“Sir is dead?”

“Grade 9 Immortal Saint, was slaughtered by Chen Qi, I think we should go.”

A Complexion member of the Blood Divinity Palace was chilling and saw that the Rule Power boiled on Chen Qi was so crowded that he no longer had the idea of ​​fighting. This person was too scary!

“No, if we go back this time, or escape, Sir Vice-Palace Lord will certainly not be light, maybe it will be angry, the consequences are serious, it is possible to abolish our leading cultivation base. Better fight! “

“This Eminence doesn’t believe that he can be our more than 300 Immortal Saint, 3000 Immortal Venerable, 100,000 Immortal Sovereign opponents. If this is the case, then this person is simply an evil evildoer, but I don’t think it can. let me try!”


Suddenly, under several leading Immortal Saint powerhouse prestige, the Divine Ability strength of each and everyone Immortal Saint powerhouse, 5 brilliant colors, washed over, 3000 Immortal Venerable behind, 100,000 Immortal Sovereign behind Dao Fruit unprecedented blooming rays of light.

Into a devastating World impact. Chen Qi is to be killed alive.

Chen Qi shot with a backhand, and a Rule palm slammed. The 7-colored big hand fell from the sky. Immortal Saint can shoot with a palm, and formidable power cannot be underestimated.

Hong long!

Explosions are everywhere, the impacted World strength collapses, bounces back, Chen Qi is not a small shock, but it is much easier than them.

The phenomenon of body vibration was seen by members of the Blood Divinity Palace. Complexion was pleased. “Everyone shot full-strength, he may not be able to deal with this person. After all, he is only an Immortal Venerable. Although he killed Grade 9 Immortal Saint, we were there so much People unite the strength, and he wants to resist is also 10000 difficult. “

“Did you see that, he was shaken by us just now.”

“Yes, this brat killed Grade 9 Immortal Saint. It is definitely not as easy as imagined. It must be strong in appearance but weak in reality. Rule consumes a lot. We are holding on for a while. Maybe this brat leaks weak spot!”

“Dog, die!”

A Blood Divinity Palace Grade 7 Immortal Saint rushed over again.

His cultivation is Wind Attribute Rule Power, with 7 Sacred Talisman in the body. Dao Fruit behind him all erupts strength, continuously, and Rule Power is mobilized together with surroundings Void. It looks like a storm zone, bashing sideways and colliding straight on. Want to blast everything arounds into fine powder.


But his strength came over, Chen Qi grabbed his hand, shattered the attack forcibly, and stretched out, like a dragon claw grabbing the body of this Immortal Saint. Mention Little Chicken in general.

“Not good, save me!”

this Immortal Saint looks dumbstruck. The others attacked again and again, but no surprise, Chen Qi resisted the past.

The strength of Chen Qi strength has surpassed everyone present.

As soon as my arm was raised, Myriad Thunderbolts, a huge Thunder Dragon with bright purple lights, Chen Qi all around walked, terrible thunder and lightning high voltage, and where it hit, it became a thunder prison. The number of spot 10000 Immortal Sovereign was split. Scorched, screaming again and again.

They want to get rid of thunder and lightning, but this Nine Heavens Immortal Thunder formidable power is not something they can imagine.

Any counterattack will not help, small Immortal Sovereign only has dead end under Nine Heavens Immortal Thunder.

Chen Qi’s breath moved, these immortal Sovereigns, and dozens of Immortal Venerable powerhouses in it, were all pulled over and caught together with Grade 7 Immortal Saint.

Divine Ability Technique, Plundering!

Hong long!

It looks like the meat cutter appears in the sky, and the huge vortex emits a breath that deteres soul. It is like Black Hole withdraws the body of the people, Rule Power, and Sacred Talisman one by one.

Everyone saw that from the Grade 7 Immortal Saint within the body, seven white light blooming mysterious veined patterns, the size of the thumb, are exactly the foundation of Sacred Talisman, Immortal Saint powerhouse, which he cultivated throughout his life.

As soon as it appeared in the vortex, it gradually melted, and the white light condense became light clusters. The pure light clusters did not carry any private impurities, including Will, including Dao Fruit.

The rest of Immortal Sovereign and Immortal Venerable Dao Fruit exploded, turning into a torrent. Forms Rule Essence.

Rule Essence is extremely pure, otherwise it would not be absorbed by Chen Qi. this is Divinity The power of plunder. Immediately, the remnant Will belonging to other Immortal Saints will be eliminated, and there will be no side effects after absorption.

If it cannot be cleared in time and absorbed within the body, then these Remnant Will will be time bombs. If you do n’t know, you will mess with within the body, which will cause within the body Rule, qi and blood to scramble, resulting in explosion and death.

But all this danger does not exist here at Chen Qi.

Ka-cha !

Everything becomes a pure Rule, converging within the body, and the breath on Chen Qi keeps skyrocketing. Outside air waves billow, overturning seas and rivers.

A breath of Grade 7 Immortal Venerable was inspired from Chen Qi. The whole person seemed to raise several hundred zhang, the breath was like a rainbow, and suddenly the fist was hit again. The world of the star cluster appeared, countless meteors, stars, and became Chen Qi’s fist.

Each track is 100 times more powerful than the Antiquity Heaven Annihilating King Dao Fist. The fist of the star cluster is brought together, and the formidable power is increased by a geometric multiple, which bursts the starry sky power.

Hong long!

