Xiao Yun said: “That’s not necessarily. Hua Tianjun is now deep deep and unmeasurable. Chen Qi innate talent is amazing. If you give him a few years, you can fight against Hua Tianjun, but now Chen Qi Grade 2 Immortal Venerable Boundary, Hua Tianjun is already an Immortal Emperor, or even higher. Such a genius figure is very different after a few years.

It is almost impossible to catch up with Hua Tianjun. Chen Qi ca n’t do anything like this Monster, let alone us. I see that the competition between the True Dragon Academy and Celestial Divinity Academy will not be held any time soon. “

“Academy Leader also has this meaning, but this time was first initiated by the Celestial Divinity Academy Leader, intending to compete with our young Dragon Genius of the True Dragon Academy, obviously want to take the opportunity to suppress, let the entire Immortal Realm know, we True Dragon Academy Not as good as Celestial Divinity Academy. “

“True Dragon Academy has lost once. If you lose again, your reputation will definitely drop thousand zhang, when the time comes, the influence will be less and less, all Immortal Realm genius will go to Celestial Divinity Academy, True Dragon Academy’s disciple only It will gradually decrease. In the long run, decay will happen sooner or later. “

“If an Academy does not have a younger generation disciple supplement, what do you base on Immortal Realm? Our True Dragon Academy Leader is under too much pressure, it is impossible to shirk. With Leader’s personality, then a person who loves face and let him refuse is equivalent. By default, the True Dragon Academy is not as good as the Celestial Divinity Academy, I am afraid! Even the competition is afraid to go out, and the reputation of the leader is absolutely unbearable. But accepting the competition, I am afraid that it is also introducing humiliation to oneself. ! “

“Don’t say this anymore, this time we searched many places in Nether Realm, and there are no traces of Ghost Divine Ship appearing, I am afraid it will not appear in the near future. Let ’s go back to Academy, and the competition depends on how the Leader decides. I really want to compete. With Senior Brother Xiao Yun, your strength can at least defeat most Celestial Divinity Academy disciple. We True Dragon Academy is not too shameful. “

Mo Tianfeng said.

“I really want to compete, Hua Tianjun will definitely play against me. When the time comes, I still have to lose. Well, don’t think about it, alas, it is a headache.”

Xiao Yun shaking one’s head. There was a slight worry and anxiety between Meiyu and the huge pressure, which made him breathless all the time. The resetting of the entire True Dragon Academy really had to compete and he took too much. It’s really unbearable inside.


Now, True Dragon Academy disciple each and everyone disappears here.

Meanwhile, Chen Qi quickly reached Guda’s Demon Army.

Now the entire Demon Army is huge, conquering the Demon Palace influence along the way, showing a sweeping trend, I do n’t know how many Demon Palace influences feel the mighty Demon Army, Demon Qi overflowing heaven, sweeping clouds, densely packed everywhere Guda Demon Army team, fierce.

Where it appeared, where the Demon Palace influence was trembling, even if some Demon Palace influence dared to resist, after Guda showed a strong strength, he was deterred. Have acknowledge allegiance.

Without acknowledgment allegiance, the cultivation base is directly abolished, and from then on, the strong Great Demon of aloof and remote becomes a small demon that can be used as a mermaid.

On this day, Arm rested in a conquered Demon Palace. Chen Qi appeared here and came to the depths of Demon Palace.

“Reporting to Sir Territory Lord, now our Demon Army has subscribed to thirty two Demon Palace influences, of which Demon General of knowledge allegiance, Demon Soldier, a total of 1.5 billion army. See Sir Territory Lord.”

Guda pointed to the outside, Chen Qi’s eyes glanced, the entire periphery of Demon Palace, densely packed like a locust, body pitch-black, Demon Qi dazzling countless Demon standing respectfully, two horns growing on the head, incomparable, at this moment all allegiance Chen In front of Qi.

Chen Qi nodded, “Everything here is entrusted to you. Continue to grow and develop. If there is any problem that cannot be solved, send me a message. But the past few days, don’t provoke the powerful Demon Palace influence. I’m going back to Immortal Realm. You’re in charge of everything here. “

“By the way, there is an item here for you to defend yourself. If you encounter a terrible Immortal Saint, you can use it to kill.”

Chen Qi while speaking, there was a white Water Gun in his hand. There was a surge of water in it, and a slight buckle could spur the condense current that killed Immortal Saint. It was like a burst of blade and sword, and powerful formidable power.

After thinking about it, Chen Qi took out two, in case of 2, all of them defended Guda. There are still a lot of Great Demons in Nether Realm. It is dangerous to accidentally provoke the powerhouse. It is very dangerous to leave this thing.

