This time, everyone’s heart went up and down, and Chen Qi felt more and more mysterious, heaven knows how many treasures he mastered, and 7 Immortal Saint avatars were killed.

“Little bastard, you must die today!”

It wasn’t long before everyone was shocked, and suddenly there was a thunder rolls destroying the Heavens and exterminating the Earth in the faraway starry sky. A tremor came from the long distance, and there was a huge ripple, like the peerless Demon was born. Containing the anger of overflowing heaven, the desire to burn this vast Immortal Realm.

The starry sky of millions of li circumference was trembling in this brief moment, and even, Chen Qi saw the poison qi area in front, Starry Sky Sea, all swept away by an invisible imposing manner.

surroundings Those planets in the starry sky, each planet is the size of Earth, there are even dozens of times larger, 100 times the planet, and the towering star jade.

But this breath appeared, with a powerful imposing manner sweeping Nine Provinces Eight Desolates, breaking through the universe. All planets, huge star jade, all exploded, like a ball burst, all stars lava exploded.

The entire starry sky has become a zone of destruction. The pressure rolled, as if Heaven Prestige was mighty.

Deng deng deng !

Really strong !

All the onlookers here are all spitting blood, complexion deathly pale, their bodies are constantly retreating, and those who are lower in the cultivation base are all rolling in starry sky.

countless Demon, Asura, 匍匐 starry sky, dumbstruck with a look of horror, terrified by breath.

Everyone was scared.

How can a person’s imposing manner be so powerful!

The most important thing is that with their Immortal eyesight, simply didn’t see anybody clearly, apparently this person was in the depths of the starry sky and didn’t know how many millions li, but just the anger vented, swept the circumference countless stars.

“Chen Qi child, today, don’t want to escape the chase of this Saint. Up into the Heavens, down into the Earth, there is no place for you to live!”

A huge voice, I don’t know where it came from. The trembling Chen Qi’s head buzzed.

“Fuck, is this the Immortal Saint?”

Chen Qi was oppressed by the imposing manner inspired by the distant place, and backed up again and again, not to mention him, even the strength of the Big Brother, which is comparable to Half-Saint, also kept backing down and couldn’t bear it.

“Big Brother, what to do, really strong.” Big Brother shoveled.

“Well, this Immortal Saint is so far away and so strong? What if it comes back? The wind is tight.

Dumbstruck on Chen Qi’s face, “Big Brother, go back first, don’t die here, this is Immortal Saint extremely important.”

With a big wave of Chen Qi, Rule Power sent Big Brother back to the Teleportation Portal and disappeared.

Chen Qi turned around, and Little Tortoise became smaller and fell on Chen Qi’s shoulder. As soon as Chen Qi moved, he moved toward Nether Realm Channel, and suddenly a light beam suddenly struck the depths of the starry sky, like a divine light, which could not be resisted. The speed was all the way, breaking through the Void, and beheading.

The sharp breath locked Chen Qi.

Little Tortoise Astral Qi played, condense an Astral Qi city wall, blocked in front of Sword Qi, but thundered and was directly penetrated. Little Tortoise constantly stimulated Astral Qi, which can defend Astral Qi of 10000 mountain strikes in front of this Sword Qi , Still forcibly broken, shot in.

Almighty Push !

Chen Qi launched with two fists. He slammed and felt unprecedented strength and couldn’t resist at all. He was erupted by shakily retreating, countless Amaterasu Fire, and fist punched. No accidents were penetrated.


As Chen Qi flew back, a red brick appeared in his hand, a block, and a bang. The brick came strong, defending this Sword Qi, but Chen Qi was shocked by the qi and blood surge.


Chen Qi grabbed Little Tortoise, ran away quickly, and dived into the Nether Realm Teleportation Portal. Deep into the dark Nether Realm. At the same time, with a big wave of hands, the Nether Realm Channel closed directly, and the countless Asura outside turned into a path of light beam, wrapped in the breath of the Rule great gate, and all pulled to Nether Realm.

The moment the door just disappeared.

A white clothed man, both eyes prestige like prison, evolving the mountain and rivers, flashing light, implying a boundless anger.

Slender figure, upright body, within the body atmosphere suppresses the circumference starry sky, unable to move the people watching from a distance, many people are half kneeled by the breath town, shivering, and their faces are full of shock and fear .

The breath of Immortal Saint is like a Celestial Divinity. Everyone present in front of him is like the mole cricket and ants.

The man is Zhang Tianchen. Blood Divinity Palace high level, Immortal Saint powerhouse!

At this moment he was violently throbbing, his eyes were slightly raised, “Even escape! But you just escape to the ends of the earth, this Eminence can find you out, dare to insult this Saint, thinking that you can escape this by hiding in Nether Realm Is Saint hunting? “

Hong long!

Zhang Tianchen waved his hand, and a torn space appeared in front of it. You can see that the deep black palace is countless in the depth of Space, which is a large distribution of Blood Divinity Palace.

“Sir, what do you want!”

Suddenly, there appeared countless Blood Divinity Palace powerhouse, each of which was a strong Great Immortal Venerable, and everyone was an Immortal Realm powerhouse. In the bones revealed a killing intent. As the powerhouse of the Killer Organization, they don’t know how many people kill each year.

There is no shortage of Grade 9 Immortal Venerable and Grade 10 Immortal Venerable. After coming out, they all respected and fell on their knees, facing the Immortal Saint saluted in front, afraid to make trouble.

“Now go to this Saint to find the cracks in the starry sky of Immortal Realm. When the cracks corresponding to Nether Realm are found, immediately notify this Saint.”

