“Haha, suck it! Suck it hard!”

Chen Qi was shaken by a big hand, and the vortex above the virtual grip swelled up, reaching a number of hunted li, forming a star jade. Generally, hiding the sky and covering the earth, wu wu sounded, myriad steel giant mountain must be strangled into a smash. The last horrible suction was born from it.

This suction is like absorbing and strangling all the people, but it is not very berserk, but very gentle.

Because Chen Qi didn’t want to kill them like this, but slowly pulled away to save their lives.

Suddenly, a little Rule Power was missing from their Dao Fruit and within the body, and it floated over the sky. And they couldn’t resist at all.

“No! Chen Qi, what are you doing? You can’t do this, my cultivation base was absorbed by you? …”

“Spell with him!”

“Yes, we can’t let him absorb our cultivation base like that.”

The members of each and everyone Blood Divinity Palace saw more and more detachment of their cultivation. It was almost a rule line of 100 and 1000, and the strength on Dao Fruit was clearly seen drying up and becoming smaller.

“Even death won’t let this little thing absorb the old man’s cultivation base.”

Dozens of Blood Divinity Palace members are crazy and want to escape, they can’t just watch their cultivation base be taken away by Chen Qi.

But suddenly a Gravity Rule acted on them. Immediately this group of people were lying on the ground, only feeling a strong strength to oppress the body, making them unable to move. I can’t move it.

“Want to run, I still broke this idea with you. To tell you the truth, Blood Divinity Palace cannot stay in Immortal Realm today, you guys dead end.”

Chen Qi said, turning his gaze and looking at other members of the Blood Divinity Palace, pointing his arm, “And you guys, get me down.”

噗通! 噗通! 噗通! …

In conclusion, members of the Blood Divinity Palace who thousands upon thousands felt a Gravity Rule oppressing their bodies, countless people couldn’t bear crouched down on the spot, and some were kneeling on the ground, and there was no way to resist.

Humiliation, endless humiliation in mind!

At this moment, the members of the number 10000000 Blood Divinity Palace kneel in front of Chen Qi, the scene is spectacular, each and everyone 匍匐, shivering.

The former Blood Divinity Palace, with dignity, was completely buried in front of Chen Qi. No longer exists.

They have no face at all. Everyone has a status in Immortal Realm, who is in sharp contrast to the prestige.

have to say. Countless people are still in a state of tragedy. They don’t know why the Blood Divinity Palace changed a lot yesterday. Stepped on by Chen Qi fiercely. Extreme shame.

This scene should be the people of Blood Divinity Palace, it can only happen when others are taught, and definitely should not be treated like this by outsiders.

“Well, happy!”

The onlookers saw this rare scene in their hearts.

A little bit over time. Chen Qi’s breath was expanding. Within the body, there was an explosive roar, from head to toe, it was Rule, only half an hour later, Chen Qi passed out a breath of Grade 2 Immortal Saint.

He got a breakthrough again!

But this is not over yet, Chen Qi continues to absorb, and Dao Fruit, a member of the Blood Divinity Palace, slowly dries down, hating gnash the teeth.

“Damn! Chen Qi, this is your courting death, Blood Divinity Palace has never been so humiliated, you are killing yourself. We at Blood Divinity Palace are not so simple, this Emperor tells you a shocking secret.”

“The true influence behind Blood Divinity Palace is Hua Tianjun of Celestial Divinity Academy. Even this Emperor can only look up in front of him. He is rumored to divinity. Blood Divinity Palace is the one he built. My Yang Xuan is also Celestial Divinity Faction. He ’s one of our real leaders, and you ’ll die very hard … ”

Yang Xuan’s hysterical voice was transmitted deep underground. There was a shocking news.

“What? Hua Tianjun is the true leader of the Blood Divinity Palace? Is that leader Hua Tianjun of the Celestial Divinity Faction, the person who is rumored to be Immortal Realm’s first genius?”

Chen Qi’s frown was a big surprise.

The crowd around the audience burst into a bang, and each and everyone talked in private. Who is Hua Tianjun? That’s a rumored figure, sees the head of the divine dragon but not its tail, powerful and incredible. The influence behind didn’t expect Blood Divinity Palace turned out to be Hua Tianjun?

“Hahahaha, why, dog thing, are you afraid? If you are afraid, put this Emperor, otherwise, you will die miserably, his strength is not what you think, it will kill you. You killed Blood Divinity Palace, is a shame on him, you wait! “

Yang Xuan seemed to be laughing underground.

However, a Rule hand appeared, penetrated the ground, grabbed Yang Xuan, and came to Chen Qi. “Is Hua Tianjun really strong?”

“It seems you are really scared?” Yang Xuan said.

Chen Qi smiled indifferently, “Laozi is not afraid of anything, just afraid of your grandma 2 hammers.”


Yang Xuan’s face was distorted. This Chen Qi didn’t mean to be afraid. Yang Xuan both eyes erupted a bounding killing intent! I think Chen Qi simply eaten a bear’s heart and a leopard’s gallbladder.

“Yang Xuan, now your Blood Divinity Palace no longer exists, and you kneel for me!”

Chen Qi yelled loudly, Rule’s breath was shaking, and Yang Xuan’s head was covered, Ka-cha’s, Yang Xuan’s legs were shaken by Rule, his bones seemed to burst, and he knelt in front of Chen Qi with humiliation.

Pu chi!