The mighty destruction of Celestial River appeared, and the 100 Immortal Saint powerhouses in front of them were all fist shakily retreating, and their bodies were slightly cracked. Like a broken kite, the blood was scattered and the blood smell was extremely strong.

The crowd sucked in a breath of cold air. In their eyes, Chen Qi fist fired, as if destroying this Immortal Realm, more than 300 Immortal Saints, 3000 Immortal Venerable, 100,000 Immortal Sovereign, the mighty camp, densely packed Blood Divinity Palace army all shakily flying number hundred li. Scattered starry sky.

“Pu chi! ”

“Really strong! This secret art is definitely not an ordinary grade, is it … Ruler Level? Supreme Secret Art that only Immortal Emperor powerhouse can master?”

Hong long!

It was fist strikes again, and many expert wolverines joined forces to resist, but still so, all Rule Power was in front of Chen Qi, unable to withstand a single blow, and they were again relied by the shakily rehunting, and even 1000 li.

Each and everyone is flying and tumbling in the starry sky, never having this moment of sullen and fear.

Chen Qi is like the Divinity descended to the mortal world in the depth of Hell. The fist in his hand is the sharp weapon that breaks all divinities, a flip of the hand gather the clouds, another flip turns them to rain, and fist breaks Heavenly Dao. , Shattering Great Thousands Realm Worlds. Extremely outrageous.

“This is not human, this is Devil, we run away!”

Everyone at the Blood Divinity Palace was frightened. With the strength of the backstrength continuously flying, everyone’s eyes were fearful, dumbstruck. There was a strong resignation, and his mind was disintegrated, and he did not want to fight.

“Want to escape? Leave me all.”

Chen Qi’s voice approached quickly, but he was not flying fast, as if walking in the court, but a path of star cluster fist burst out on his fist, each of which could destroy the Immortal Domain and destroy the planet.

“Aaaaaaaaah! No, I don’t want to die!”

A member of the Blood Divinity Palace exploded under the mighty fist wind, but Remnant’s body was still alive, with extreme resentment in his eyes.

Their status of Blood Divinity Palace in Immortal Realm, as a member of Blood Divinity Palace, was fleeing by Chen Qi and an Immortal Venerable. How sullen and shameful was their heart?

But no matter how sullen, shame is useless, Chen Qi flew over, grabbed the head of this Blood Divinity Palace and pinched it.

peng ~ peng ~ peng ~ peng ~ peng ~ peng ~!

Starry sky is full of explosive bodies, their Dao Fruits all converge, exploding into strength of strength and merging into Chen Qi’s body. His within the body meridian is like the great waves flowing, rushing, and has reached an extremely scary level.

Because Rule and within the body Thunder Spirit, the tempering at all times, his meridian has presented the golden skin, extremely tenacious, the energy torrent wants to burst out of the meridian, but is forcibly suppressed in it, with the Vermilion Bird Burning World The Secret Art cultivation technique works, and finally it becomes the strength under Chen Qi’s control.

“Everyone is dead!”

Looking at the silhouette of the Blood Divinity Palace, he didn’t show any mercy. These people are killing executioners. Everyone killed the lives of many innocent people. There was nothing wrong with it.

With the extent to which the Immortal Realm are embarrassed by the Blood Divinity Palace, we can know how evil this organization is.

A dedicated killer, destroying the family with the wrong eyes, burying the Immortal Domain, blasting the planet, trillion creatures have to endure torture, and still exist in the evil existence of Purgatory Space.

The scream screamed back at the starry sky. Suddenly, a large amount of Amaterasu Fire erupted from Chen Qi’s body. The black flame was sprinkled in the starry sky. The circleference 10 million li became the fire sea World. All the people in the Blood Divinity Palace were burning in it.

All they had left was fear, and the physical body was burning in the flames.

The bones, meridian, dantian, viscera, the body of the head are all melted, the body is full of heat, feeling the pain and torture of Flame Hell, everyone is trembling, facing Chen Qi’s pursuit, they have no room and opportunity to resist.

Bang peng ~ peng ~!

Immediately, those 100,000 Immortal Sovereign were burned to ashes. Although they were burned, their Dao Fruit and cultivation base were all pulled out. Chen Qi took a vacant hold, gathered hands, and entered within the body.

Then there was 3000 Immortal Venerable, all of which became black firemen, rolling in starry sky. Also became ashes.

“Impossible, impossible! More than 300 Immortal Saints! Why aren’t your opponents, is Immortal Realm going to change? Is my Blood Divinity Palace going to die?”

“How could this be? He was Immortal Venerable, he was not Immortal Saint! It was just Immortal Venerable, and there were more than 300 Immortal Saints who had no resistance!”

“Nothing is impossible, everything is your Blood Divinity Palace having only oneself to blame. To tell you the truth, I Chen Qi will soon match Immortal Emperor, and you Immortal Saint will die.”

Chen Qi’s voice echoed. At this time, the countless Immortal Saint avatar jumped out of the fire sea, and the remaining Immortal Saint powerhouse was actually in the last time, avatar wanted to rush over to resist Chen Qi.

They are at least 10000000 million, densely packed like locusts.

Hong long!

Thousands upon thousands of avatars rushed over, but rolled back, counting 10000, 100,000, 1000000, 10000000 or even more ejected to the rear. The scene was spectacular and the attack was powerful, but it could not bear the Chen Qi berserk’s divide fist. .

Chen Qi is still a fist, playing Celestial River, and the explosions are constantly happening. All these avatars are killed and their bodies explode into nothingness.

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