Gu gu !

Suddenly, a weird sound came from behind him, and a huge colored toad appeared on the back of Chen Qi, the size of a house, opened his mouth wide, and sprayed poison qi.

This is sneak attack!

The Old Ancestor Tian Qing in the distance couldn’t help but hit it, the complexion was distorted.

The defeat of two Old Ancestors by Chen Qi made Old Ancestor Tian Qing aware of the seriousness of the problem. This Chen Qi has reached a point of extreme abnormality. No further containment will be made. Celestial Divinity Academy is afraid that no one except Hua Tianjun can stop it.

Old Ancestor Tian Qing’s eyes were extremely shocked. This kind of eyes only appeared when he saw Hua Tianjun. He witnessed the rapid growth of Hua Tianjun.

But now he sees Chen Qi, although it is not as strong as Hua Tianjun’s strength, it also frightens Old Ancestor Tian Qing.

So he must do everything possible to destroy Chen Qi.

The toad appeared behind Chen Qi in an instant, roaring into the sky, spitting countless poison, and turned into poison qi long river. Among them was a black river of light. The countless picture appeared. It was a hallucinatory poison qi. It only affected the human body. At a glance, there is a special influence that makes people immersed in the illusion, the body loses its autonomy, and is caught and killed by the weak spot.

However, the light rule bloomed in Chen Qi’s mind, sweeping away all the Illusion Technique pictures in the consciousness, and the spirit stunned and suddenly the word was beheaded!

In the hands of the Ruler Level treasure sword, Sun and Moon Emperor Sword blooms in the trillion rays of light, assassinates directly, wherever he goes, poison qi is chopped to 2 sides, the speed is merged with the Time Rule, and the toad’s head is stabbed in a moment, and Rule enters it. Inside the body, the constant impact, destroying the body, died on the spot.

Together with soul died under the severe Sword Qi.

Although this toad is powerful, even the ordinary Immortal Emperor can be poisoned to death, but Chen Qi’s current strength is just a little toad.

Old Ancestor Tian Qing was shocked again, and the body burst out of overflowing heaven’s poison qi.

In his cultivation ’s Poison Rule, multi-colored poison qi erupted in the skin pustules of the entire person, including black, green, blue, red, and so on. Multi-colored mist transpiration, gathered together into a venom river, as long as a drop fell into the world The sea, all creatures in the sea will die.

After each drop of venom falls into the water, it can erupt countless mist, spread the entire sea area, die, and even infect the earth. The place there may become Place of Death, barren, trees withered, and decay.

However, Chen Qi is more powerful. Holding Sun and Moon Emperor Sword, the 3 types of Rule Power deep in my head are completely insane. In the hands of Sun and Moon Emperor Sword, the blooming rays of light cover the stars and surpass everything. Like World rays of light source, only this place of light is left, and it becomes a gorgeous flowing light.

Rule broke out of Sword Qi, the weather myriad, his body moved, and his body ’s 7-color light barrier protected him perfectly, the time ripples appeared, the space around the body became faster, and he blinked into poison qi in the blink of an eye.

Chi chi!

Poison qi contaminates the body protection Rule, and zi zi rings, but it cannot break his body protection. Today, the body protection inspired by Chen Qi’s strength is so powerful. Just drill into it and brush it.

The crowd saw a skull flying up into the sky. both eyes with incredible.

Old Ancestor Tian Qing did not respond at all, and was beheaded by Chen Qi sword!

Old Ancestor Tian Qing’s body fell down, but Sacred Talisman was included in the storage ring by Chen Qi. There are also several storage rings of Old Ancestor. Everything on the body turns into a light beam and falls into the hands of Chen Qi.

The soul of Old Ancestor Tian Qing is in extreme fear. To try to escape, Chen Qi grabbed it directly. The three Old Ancestor souls were captured by Chen Qi and lost any resistance.

Everyone in the audience was sluggish at the moment. Needle drop can be heard.

Old Ancestor Jian Tian, ​​Old Ancestor Guang Ming, Old Ancestor Tian Qing, who originally came to kill Chen Qi, but were killed by Chen Qi. The disciple countless people of the Celestial Divinity Academy are shaking, both eyes reveal the rays of light of fear .

“We Old Ancestor … aren’t our opponents?”

“It’s impossible. The three Old Ancestors are all immortal Realm’s famous figures. How could they not be Chen Qi’s opponents? It must have been my eyesight, it must be, this is not true, it must be false.”

Some Celestial Divinity Academy disciple keep pounding their thighs, others close their eyes and open them, the same picture several times.

In the air, Chen Qi Rule grabbed 3 Old Ancestor souls with his hands. Black soul’s fragile Kelly in Chen Qi’s hands could be killed by Chen Qi at any time.

“Evildoer, it’s just evildoer … how can our Celestial Divinity Academy offend this evildoer.”

Old Ancestor Tian Qing is in fear, so is the rest of Old Ancestor Jian Tian, ​​Old Ancestor Guang Ming, soul is shaking in the hands of Chen Qi, and his mind is in a horrible despair.

Hong long!

Just as Chen Qi was about to kill the three Old Ancestors, a booming sound came from a distance, a bright silhouette, like the blazing sun swept through the sky, burned everything, shot from the depths, and at the same time a Sword Qi Through Henggu, the shot was approaching.

“It’s Hua Tianjun! Absolutely Hua Tianjun, our Celestial Divinity Academy’s most powerhouse is finally here.” Celestial Divinity Academy everyone is happy.

“help me!”

All three Old Ancestors were all surprised, but unfortunately, a ripple of time spread and immediately shrouded this Sword Qi and slowed it down. At the same time, Rule forcedly strangled and turned the three Old Ancestors into surprises. Despair followed by a look of death, which exploded and was buried in the hands of Chen Qi.

Not even Hua Tianjun rescued them.

Thoroughly reduced to nothingness.

Although Sword Qi is amazingly powerful, even Chen Qi ’s Time Power has only been broken for a short time. Sword Qi comes to Chen Qi, and Chen Qi directly performs Almighty Push, bounces this Sword Qi, and shoots backwards. Back, moved towards that flame silhouette shot.

Then Sword Qi returned to the body, not at all caused any impact on Hua Tianjun silhouette, and integrated into his within the body.

“Impudent! Who made you wantonly to kill Celestial Divinity Old Ancestor? You are in courting death! Chen Qi, roll over to Laozi!”

Hua Tianjun’s vocal all directions Everyone covered their ears, it was too robust.

The silhouette couldn’t see his face at all, because it was a blazing sun silhouette with a blazing flame, slamming the Flame Rule, and the hot heat sweeping the circumference 10 million li, which plunged everyone into a scorching heat.

Everyone has been far away from the competition stage. I can still feel this powerful breath, oppressing the mountain and rivers, and let the soul wish to kneel down and worship this silhouette deeply.

It seems that there are 1000 huge suns merging into Hua Tianjun, burning everything, flame Divinity exists, distorting Space, everyone can only narrow their eyes to see, otherwise they may be blind.

Only Chen Qi dares to look directly into the flame silhouette.

“Is this the true body of Hua Tianjun?”

Chen Qi felt the heat waves and it was extremely scary. This person was stronger than the last avatar. It made Chen Qi feel shocked. Is this person a true body or avatar?

Chen Qi kept looking at the flame silhouette, as if feeling a pair of sharp eyes glanced down, with pride and contempt.

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