“Sir, what are you?” An Immortal Venerable powerhouse asked, puzzled.

“This Saint is going to enter Nether Realm, hunt down that little bastard, and kill him. This child is bold and offensive to this Saint. Crime deserving ten thousand deaths!”

The icy voice sounded, turning all around into a frosty season, smashing into the bones, all Blood Divinity Palace people dared not ask, knowing that Sir Immortal Saint hated that Chen Qi.

“Sir, rest assured, we will send members of the Blood Divinity Palace to notify Sir as soon as there are 4 searches.”

Immediately, members of the Blood Divinity Palace in Immortal Realm all directions started searching and inquiring about the news.

Nether Realm and Immortal Realm are 2 planes, but there are some chaotic areas, but they can lead to different planes, there are countless space cracks, there must be cracks containing Nether Realm Channel. Once found, Immortal Realm people can go to Nether Realm.

“Sir Immortal Saint was angered by Chen Qi this time, and that brat is damn it, Immortal Saint dares to provoke it. Now Sir Immortal Saint is going to enter Nether Realm and searching for Chen Qi’s whereabouts, I am afraid it will not last long.”

“But he dared to offend Blood Divinity Palace, and it was also act recklessly, not to mention offending Sir Immortal Saint, and it was even courting death. Who doesn’t know what Immortal Saint is, this brat is foolish.”

Members of countless Blood Divinity Palace search for starry sky. Also talk about Chen Qi.

Speaking of this Chen Qi, they also made them a bit annoyed. They killed Blood Divinity Palace that many powerhouse, but they haven’t died yet, and they also impressed Immortal Saint.

“Tsk tsk, Immortal Saint powerhouse, really horrible.”

“Well, Laozi was scared to death just now. If Immortal Saint acted on us, that look would kill us. It’s too strong. It’s not avatar. It’s really scary.”

“This is the first time I’ve seen Immortal Saint. There is such a powerhouse to chase Chen Qi. Chen Qi is bad luck this time, and it will provoke the Immortal Saint powerhouse to dispatch. If it is found, it is not enough to kill 100 lives. Yes, we should leave here first. “

At this moment, Zhang Tianchen has left, but the crowd of people on the scene spitting blood, Yun Qianqiu, Jade Maiden Headmaster, Blood Race, Giant Spirit Divine Race, and the rest of them are all playing drums.

Until now, I was still worried. When I first saw the powerhouse at the level of Immortal Saint, if Zhang Tianchen was going to kill them at that time, I am afraid it was an instantaneous thing.

Especially Yun Qianqiu, he hid in another Space, but obviously felt that Zhang Tianchen’s gaze glanced at him, just a look at the mole cricket and ants, disdain to kill them.

They all retreated and returned to their respective Immortal Domain, but one thing spread.

That is Blood Divinity Palace high level personnel, an Immortal Saint powerhouse, Zhang Tianchen, who is hunting down Chen Qi. It is said to have killed the son of Immortal Saint.

As soon as the news spread, several Immortals from Continental World blew their pans. What is the concept of Immortal Saint?

A cultivation of 10000 years of Old Antique even hunted down Chen Qi.

Moreover, Chen Qi dared to kill even Immortal Saint’s son. He really didn’t know how to write the dead words. If you dare to kill Immortal Saint’s son, you will endure the anger of Immortal Saint powerhouse. This anger cannot be endured by anyone.

All the people in Immortal Realm had such a thought in their hearts. How long can Chen Qi live?

“How to do.”

The people at Huaxia Immortal Domain also heard the news and looked worried. Yao Xuelan, Xiang Gu and the others were in a hurry, and didn’t know what to do.

They Your Majesty shocked the Immortal Saint powerhouse, which they did not expect, Immortal Saint powerhouse, is about to reach the great character of the peak of Immortal Realm, Optimus Prime. Such a character chases Chen Qi, and the chance of survival is too small.

“Hope it’s okay, we Your Majesty Heaven helps the worthy, and we will escape 1-Tribulation.”

“Well, I hope so.”

At this moment, someone came up reporting news in a huge palace deep in starry sky.

It was only a few hours before Chen Qi fled and someone reported the news.

“Reporting to Sir, there is news about Nether Realm.”


“Recently, things about Celestial Divinity Academy related to Nether Realm have come out. The Leader of Celestial Divinity Academy, together with the academic high level, in order to allow the Celestial Divinity Academy disciple to be trained, they have recently joined together to open the Nether Realm Channel, and it has been opened. Sir Immortal Saint, is completely accessible through the Channel of the Celestial Divinity Academy. “

Members of this Blood Divinity Palace reported, “This Celestial Divinity Academy is indeed the first Academy of Immortal Realm, and the Academy of Immortal Emperor. In order to experience the academic disciple, the powerful method of Immortal Emperor was used to open the Nether Realm Channel. It seems that the Academy There is another big move, and I want to develop a genius who is qualified to become an Immortal Emperor.

“good very good!”

Zhang Tianchen stood up, Murderous intention boundless, “This little bastard ca n’t escape the palm heart of this Saint, killing this Saint ’s son, this Saint must chopped him up ten-thousand times by a thousand blades. ! “

The tone of voice made the people at Blood Divinity Palace shudder. How angry Zhang Tianchen was at Chen Qi. That’s it!

While speaking, Zhang Tianchen has disappeared. Headed to the Immortal Realm first Academy, Celestial Divinity Academy. A talented, countless young, talented people’s Academy.


ps: That’s it for today. .


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