“Sir Territory Lord, what is this Immortal Treasure?”

Guda looked at the Water Gun in his hands, but he really didn’t understand the principle of the Water Gun, only felt that the Water Gun formidable power boundless contained a horrible strength, which inspired him to slaughter Immortal Saint. But such a strange Immortal Treasure. Guda has never seen it before.

Chen Qi waved and asked Guda to study slowly, which he couldn’t explain.

After Guda left, Chen Qi sat down, countless Rule Crystal Stone, Dao Fruit erupted, and all shattered. Chen Qi within the body produced a huge suction, constantly devouring these energies, and strengthened his cultivation base. Layers of light halo diffuse.

After 2 days and 2 nights of cultivation, the cultivation base has stabilized a lot. Chen Qi thought that he should go back. Blood Divinity Palace hasn’t bothered himself until now. I don’t know what is hell is happening.

“No, what if the Blood Divinity Palace sends Immortal Saint powerhouse to Huaxia Immortal Domain?

Chen Qi thought for a moment, but still felt uneasy. Although this possibility is small, it is not without it.

What exactly is happening with Blood Divinity Palace now, Chen Qi doesn’t know. Then he took out a card.

Character Card: Calabash Brother, Second Brother. Owns clairvoyance clairaudient. You can hear things from far away.

Chen Qi intends to use the capabilities of Second Brother to take a look at the high level of Blood Divinity Palace. What has happened recently. Take countermeasures.

Hong long!

After the card is activated, a Void Portal appears in Void. Then a baby came out from inside, with a smile on his face, shirtless, with only a green leaf underneath, and came out of the portal.

“Second Brother, look at what Blood Divinity Palace is doing recently.” Chen Qi asked directly.

“Well, then you have to tell me the specific position, otherwise I have no direction.” Second Brother helplessly said.

“That line. Come with me.”

Chen Qi immediately grabbed the Second Brother, the whole person was fast as lightning, and moved towards Nether Realm, one of the Teleportation Portals. Chen Qi found a Teleportation Portal in less than 2.5 minutes, and disappeared in a moment.

I just felt a little shaking in front of me, and after appearing again, in front of me was a vast starry sky, whole sky stars swaying, shining, each and everyone huge star jade, Star Domain, various plates continent, Hengchen starry sky.

They have arrived at Immortal Realm starry sky. However, Chen Qi does not know the specific location, because this is not the Nether Realm Teleportation Portal entered by Celestial Divinity Academy, it is a Teleportation Channel that Chen Qi casually finds.

Many influences in Nether Realm sneak in, looking for traces of Ghost Divine Ship. Some people set up a Teleportation Formation in an unmanned starry sky, while others are establishing a Teleportation Formation with the base.

The Teleportation Formation that Chen Qi appeared, did not know what influence people established, but Chen Qi did not care about it. As soon as the body moved, it instantly disappeared in place, across countless stars, Immortal Domain, and soon found a small immortal domain. After a little inquiries, Chen Qi learned the approximate location of the Blood Divinity Palace Headquarters.

Chen Qi came to an unmanned starry sky again, pointing in one direction. There is deep inside the starry sky in Beijulu. “Second Brother, this is the direction. Listen to the latest news from Blood Divinity Palace Headquarters. With your ears And eyes, should be found soon. “

Now that I have a specific position, Second Brother nodded, suddenly staring at Venus, the depth of the pupil seems to be sun, moon, stars twisted, seeing through Space-Time, countless stars, starry sky in his eyes, layer by layer, Pass by Immortal Domain.

It looks like a light screen. I saw countless star jade passing one after another in the pupil of Second Brother. Finally, I saw the depth of starry sky and stayed in one position.

There is a huge black planet deep in the pupil, not a star cluster, but a star cluster.

The planets are all black, with countless tall palaces and blood-red walls painted with Blade Mountains Hell, Burning Hell, Lava Hell, Iceberg Hell, Thunder and Lightning Hell, Tongue Ripping Hell, countless ghost head, Fiend, and Hell. On the palace walls, there are even more Demon Palaces than Demon Palaces.

The tall palace is up here, down there, inserted directly into the starry sky, and even the clouds break through. Seen from a distance, it was extremely gloomy, like a Demon Castle. Silhouettes flicker everywhere, and silhouettes wearing black robes, red robes, and deep red robes are endless. They are both eyes with killing intent, murder without blinking an eye, and members of the Blood Divinity Palace organization.

An Organization Headquarters that made Immortal Realm countless Immortal talk about the discoloration. It is also the colossus of the Tang Qianxue race, the evil influence.

…… ..

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