This silhouette is extraordinary in beauty, but with an icy atmosphere, it is difficult to approach, with a killing intent in his eyes and staring at Chen Qi.

“Who dares to jump in front of your Young Master? Cao.”

Chen Qi turned around and looked up and down, holding Divinity Beating Whip in his hand, directly over the top, and pulling out the shadow of Divine Whip from several dozen li distance, majestic overbearing, with the tendency of mountains bursting and ground splitting.

But when the long whip was about to fall, Chen Qi took a closer look. It didn’t matter. At a glance, Chen Qi eyeball almost stared out. “Fuck, Nangong Yue’er, why are you here?”

Chen Qi stared wide-eyed, retracted the attack, and stared up and down at Nangong Yue’er.

Isn’t this the former Nangong Yue’er?

Although it has become more beautiful, the beautiful five senses can still be clearly recognized, that is, Nangong Yue’er, Chen Qi can’t recognize wrong.

And now, the breath on Nangong Yue’er is really strong.

“Chen Qi, didn’t expect to meet you here. Hehe. Why, can’t bear to start?”

Nangong Yue’er stared at Chen Qi. She naturally remembered Chen Qi. Although her heart was sealed up, it did not mean that she did not know the Chen Qi in front of her. It was during the True Martial Continent. The teenager I know.

It’s just that Nangong Yue’er both eyes doesn’t have the slightest emotion, as if looking at a stranger.

“I heard that Immortal Realm recently released a peerless genius, also known as Chen Qi. Didn’t expect is really you. Didn’t expect you to grow so fast, it is already the boundary of Grade 1 Immortal Emperor, but you are not my opponent. Give up your whip and spare you not to die, otherwise I won’t show mercy. “

Nangong Yue’er said extremely calmly.

Suddenly, she shot directly, and the slender palm hit it, but it was the sacred light falling from the layer upon layer, dispersing 10000 spirits and suppressing all Evil Spirit Foreign Dao. The boundless strength was implemented on Chen Qi, which made Chen Qi feel. huge stress.

“This attack strength, are you already False Divinity, I’ll wipe it, Yue’er, you’re awesome. It is worthy of the Spiritual Divinity Bloodline.”

“But Old Friend met, not to shout and kill. Although your heart is sealed, but I still treat you as a friend, we don’t need to kill, it’s boring. But this Divine Whip, I can’t give it to you. When will you be fine It ’s saying, Nangong Yue’er I know is not like you. ”

Chen Qi grinned.

Divine Whip shook, shattering all attacks, with no difficulty disintegrating.

Nangong Yue’er’s eyes showed a hint of surprise.

She is False Divinity Boundary, but was so easily resisted by Chen Qi. Immortal Emperor was able to resist her attack, which really surprised Nangong Yue’er.

“Since you don’t hand it over, let’s die.”

The wings behind Nangong Yue’er flickered, and the speed was so fast that Chen Qi had never thought of it.

This is a wing from cultivation, which is connected to her strength, just like her body and arms. It is very fast, and a sharp sword appears in her hand. Assassination comes over, and the whole sea boils, showing the tsunami and the wind sweeping. strikes Chen Qi.

Almighty Push !

With one stroke, all attacks were bounced back and deterred Nangong Yue’er.

Nangong Yue’er is sword slashed out again, like the sword of sun, moon, stars, tearing it up, his body appeared in another corner, and he attacked Chen Qi.

The body flashed again and again, wherever it appeared, there were countless beautiful silhouettes, assassinating 1000 Myriad Sword, which is a steel mountain under this kind of Sword Qi, it will also become crushed, Sword Qi shuttles, will Space is cut into air bricks, piece by piece.

If it is a physical body, it will become like this shape, but all attacks fall on Chen Qi, behind the countless Rule hands, tear it all and resist.

Chen Qi’s strength can kill False Divinity, and Nangong Yue’er is not his opponent.

However, Chen Qi can obviously feel that Nangong Yue’er’s strength is much stronger than the general False Divinity, then Sword Qi’s sturdy, and the general False Divinity may be killed.

With the speed of Nangong Yue’er, it showed a powerful lethality.

Unfortunately, Chen Qi’s Phoenix Wings are not bad, even faster than Nangong Yue’er, walking between attacks without letting Sword Qi hit.

Even if there are some hits, the 7-color body protection Rule is rippled, and it is almost avoided.

Divinity Beating Whip strikes in the hands, explosions continue to blast, myriad whip shadow and Sword Qi touch together, cracks in Space appear, and seawater 4 splashes. The endless sea world becomes overturning seas and rivers.

“Icebound Rule!”


Nangong Yue’er’s eyes were cold, and he suddenly made a powerful attack. The entire surface of the human body was rippling with ripples, countless mysterious rune appeared, and each one carried the breath of icebound the whole world, even soul and mind.

It’s as if Nangong Yue’er has become Iceberg deep in Iceberg for 100,000 years. Obliterate everything Icebound.

The breath enveloped Chen Qi’s body, making him somewhat stiff and startled. I feel that my meridian, flesh, every inch of body is fixed, can not move, Rule body protection also stops running, everything is quiet.

“Icebound Rule, one of the Supreme Rules, to cooperate with the cold, Chen Qi, you are not my opponent.”

Nangong Yue’er’s voice was cold and ruthless. Suddenly, the long sword in his hands was a cross, and Chen Qi’s head was taken.

At this time, the blood of Chen Qi within the body suddenly boiled, Flame Rule emerged, Amaterasu Fire operated according to Vermilion Bird Burning World Secret Art, and Icebound’s body became active.

Almost instantly, the cold was wiped out, and the Icebound Rule of Nangong Yue’er was also wiped out, shaking.

Suddenly the arm stretched out, the speed was fast, and the body moved sideways to grab Nangong Yue’er’s slender wrist. Although the wrist was white, with a touch of coldness.

“Yue’er, your strength is getting stronger and stronger, and you almost even killed me just now. But now, it is impossible to use this trick.”

Chen Qi grabbed Yue’er’s hand and said with a smile. He promised Nangong Yue’er that he would not know this cold Yue’er, and naturally he would not be a killer. Otherwise not killed with the real Nangong Yue’er?

“let me go!”

Nangong Yue’er found that Chen Qi’s wrist was so powerful that he couldn’t shake it at all.

Chen Qi’s thirteen types of Rule Power display, along with Time Power spreading arms, contaminated Yue’er, allowing her body and movement to be restricted.

But next moment, Nangong Yue’er broke out again with a strong strength, Icebound Rule, and Icebound everything. The breath erupted from within the body, which was extremely scary.

Showing the glacial atmosphere, you can see a large area of ​​cold and Rule ripple layer upon layer spreading, where it spreads, where the sea is all ka-cha Icebound.

Just now, the vast great sea that was turbulent and turbulent, but it was Icebound at this moment, and even some of the currents were flying, and they stayed in the air and became water columns.

The vast great sea has become a cold-ice land, transformed into a cold winter and a cold heart. The 1-layer Icebound Rule spreads on 4 sides, and the air freezes. The whole world has turned into an endless white world.

Nangong Yue’er is wearing a silver white armor, towering Void, on the back grows a wing, with the indifferent both eyes, fair skin, like the ice of Divine Maiden, the cold is scary.

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