Thunder Dragon Body was affected, and both eyes began to become hateful, staring at Little Tortoise, but the body stopped for a moment.

Chen Qi shot it.

A Devouring Soul Sickle appeared in the hand. A spirit thought entered the depth of Devouring Soul Sickle and pulled out the fat Soul Demon. At this moment, Soul Demon’s belly became a little smaller, but it still swelled, which is full. State, Chen Qi pulled him out when he saw it.

There was a hint of fear on Soul Demon’s face, and he knew that Chen Qi was about to let him eat again.

Chen Qi said with a smile, “Soul Demon, this soul of Thunder Spirit is an item of great nourishment, swallowed it for me.”

Soul Demon complexion is ugly, has enough to eat, and is now in a state of support. He really doesn’t want to eat, just doesn’t open his mouth.

“I know you’re full, but this is the last one. You swallow it first, and you can’t swallow it. I’ll compensate you later.”

Seeing that the Thunder Dragon was about to fall again, Chen Qi extended two Rule hands behind him, grabbed Soul Demon’s mouth, and pulled it straight away.

The big hand grabbed him and threw it over. Soul Demon’s mouth was deep and dark, and he instinctively produced a powerful suction. He swallowed the whole Thunder Dragon into Soul Demon’s mouth. Soul Demon had an impulse to scold Chen Qi to death. 5 The officer twisted, his stomach skyrocketed.

The Thunder Dragon had just entered the stomach and could see a blurry dragon shadow being sucked out of the Thunder Dragon Body.

Thunder Dragon Body thunder and lightning strength blasted Soul Demon’s body of smoke, which seemed to explode, apparently unbearable, and quickly spit out the Thunder Dragon.

However, only the body of Thunder Dragon was spit out, and the soul of Thunder Dragon was absorbed into Soul Demon’s stomach and screamed screamingly.

Soul Demon originally restrained soul. The body can emit suction, which is specifically targeted at soul. It can be pulled out of the soul at will. It is a natural soul. Many people are afraid of this kind of creation, but it is because of Devouring Soul. The seal formation deep in Sickle is controlled by Chen Qi, he can be enslaved, and he cannot easily control Soul Demon.

Thunder Dragon is just a newly born soul. Not too strong. Just swallowed by Soul Demon. No matter how strong his soul could be swallowed, it was also astonishing.

“How is it possible, what is this? Aaaaaaaaah! This Dragon was just born, and it ended up like this, return my body, the dog bastard.”

Thunder Dragon soul roars around Soul Demon’s belly, but just can’t get out.

“Fuck. This is all right.”

Chen Qi entered Rule Power from Soul Demon’s mouth, wrapped the Dragon Soul ka-cha, and pinched it to death. Unwilling to die.

This powerhouse, which is comparable to Half-Saint, was killed by Chen Qi using many methods. Only at this moment Chen Qi was sighed in relief.

Soul Demon’s stomach swelled, how much hatred complexion hated Chen Qi, how much hatred Chen Qi moved at this moment towards Nine Heavens Thunder Spirit, who lost soul, and looked excited.

Losing the soul, Nine Heavens Spirit Physique stayed quietly in Void, emitting purple light halo, and powerful thunder and lightning permeated it.

If Chen Qi absorbs this Thunder Spirit, he can master Nine Heavens Immortal Thunder. Like Amaterasu Fire, with sufficient spirit, he can continuously inspire Nine Heavens Immortal Thunder.

But the moment he just grabbed it with a big hand, suddenly the silhouette in the distance was fast, and the Peak was carrying a thick Murderous aura, as if rolling Heaven Prestige, both eyes were indifferent, but deep down was extremely angry. Is a white clothed middle-aged person. His body seems to break into Space. In a flash, loudly shouted came over.

It is the high level of Zhang Tianchen, Blood Divinity Palace, Immortal Saint powerhouse. I grabbed my hand and turned it into an immortal hand. If I caught the planet, I would grab the Thunder Spirit.

He finally found Chen Qi, but absolutely didn’t expect, and Chen Qi had a Thunder Spirit here, something that was rarely seen in 10000 years. If he gets refining, there is also a great benefit. Master thunder and lightning strength.

“This thing, this Saint wants it, little bastard, I’ll kill you later!”

Zhang Tianchen complexion is gloomy, with a rolling Murderous intention. After entering the Nether Realm Channel, his Divine Consciousness swept all the way, and it took him a few days to find it. This time, he would not miss Chen Qi.

Chen Qi killed his son, slayed many experts of Blood Divinity Palace, exploded his chrysanthemum, and humiliated him. From any point of view, it is deadly hatred.

This time, Chen Qi couldn’t escape his palm heart.

Hong long!

Just as the big hand was about to grasp the past, Chen Qi eyes flashed, Grade 9 Immortal Sovereign strength was demonstrated, from head to toe Rule bloomed, with wings appearing behind, and under fanning, at the same time, 8 times berserk was displayed, in a flash, it appeared In front of Thunder Spirit.

With his current Grade 9 Immortal Sovereign strength, plus wings, he performed Thundershift, 8 times berserk, and was far closer to Thunder Spirit than Zhang Tianchen. He first seized Thunder Spirit and directly received the storage ring. Let Zhang Tianchen grab an empty hand.

Huh? Zhang Tianchen obviously didn’t expect Chen Qi this long. It turned out to be Grade 9 Immortal Sovereign, and the strength is much stronger than before.

It stands to reason that even though Thunder Spirit is far away from him, it should be his Immortal Saint strength, but it was snatched by Chen Qi.

Although there were some accidents, Zhang Tianchen didn’t care. Chen Qi was already a dead person. Thunder Chen could be obtained by killing Chen Qi.

The big hand grabbed the air, turned in a direction, and grabbed directly toward Chen Qi. Chen Qi felt that this big hand was simply the hand of Death Divinity. Space annihilated, destroyed mountain and rivers, and Immortal Saint strength was too strong.

This person is a true body. He is an Immortal Saint powerhouse.

Chen Qi was frightened, Amaterasu Fire, various methods were displayed together, and he didn’t want to delay with Immortal Saint. He only needs to be promoted to Immortal Venerable Boundary, which is the safety guarantee. A card appeared in my hand and was thrown away.

“What is it?” Zhang Tianchen frowned, knowing that there are many Chen Qi methods, but now that he is a true body, he doesn’t believe that Chen Qi’s method can resist him.

Chen Qi laughed, “Let you taste the formidable power of this card.”

This card is: Pretty Goat.

A sheep with white fur, cute and 2 pink bows on its horns. This sheep will sell cute, stunt: incredibly moe moe. It belongs to Spirit Attack, which spoils the body and mind of the enemy, puts the enemy into an aggressive state, and can kill.

Hong long!

When Chen Qi kept backing and attacking against the big hand, Sky Void Portal was born, and then came out of it a standing, white-haired Pretty Goat with 2 pink bows wrapped around its 2 corners, a smile on his face . White hair fluttered in the wind. It’s lovely.

What is this?

Zhang Tianchen both eyes stared, thinking that Chen Qi would summon out some horrible creatures, but did n’t expect a sheep?

“Big Brother Chen Qi.” Pretty Goat smiled, her voice sweet, as if it penetrated the soul of Chen Qi, reached the depths of his mind, and instantly germinated Chen Qi’s heart.

Fuck, this pretty goat.

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