But Yang Xuan had just kneeled down, and was struggling again. He stood up, Chen Qi covered his head again, and patted his hand on his head. Yang Xuan once again made a sound and knelt down completely in front of Chen Qi.


countless Blood Divinity Palace members are stupid.

Even their Immortal Emperor Yang Xuan Sir knelt before Chen Qi, and the prestige funeral of Blood Divinity Palace was completely left.

“You!” Yang Xuan contorts one’s face in agony, where there is still a bit of Immortal Emperor, unable to move by Rule’s shock, just kneeled in front of Chen Qi.

“Why are you? Winner is the king, loser is the villain. If you lose, you will be punished.”

Chen Qi slaps in the face again, Yang Xuan’s neck and bones make a ka-cha, almost break, and his whole head tilts. But Chen Qi was a palm again, straightening his head.

Yang Xuan wants to die, Chen Qi continues to absorb Rule Power.

And everyone has been watching. I found that today’s expression is not enough!

“Haha, what bullshit Immortal Emperor, and Blood Divinity Palace Lord, is not yet to become like this under Domain Lord Chen Qi, and deserve it.”

“Yes, he deserves it. Blood Divinity Palace should be eradicated. These people are so humiliated. Immortal they killed and Immortal Domain in the past years. The planet influence is not known. It is said that someone encountered Blood Divinity Palace before. The people who gave up were slower, and some quarrels occurred. This Blood Divinity Palace even destroyed the entire Immortal Domain by 100 planet influence. It is an immortal citizen of dozens of trillion. “

“It’s frenzied. I think it’s still light. Sir Chen Qi didn’t punish them enough.”

Some people muttered in a whisper, and really couldn’t get used to the evil in Blood Divinity Palace normally.

Such a strength and powerhouse can only encounter such humiliation if they encounter a genius evildoer like Chen Qi? Blood Divinity Palace This is normally evil, and gets retribution.

In the middle of discussion, another hour passed, and Dao Fruit, who was present at countless Blood Divinity Palace, had dried up. Chen Qi’s breath moved towards Grade 3 Immortal Saint’s cultivation base accumulation. It will break through soon.

Hong long!

Chen Qi within the body swelled, the vortex-absorbed Rule formed a Celestial River, perfused Chen Qi’s head, and the cultivation base was greatly improved. When everyone present was absorbed, Chen Qi had accumulated to Peak.

Suddenly, he patted his hands, and the right palm heart gave birth to vortex. It hit Yang Xuan’s head, Yang Xuan gave a terrible cry, and then a cultivation base appeared. He was an Immortal Emperor, and a movement technique was very robust. .

Suddenly pulling out a lot of Rule torrents to infuse Chen Qi, Yang Xuan struggled hard and was easily subdued by Chen Qi. Keep absorbing.


Chen Qi’s body skyrocketed, breaking through to the Grade 3 Immortal Saint cultivation base.

Not only that, Chen Qi continues to absorb. Half an hour later, Berserk’s suction effect on Yang Xuan was completely unscrupulous plunder, pouring his entire cultivation base into Chen Qi within the body.

Although most of the cultivation base of Yang Xuan has been wasted during the conversion process, there is still a strong strength.

An air wave spread from Chen Qi’s body surface, sweeping around the circleference. It seems like a thunder rolls explosion.


Chen Qi broke through again, and the breath soared into the sky, scrolling the mountain and rivers earth, the starry sky above, and the moment it was completely absorbed, he broke through to Grade 4 Immortal Saint!

Chen Qi both eyes. strength has been enhanced again.

“I am also Grade 4 Immortal Saint now. With my current strength, as long as I don’t touch the Old Antique of Immortal Realm, I can’t threaten me.” Chen Qi squeezed the fist, and the sound of the explosion rang through the audience.

He has now broken through to Grade 4 Immortal Saint, and Exp Points has gone up a lot, from 13 million in the past, to 16 million now in Exp Points.

At this moment, these countless Blood Divinity Palace members who were absorbed by Chen Qi, each and everyone is equivalent to being abolished by the cultivation base by Chen Qi, and there is no longer the past scenery, each and everyone is stupid.

All their status and identity has nothing to do with them.

Some just hate Chen Qi.

Even though Yang Xuan was in a hazy state, he could not detect that he had any strength within the body, it was totally unacceptable, and he was about to go crazy.

Chen Qi felt the hatred eyes of countless Double Blood Divinity Palace, but disapproved. “You people, in Immortal Realm regardless of the law and of natural morality, wantonly, destroy the Immortal Domain, funerate the imillion, and kill the immortal at will. When you were a citizen, why did n’t you want to think about the people you killed? How did you hate you? “

“Now this is the end you deserve. It seems that you have a lot of hatred against me. Tsk tsk. But rest assured, I will soon get you the punishment you deserve. This is just pediatrics. The real punishment is still there Behind.”

“You Blood Divinity Palace dare to mess with me and destroy my woman race. It is impossible to let you go like this, Laozi is not to be trifled with”

While speaking, Chen Qi turned his gaze and looked at the crowd in the distance, grinning: “Everyone said, how can I punish them better?”

“Ling them late, and then killing them.”

The crowd immediately started to coax. Screaming. It can be seen that Blood Divinity Palace’s bad behavior in these years has suffered the resentment of Immortal Realm countless Immortal.

“Throw it into the sea to feed the fish.”

“Burst their chrysanthemum.”

“Let them sing conquest!” Suddenly an Immortal yelled.


ps: Thank you all for voting. . Thank you, Chuchu, Banxia Bansha Banqiancheng, I have a beautiful reward. .


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