. By the way, five years ago, what happened? Why is that child missing? " Wang Feng asked.

"I don't know what happened at the beginning, but someone took the child away. As for the child I haven't seen in five years, so I can't help Li zhantian said.

"I see." Wang Feng nodded. I hope everything goes well in my heart. Don't let anything happen.

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